歡喜快樂心從何而來? . 最近有則新聞,…

#禪修問答、#聞法歡喜心、#助人慈悲心、#無上喜悅rnrnWhere do joy and happiness come from?

Recently, there was news of a famous hair stylist who offered free hair cuts on a weekly basis for the homeless on the streets of New York City. He recalled: “Although I worked in a high-class hair saloon and earned a very decent income, I was not happy. It was not until when I decided to offer my services to the less privileged that I began to discover that the greatest happiness comes from helping people with no expectation of a return.”

In fact, “Giving unconditionally” is the greatest happiness in life. It flows truly and sincerely from the heart and is not dependent on any factors. It is similar to the kind of joy that naturally develops after attaining a deep meditative state; this is what we call “Dharma Bliss”.

There may be more to the meaning of “Dharma Bliss”.
“Dharma Bliss” is often used to describe the wonderful feeling you experience in your meditation journey, which we also term it as having a “joyous heart”; or after listening to Master or enlightened persons sharing on buddhist teachings, or after reading a particular verse in the Buddhist scriptures, one experience a breakthrough in his understanding and feel connected to Buddhism and the Truth, followed by overwhelming waves of happiness and respect. This feeling of Dharma Bliss is beyond description and incomparable with our usual sensual happiness.

The Dharma bliss not only encourages one to deepen his practice, but also raises one’s level of consciousness, awareness, and enlightens the self and others. This joy one experience through compassionate spontaneous giving is something that cannot be brought through monetary ways, such that the giver may never feel tired, however exhausted he is when performing such acts.

When we do good deeds with compassion, we are blessed with more compassion. Such blessing is beautiful and auspicious, and truly Dharma Bliss.

#MeditationQ&A, #JoyousHeartUponHearingDharma, #HelpingOthersWithACompassionateHeart, #ImmeasurableJoy

#禪修問答、#聞法歡喜心、#助人慈悲心、#無上喜悅rnrnWhere do joy and happiness come from?

Recently, there was news of a famous hair stylist who offered free hair cuts on a weekly basis for the homeless on the streets of New York City. He recalled: “Although I worked in a high-class hair saloon and earned a very decent income, I was not happy. It was not until when I decided to offer my services to the less privileged that I began to discover that the greatest happiness comes from helping people with no expectation of a return.” 

In fact, “Giving unconditionally” is the greatest happiness in life. It flows truly and sincerely from the heart and is not dependent on any factors. It is similar to the kind of joy that naturally develops after attaining a deep meditative state; this is what we call “Dharma Bliss”.

There may be more to the meaning of “Dharma Bliss”. 
 “Dharma Bliss” is often used to describe the wonderful feeling you experience in your meditation journey, which we also term it as having a “joyous heart”; or after listening to Master or enlightened persons sharing on buddhist teachings, or after reading a particular verse in the Buddhist scriptures, one experience a breakthrough in his understanding and feel connected to Buddhism and the Truth, followed by overwhelming waves of happiness and respect. This feeling of Dharma Bliss is beyond description and incomparable with our usual sensual happiness.

The Dharma bliss not only encourages one to deepen his practice, but also raises one’s level of consciousness, awareness, and enlightens the self and others.  This joy one experience through compassionate spontaneous giving is something that cannot be brought through monetary ways,    such that the giver may never feel tired, however exhausted he is when performing such acts.

When we do good deeds with compassion, we are blessed with more compassion. Such blessing is beautiful and auspicious, and truly Dharma Bliss. 

#MeditationQ&A, #JoyousHeartUponHearingDharma, #HelpingOthersWithACompassionateHeart, #ImmeasurableJoy


在〈歡喜快樂心從何而來? . 最近有則新聞,…〉中有 33 則留言

  1. 感恩师父慈悲开示!自己在精进修行的同时,还要不求回报的 自发性的去帮助别人,

  2. 感恩師父慈悲分享,心中有愛心的人最快樂,最美,祝福師父吉祥如意,法體安康!

  3. 感恩师父慈悲开示与分享!歡喜快樂心從何而來,當我們懷著慈悲心去行善時,便會獲得佛慈悲能量的加持,這樣的能量最是美妙、最是吉祥,是謂「法喜」!感恩师父给予慈悲能量的加持!如今能做点帮助人事了。顶礼叩拜尊贵上师!!!

