【小暑】龍宮曬龍袍 . . 俗諺:小暑過…

#二十四節氣、#小暑、#蓮藕、#解熱食物rnrn【Minor Heat】 Drying the dragon robes under the sun in the Dragon Palace

As the Chinese saying goes: “The day gets hotter by 30% after the Minor Heat solar term.”
Add to the fact that the temperatures are rising globally as a result of global warming, summers just gets hotter year after year. Today is the day of the 11th solar term – Minor Heat.

As its name implies, “Minor Heat” is a time when the weather starts to get a bit hot, yet it is not at the hottest point of the year. Even so, we need to make sure that we apply sunblock and hydrate ourselves with sufficient water in order to avoid getting heatstroke. This is also the time when we need to be more cautious about our diet.

Legend has it that this is the day that the dragon robes in the Dragon Palace are placed out in the sun to dry. This is because in the few days before the Minor Heat solar term, the sun is strong, the days are long and the temperature is high. Hence everybody will rush to bring out their thick blankets and winter wear and place them under the sun to absorb the sunlight which helps to remove the mold, dampness and kill germs!

So what type of food is appropriate for this season?
Many people will instinctively think of colorful fruits. Other than fruits, the Chinese also believe that lotus root is the best food for this solar term. Lotus roots are rich in vitamin C and minerals. According to traditional Chinese beliefs, other benefits of consuming lotus roots include dispelling of heat, appetite stimulation, digestion and calming of the nerves. The rich fibers in it will also aid in metabolism. However, lotus roots are cooling in nature, hence folks who have weaker disposition and folks whose stomach and spleen are not as strong should not consume too much of it.

If you have used lotus roots as ingredients in your dish, please take photos and share with us here!

#24SolarTerms, #MinorHeat, #LotusRoot, #HeatDissipationFood

#二十四節氣、#小暑、#蓮藕、#解熱食物rnrn【Minor Heat】 Drying the dragon robes under the sun in the Dragon Palace
As the Chinese saying goes: “The day gets hotter by 30% after the Minor Heat solar term.”
Add to the fact that the temperatures are rising globally as a result of global warming, summers just gets hotter year after year. Today is the day of the 11th solar term – Minor Heat. 
As its name implies, “Minor Heat” is a time when the weather starts to get a bit hot, yet it is not at the hottest point of the year. Even so, we need to make sure that we apply sunblock and hydrate ourselves with sufficient water in order to avoid getting heatstroke. This is also the time when we need to be more cautious about our diet. 
Legend has it that this is the day that the dragon robes in the Dragon Palace are placed out in the sun to dry. This is because in the few days before the Minor Heat solar term, the sun is strong, the days are long and the temperature is high. Hence everybody will rush to bring out their thick blankets and winter wear and place them under the sun to absorb the sunlight which helps to remove the mold, dampness and kill germs!
So what type of food is appropriate for this season?
Many people will instinctively think of colorful fruits. Other than fruits, the Chinese also believe that lotus root is the best food for this solar term. Lotus roots are rich in vitamin C and minerals. According to traditional Chinese beliefs, other benefits of consuming lotus roots include dispelling of heat, appetite stimulation, digestion and calming of the nerves. The rich fibers in it will also aid in metabolism. However, lotus roots are cooling in nature, hence folks who have weaker disposition and folks whose stomach and spleen are not as strong should not consume too much of it. 
If you have used lotus roots as ingredients in your dish, please take photos and share with us here!
#24SolarTerms,  #MinorHeat,  #LotusRoot,  #HeatDissipationFood


在〈【小暑】龍宮曬龍袍 . . 俗諺:小暑過…〉中有 20 則留言

  1. 我小时候最喜欢吃藕,怎么做我都喜欢吃,把藕当饭吃都可以。但是现在怎么不觉得藕象小时候吃到那么好吃了?这个季节吃藕应当凉拌吧?现在,荷塘里的莲花开得正艳,不知道藕是从哪儿来的?感恩师父分享!

  2. 师父师母吉祥幸福???我们这里刚好与国内相反,现在正值深冬,天气一天比一天冷,弟子喜欢早上先做大礼拜,做完身体热呼呼的,再接着打坐念经半小时,稍微有点冷了再练半小时大光明,一个轮回下来感觉能量满满的???顶礼感恩师父慈悲传授我们神奇妙法???

  3. 感恩师父慈悲分享和关爱!弟子喜欢吃莲藕,嘿嘿??。感恩师父!顶礼叩拜师父!?❤???

  4. 感恩师父〔小暑〕开示!炎热的夏季,防晒,补水,预防中暑,饮食注意卫生,防止胃肠疾病,被褥,棉衣晒晒,接收阳光的洗礼,除霉,去湿和杀菌。莲藕入菜,就等看上传照片了。顶礼感恩师父!

  5. 感恩上师的慈悲分享!跟着上师学知识,长见识!小暑是一年中的第十一个节气。小暑的到来意为着一年中最热的天气来到了,上师关心我们在生活中要注意的细节。藕是我们这的特产。感恩慈悲的上师。弟子真诚顶礼叩拜恩师!

  6. 感恩师父慈悲分享!看师父分享的藕片一定好吃,好多天没有吃藕了,明天一定去买来做着吃。感谢师父对弟子们的关心关爱!祝师父心想事成吉祥快乐!

  7. 感恩师父慈悲开示!小著吃藕!弟子也非常喜欢吃藕!只是直接吵着吃?!我们有师就不怕任何节气!师父时时呵护着我们生活健康饮食!再加上禅修!走八卦!哈哈哈让我们健康快乐幸福每一天!?叩拜

  8. 感恩师父慈悲关爱,小暑补水多喝水,小暑补养多吃藕, 川菜里夏天爱用红花藕炖排骨汤,糖醋凉伴莲藕,莲藕炒木耳等,都很美味儿可口,我还喜欢一道罗汉斋,里面就有莲藕,粉丝,豆腐,竹荪和各种绿色蔬菜乱炒一起,味道好极了。可惜在纽约我很少买莲藕,因为买不到家乡那么新鲜白嫩的藕.

  9. 弟子记住了了,这是日照最长的一天,养生常识都收到了???祝福佛师幸福吉祥???

  10. 感恩师父慈悲分享和关爱!看师父分享的藕片非常喜欢吃,感恩师父时时呵护着我们!禅修生活健康与饮食!感恩师父!祝愿师父心想事成,吉祥如意!

  11. 师父好!师父我觉着我的肚子好奇怪,天天总是像冰窖一样凉,我吃了紫寇丸去寒的还有去风湿的都白吃,一点不管用!而且我的脑袋也是紧紧的!上来我就要哆嗦身体!记得前年我做大光明画圈时,闭眼时我就看到肚子里包了一层蛇皮!我吓了一跳!师父是不是这样所以我的寒气重的去不掉!愿师父保佑!

  12. 感恩慈父分享关爱,收到了师父的分享吃藕的办法,谢谢师父的呵护爱心,感恩师父,祝师父法体安康,永远吉祥,高兴,???

  13. 看到大家的评论都好开心!我真的有点羡慕!师父我总感觉我好像度日如年!一点都没有那种开心的感觉!前些天我心里突然有一天好敞亮,刚有那么一次突然就又打回原形了!师父说的对,太高兴,就一定会伤心,可是师父我怎么天天都是抑郁的?!我好想放下我的烦恼!让自己变个人!

  14. 感恩师父慈悲分享!原来小暑吃藕啊!但是我不太喜欢吃,少吃点也是可以的。
