【世界環境日】 一起捍衛「地球」我們的母…

2015年環境日口號 : 「70億人的夢,1個地球,消費須謹慎有度。」
【World Environment Day】
Let us protect our mother Earth

Our Earth is sick, has global warming taken a turn for the worse?
Global warming has caused many phenomena such as the earth’s climate anomalies, ecological disturbances and extreme weather. In the past, an average drought or flood occurred only once in ten years; however, the occurrence of droughts and floods is more frequent now. We are all part of this earth and we need everyone to realize and work together to conserve the earth.

On June 5th, 1972, the first United Nations Conference on Human Environment was held in the capital of Sweden, Stockholm. On the day of the conference, environmental issues were highlighted as one of the core projects to be undertaken and June 5th was even nominated to be 【World Environment Day】 to raise awareness.

What should we do on this special day?
On this day, there are no special appeals for any particular action but everyone should take their own initiative starting from their daily activities, for instance, conducting environmental education to reduce carbon emissions, saving energy, consuming less meat and exploring ecological conservation through various avenues. Through changing lifestyles and living habits, we can try to minimize the damage we inflict on the Earth. Let us all conscientiously conserve the Earth so that its condition will not deteriorate further and maybe hopefully even improve.

【World Environment Day】 exists to raise awareness of the existing damage to the Earth and serves as a reminder to all to be more conscious in our daily actions.

Let us all acknowledge…
【We all have a role to play in saving the Earth】

Year 2015 World Environment Day slogan: “Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care”.

Reference: https://zh.wikipedia.org/…/%E5%85%A8%E7%90%83%E5%8F%98%E6%9…=
#WorldEnvironmentDay, #ConserveTheEnvironment, #LoveTheEarth, #ConserveTheEarth


在〈【世界環境日】 一起捍衛「地球」我們的母…〉中有 25 則留言

  1. 爱护地球,人人有责!从我做起,俭朴节约。勤于打扫,环境清洁。减少污染,少造垃圾,一蔬一饭皆应珍惜;衣帽鞋袜,不用太多,舒服大方,够穿即可。对人对物,恭敬爱护,心怀善意,勤扫心地。感恩师父分享!师父,我爱您!

  2. 师父好!〔拯救地球,人人有责。〕母亲健康,子女才安心。顶礼感恩师父慈悲大爱!

  3. 师父早!捍卫地球健康是人人的责任!让我们尽一份心支持保护它!???感恩师父分享!

  4. 感恩师父,爱惜我们的地球母亲,从师父倡导的每一件事做起,弟子要力行做好!

  5. 拯救地球,人人有责。地球生病,人类罪过,爱护地球,保护环境,从我做起,善待地球,让地球重获健康,让我们的家园更加清新自然美丽。

  6. 感恩师父慈悲分享!捍卫地球健康是人人的责任!让我们尽一份心支持保护它!讓我們一齊大聲的說,拯救地球,人人有責!顶礼感恩师父慈悲大爱!

  7. 师父,您好!謝謝师父大慈大悲的教导我們!「拯救地球,人人有責」。感恩师父!

  8. 感恩慈悲的师父!祈愿全世界的人民都越来越爱护环境!祈愿世界环境污染越来越少!祈愿世界环境越来越美丽!

  9. 感恩师父慈悲开示!弟子收到!保护好环境!从生活做起!消费有度!爱好地球母亲!师父加持家人能智慧明了,消费有度,不买多余的,慈悲喜舍!做个慈悲博爱的智者!?叩拜

  10. 最大問題是暖化造成氣候極端化。根本原因是人類過度開發,大量伐木縮減綠地。菩提何不發動全球種樹活動。教化當權者立法限縮開發比率,同時廣植森林綠地。

  11. 感恩师父慈悲开示!地球只有一个我们应该爱护!从小事做起,重复利用水资源一水多用。多用自己的购物袋减少塑料垃圾。

  12. 感恩师父慈悲分享!今天是「世界環境日」,在這一天,不是由誰在特別號召做出什麼樣的行動,而是由每個人自發性地、從生活的小事做起,例如将洗菜的水浇花使用,节约用水,少开空调,少制造垃圾等等,1個地球,消費須謹慎有度!!!愿大家一起真心捍衛「地球」我們的母親!真诚顶礼尊贵的佛师!

  13. 师父晚上?好,感恩师父对世界环境日一捍卫我们的母亲的慈悲开示与教化,并提醒全世界,注意地球之母的现阶段壮况,和人类活动对环境可能造成的危害。让我们一齐大声说吧,拯救地球,人人有责,爱护地球,保护地球。顶礼跪拜师父。

  14. 感恩师父分享!地球是我们的母亲,她病了,对我们的生活各方面都受到伤害,所以说我们要好好保护地球。叩拜恩师!