  4. 南無阿彌陀佛,南無阿彌陀佛,南無阿彌陀佛,感恩恭敬师父,慈悲开示,真诚顶礼,师父分享吉祥如意

  5. 師父早上好,金修闊感恩師父今早慈悲的開示,我們常有不求回報的心,自覺覺他去幫助他人,用慈悲心和歡喜心去行善,便可獲得佛慈悲的能量加持,師父說过,我們有多大的慈悲心和願力去幫人,師父给我們的法力和能量便有多大,是成正比例的!
    能有佛慈悲和師父的加持,那種能量是最吉祥,最美妙,也就是我們常說的 “法喜”, 禅堂三寳之一的”加持” 正是個很好的例子,再祝師父法体安康,法輪常轉,弘法順利,普渡更多有緣众生 !

  6. 師父早 ,謝謝師父 ,弟子看到這篇說明現在也充滿法喜了 ,感恩師父 ,生命因為有您而美好又美妙 ,吉祥如意 !

  7. 一個人只想到自己的話 常常會陷入觀感的死胡同 只有走出自我的巢殼 勇敢擁抱人群 生命才會出現曙光 這是一種非常奇妙的體驗 只有真的去實踐了 才能感受到那種神奇的美好 感恩師父提供如此美麗的故事 讚嘆不已!

  8. 欢喜遇到佛师???所有一切弟子都没什么健康就是最好的。感恩养育我们的大自然???感恩守护我们的亲人???感恩身边所拥有的一切???

  9. 在师父的引导之下,让弟子学会了慈悲,并实修行善在菩提路上,让我天天感到法喜满满。感恩师父。

  10. 感恩师父慈悲开示!帮助别人后是非常快乐的,感恩师父加持!自己也有点点成就感。有时候兴奋晚上睡不着,法喜原来是这样的。哈哈哈?

  11. 感恩师父慈悲开示。欢喜快乐的心是从慈悲、奉献、付出、助人、行善中得来,是从听闻师父的开示悟道的欢喜心,以及修行中获得的美妙感受的法喜心中得来的。只有我们心怀慈悲善念,无所求的去帮人自觉觉他,就能获得佛慈悲能量的加持,就能让法喜充满快乐吉祥!

  12. 感恩师父慈悲开示!用自己的一技之长无所求的奉献与助人,心中升起欢喜快乐永恒。

  13. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示!當我們懷著慈悲心去行善時,便會獲得佛慈悲能量的加持,這樣的能量最是美妙、最是吉祥,是謂「法喜」!顶礼感恩师父!???

  14. 感恩师父教诲,弟子帮助人后,浅尝法喜滋味,真是无上喜悦,无以言表,弟子有缘追随上师修行,得无上法喜,真是三生有幸,定要珍惜,好好修行,错过今生,哪有来世?感恩!???

  15. 感恩师父慈悲开示!法喜从无私助人中来,从理解佛师开示中来,从禅修中来。

  16. 感恩师父慈悲开示!弟子收到!快乐来自与付出与帮助他人!心中的自在快乐与幸福!?叩拜

  17. 感恩师父慈悲开示!「法喜」可能是聽到師父、開悟者說法;或看到某段佛學經典心領神會、心開意解,所產生的歡喜和恭敬,此時心中有無限的喜悅。這不是一般娛樂所能比擬,我們又稱之為法喜。法喜,不僅止於一個人的參透修行,而是在自覺之外還能覺人,是不求任何回報,自發性的幫助人後,那種內心散發的愉悅感,是任何金錢也買不到的。能夠不求回報去幫人,心中時時存著慈悲和歡喜的心,如此即使身體再苦也不覺勞累!當我們懷著慈悲心去行善時,便會獲得佛慈悲能量的加持,這樣的能量最是美妙、最是吉祥,是謂「法喜」!真诚顶礼尊贵的佛师!

  18. 感恩师父慈悲开示!其实[奉献]是人生最大的快乐,用慈悲、助人为乐去帮助有需要的人,心中时时存在着慈悲和欢乐的心,最是吉祥,是謂法喜!

  19. 感恩师父慈悲教悔,美好快乐不是金钱能买到,当你不为金钱乐于奉献助人时,是真正的快乐.

  20. 感恩师父慈悲开示,感恩师父慈悲的教悔和关怀护佑,多做善事多帮人,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  21. 感恩上师的慈悲分享!对别人付出和帮助,自己内心是很快乐的,我也有过这样的体验。上师教诲我们要怀着慈悲心去行善,这样就能获得佛慈悲能量的加持。精进修行是我一生的愿望。南无大慈大悲金菩提上师???
