因果故事 寧可信其有,不可信其無,你一定…

Real story on cause and effect
It’s better to believe than not to; you must watch till the end.
“Little person’s” live speech on Karma sent waves of shock throughout China, tens of thousands of people were inspired.
Firstly, with immense gratitude to the teachers and students present, I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to repent on behalf of my family. I am Fuxing, a confident and strong willed lady. I am already 30 years old but stand at only 1.35m. I suffer from a growth hormone deficiency. This is a rare disease and currently there is no cure. The occurrence rate is 1 in 10,000. My body stopped growing when I reached 11.5 years old. Due to my condition, I was often discriminated and mocked at from young. I was even nicknamed ‘Retribution’ from birth.
From young, I led a very miserable life. I failed to understand why my family and I were always being criticized. My mother gave birth to my brother two years after me. He was born with the same condition as me. Life was really hard. It was already extremely taxing for a family to cope with a kid like me, let alone two. Every single cent that my parents earned was spent on us. Sometimes, we didn’t even have enough money for food and had to beg from our neighbors. Some of the kids with this type of illness committed suicide when they reached their teens as they could not withstand the pressure from school and society. People with this condition normally cannot survive beyond 60 years old. I felt very grieved and I would not be able to die in peace if I could not find the reason why I contracted this type of illness.
Once I went with my husband to release live animals. Following that, I decided to learn Buddhism. Finally, I got the answer I had been searching for all these years.
If you plant a good seed, you will reap good fruits. If you plant a bad seed, you will reap bad fruits. This is all about karma, cause and effect.
This is so true. I believe my brother and I were born this way because of the bad seeds my ancestors had planted.
My ancestors were illiterate. Their family clan had been in the slaughter house business for 30 to 40 years. My paternal grandfather had seven siblings. They simply followed the foot steps of their forefathers and continued the slaughter house business. From young, I grew up in this kind of unhealthy environment, constantly hearing the screaming and shrieking of the goats at dawn every day. It was really unbearable. If you do have a little conscience, you will know that they were screaming for help, to escape from being slaughtered
The scene at our big courtyard was gross. Countless cow and goat innards hung on the bamboo sticks in the courtyard. The floor was lined with young cow skins and there were also huge heaps of bones everywhere. The big basins in the courtyard were also filled with goat blood and cow blood as these were in high demand.
The women in the family were in charge of clearing and cleaning the innards of the animals. At that time, sales of goat blood, goat skin and beef were most lucrative. Once we had an old cow. My mother told me that the cow was too old to be sold for its meat. However, the young calves in the stomach were very valuable. Later, when I grew up, I realized that the leather of the high quality leather shoes were actually made from the skin of these young calves who might not even have seen daylight.
The leather jackets that we wear on our body were from the skin removed from the young cows. Are you still able to feel warm after knowing where the leather came from? Once when celebrating lunar new year, my father who is ignorance got me and my brother to pluck the hair from the pig’s head. What exactly had he done? How I wish some one had taught us then.
Ignorance of Cause and Effect resulted in my ancestors being in the slaughter house business. Many people commented that although my ancestors were in slaughter house business, it was really unbelievable that my grandparents still had many children and grandchildren. It is thus not necessary to believe in buddhism or do chanting. In the 1990s, our family’s business was considered a large-scale business. We had big houses which was uncommon during that time.
Once my family was sued and fined 200,000 yuan. However, that was a small amount to us and of no concern to the family. Other people felt that our clan business was a lucrative one and start to follow suit. Nobody realized that monies earned from such cruel inhumane manner would bring disaster to the family. They continued to indulge in a luxurious lifestyle, buying houses and cars. People are always overwhelmed by greed. No amount of money is enough.
Wealth accumulated from such bad deeds will result in bad karma. With bad karma, kinship and love will be destroyed. Soon, the relationship between my father’s siblings start to fall apart. Everyone only treasured ‘money’. Nobody dared to offend our family as we were experts in this business.
Tragedy started to happen in our family one after another. One relative fell from 12th storey and landed in a ‘vegetable’ state. The family chose to give up on him and pulled out all the live supports. They did not value family relationship any more. Money was most important. Then my cousin divorced his wife for another woman. She could not take it as she married my cousin at a tender age of 15. She committed suicide by drinking pesticide. Her family beat up my cousin. My cousin’s family compensated her family with a lump sum of 50,000 to 60,000 yuan. They also bought a very high quality coffin for her. All these were really pointless when a life was already lost. Next, my uncle also fell for another woman and divorced his wife. My aunty committed suicide by drinking detergent. Both these women spent their lifetime clearing and cleaning innards. This is really retribution. They died by having their organs being ‘cleared’ up.
Many people don’t believe in karma. However, when tragedy starts to happen to your family members , you will understand the saying ‘plant bad seed begets bad fruits’. Another uncle also fell for another woman. He killed the woman when she called off the relationship. The police rounded up the whole family in the courtyard. The scene reminded me of the time when all the cows and goats were being rounded up in the slaughter house. There was really no dignity. Half a month later, my uncle was arrested and given a death sentence. Within a day, all his hair turned white. What he was experiencing must have been the same as what those animals went through, the scary and horrifying feeling of waiting to be slaughtered.
Tragedies in my family unfolded one after another. My paternal grandmother suffered from muscular dystrophy. During the 12 years of her sickness, no one took care of her, loved her or respected her. Everyone was too busy running their business and earning money. No one had time for her. Only my brother and I helped to feed and changed her. She would scream in pain whenever we accidentally touched her. In the last year before she passed away, she lost her sanity and could not recognize anyone while continually scratching herself.
My father could not take the pressure of being criticized that what was happening to the family was due to retribution. He decided to quit the slaughter house business to work at the coal mine. He worked hard to earn money to seek medical treatment for me and my brother’s illness. He was seldom home and sometimes he was away for as long as six months.
When my father came home to keep vigil at my grandmother’s wake, he shared with me that no one would want to lose his or her mother no matter how old she was. In a twist of fate, my father didn’t know that his children were going to lose their father in a year’s time. One afternoon, we received news that my father passed away in the coal mine, crushed under two vehicles. In the mortuary, I could no longer control my emotion. When they pulled out the body, my father was still clad in torn clothes, all because he saved all his monies for me and my brother. Now I really understand what retribution was all about. My brother and I were born in this family to punish the family.
The last time I saw my father alive was when he left for work. He told me that he wished he would see a taller me when he comes back. I did not bid him goodbye as I was not confident that I could ever grow taller. Had I known that I would never see him again, I would have stopped him from leaving.
On reflection, I had never once said to my father ‘I love you’. I had never done my part to repay what he had done and his sacrifices for me, treated him respectfully and ‘kowtowed’ to him. I love you father. I was in the wrong. I should not have always blamed you and disliked you for putting responsibilities on me and mother. Now then I realized that it was not my father’s mistake. He was just continuing the family business that was handed down.
Misfortune also fell on my paternal grandfather. During the last year before his death, he became mad. In winter, he ran naked everywhere in the cold and hugged every woman he saw. He was beaten very frequently by other people. In the later stage, he was reduced to skin and bone. His stomach was also very bloated. My mother said it was full of air. When he could not move at all, my mother who was a doctor used a needle to poke his stomach so as to release the air. My mother said that even in death, one must still have dignity. Now I began to relate this sad ending to bad karma. Our family killed countless cows and goats everyday. As everyone was too busy, sometimes the goats killed were left in the courtyard for a long time. As a result, their stomachs became bloated. This was exactly what was happening to my grandfather. This is really karma. Whatever you do to others will in turn happen to you.
During festivals, families gather together to celebrate. Although my family was wealthy, we have never got together in such a way because everybody was too busy accumulating wealth. However, wealth does not necessarily translate into happiness. I hope such bad karma and tragedies stop at my family. I hope it will never happen to our teachers and fellow practitioners. I advocate that we should learn some moral and enjoy happiness. If we stop our bad deeds and do more good deeds, we will be blessed with good fortune and happiness will surround us.
On reflection, I don’t think my family want to choose such an occupation. My dear practitioners, they were driven by circumstances! They were fighting for a livelihood. There were just too many mouths to feed! To attain happiness, we should really break away from evil deeds and do good deeds.
感謝網友提供視頻:Thanks to netizen for sharing this video:
愛源基金:Charity Fund site:


