【菩提養生素食教室】繽紛飯糰 . 聽有些…


1、 紫米烤飯糰:紫米飯煮熟,捏成大小適中的三角形,用豌豆泥作餡,包在飯糰裡。放入烤箱中,四面刷上橄欖油,放烤箱中烤,表皮烤出鍋巴後,刷上一層醬油,再烤一會兒就行了。
2、 多彩飯糰:青豆和玉米粒川燙;胡蘿蔔擦細絲,用少許油炒熟後,關火,將事先煮熟的米飯倒在鍋中,倒入青豆、玉米粒、鹽、壽司醋,攪拌均勻,捏成球狀,裝盤。
3、 蔬菜飯糰:胡蘿蔔、彩椒、香菇切碎丁,西藍花(綠花椰菜)川燙切碎,上述食材用橄欖油炒熟,再和熟米飯混在一起拌勻,加鹽調味,捏成孩子喜歡的形狀,表面可以再灑上海苔碎或堅果就完成了。
參考網址:https://vegrecipebooks.com/archives/2423rnrn【Bodhi Healthy Vegetarian Classroom】Colorful rice balls

Some mothers have shared their concerns on their children’s meals. Some children are fussy or picky eaters, opting for western-style fast food, snacks or simply refuse to eat. Two days ago, a netizen shared the big rice balls she made. Various kinds of side dishes are wrapped in hot rice. Not only did the dish looks appetizing, the taste was also natural and pure. The color, smell and taste was perfect. Let’s share some different ways to make the rice balls.

1, Grilled purple rice cakes: Cook the purple rice, knead into moderate triangular sizes and stuff it with mashed peas. Brush olive oil on all sides and put it in the oven to bake. When the surface of the rice cake is scorched, brush with soy sauce, and bake again for awhile.

2, Colorful rice balls: fry green beans, corn kernels and carrots strips with a little oil, turn off the heat once it is cooked, pour the rice that were cooked earlier into the pot, put in salt and sushi vinegar. Mix well, knead into balls and serve on the plate.

3, Vegetables rice balls: fry shredded carrots, colored peppers, sliced mushrooms and broccoli with olive oil. Mix well with cooked rice, season with salt, knead into child’s favorite shapes and finish by sprinkling crushed seaweed or nuts.

4. Assorted rice balls: Mix and cook black rice, glutinous rice and white rice together. Place a layer of plastic over the bamboo sushi rolling mat. Spread rice on it, add ingredients according to personal taste. Add green beans and sprinkle chopped fritters. Roll up the bamboo sushi mat and is ready to serve.

The above ingredients can be varied according to personal taste. Be creative in making the rice ball meals for your families. Love life, love your family, begin with a meal together.

#RiceBalls, #VegetarianFood
Reference website:https://vegrecipebooks.com/archives/2423Reference website:https://vegrecipebooks.com/archives/2423


在〈【菩提養生素食教室】繽紛飯糰 . 聽有些…〉中有 18 則留言

  1. 师父师母午安吉祥!顶礼慈悲尊贵的上师三宝!感恩上师的慈悲分享!

  2. 看着师父分享的是很好吃。过几天有时间照着做,就想着是师父亲手包的饭团啊。吃完人都智慧大开啊。感恩伟大的师父赐我们智慧圆满,修行圆满,人生圆满!

  3. 感恩师父慈悲分享!感恩师父对孩子吃飯,挑食、偏食,要不總吃西式速食,或者乾脆不吃飯,只吃零食的孩子的关爱!給家人做一道飯糰美食。愛生活,愛家人,就從一餐一飯開始。顶礼感恩师父!!!

  4. 师父,您好!謝謝師父上传分享各式各樣的飯团!很美的飯团啊!見到就流口水了。記得我們三姊弟在小時候,生活困難,無錢买零食,我妈為了哄我們開心,煮好飯后就制三个饭团給我们,我妈也很有智慧啊!她制的飯团是象鸡旦形,有少少长型,让我們的小手容易拿住和容易吃,那时我們三姊弟就很开心了。謝謝師父上传分享美味的飯团!感恩师父!

  5. 感恩师父慈悲分享繽紛飯糰!熱騰騰的米飯包著各式小菜,不但外觀好看,味道也天然純正,色、香、味俱全,看着非常有食欲的感觉!???这使我回忆起自己年龄小时父母为了让姐弟几个好好吃饭,健康成长,变着花样做饭,煮面不爱吃、换成芝麻酱拌面,炒面等等;还有自己做了母亲后为了让年幼的孩子营养均衡,不会做饭的自己竟然连包饺子、蒸包子、做馅饼也都学会了!愛生活,愛家人,就從一餐一飯開始!真诚顶礼尊贵的佛师!???

  6. 真好吃!变换花样,简单得来又美味健康。对孩子们来说,也是一种“诱惑”,好玩有趣兼好味。想想如果外出游玩,可以带这个当餐啊。以前跟女儿去曼哈顿玩,就想不出做这个,只是买了个烙面饼,自个带着茶水,逛累了就坐在路边啃。如果会做这个,更趣意和美味啊,而且吃得也“好看”一点。想想,以后也这样做,然后拿本书带上茶水,去公园看书,一坐就一整天,多好啊。也可以这样带饭上班。??感恩师父分享!生活美好,趣味多多!?????