在〈因果故事 寧可信其有,不可信其無,你一定…〉中有 30 則留言

  1. 祈愿生生世世无量劫以来曾经有意无意杀害伤害过的所有有情有缘众生都能在佛光的加持下值遇善法,得大光明大自在,得生净土,永脱轮回痛苦,永远幸福快乐!忏悔自己所造做的一切有意无意罪过!南无药师琉璃光如来!南无观世音菩萨!南无金菩提上师!

  2. 感恩师父分享!讲的太好了,很真实,因果报应丝毫不爽。感恩伟大的师父让我学到了佛法,了解了因果。弟子现在的人生走上了光明的大道。看看那么多生活再黑暗困苦中的人,多么悲哀,赶快来看看这些故事,也许有所帮助。很多人真的是缺少这方面的知识,弟子尽一切能力去帮助别人,我要不怕苦不怕累,不怕困难,有伟大的师父,我也将无所不能!弟子表哲叩拜尊贵的师父!祝福您健康长寿!法轮常转!弘法顺利!

  3. 感恩师父慈悲分享!弟子深信因果循环真实不虚,更感恩师父今世在茫茫人海中把我找到并带我走向光明大道,跟随师父的脚步实修实证慈悲布施来脱离六道轮回???

  4. 感恩师父慈悲分享!太可怕了?!她听她说到最后就是为什么呀?因太多嘴在等吃!心惊肉跳啊……该省思了!大家还是吃素的好啊!因果报应真实不虚!?叩拜

  5. 感恩师父慈悲分享!弟子深信因果循环真实不虚,更感恩师父今世在茫茫人海中把我找到并带我走向光明大道,跟随师父的脚步实修实证慈悲布施来脱离六道轮回。

  6. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲分享因果故事!好感动的分享!??真是种什么因得什么果,因果不虚啊。若知前世因今生受者是,若知未来果今生做者是。我们今生有幸遇到了师父老早得到了师父的教化,懂得了因果,是我们生生世世的幸运。可是在我们这个世界里又有多少人还不明白因果的可拍性啊,还在造着业,这些不明白因果道理的,真的是很可怜,还得需要我们去宣传去帮助他们。感恩师父!顶礼叩拜师父!?❤???

  7. 师父好,这个视频我前一段时间在微信里看到过,并转发朋友,结果有几个朋友都说,原来真的有因果啊,以后再也不敢伤害动物了。并且开始反思自己所经历的酸甜苦辣,都是因缘聚合的果报,如是因,如是果。感恩师父分享???

  8. 感恩师父分享!感恩师父的慈悲教化!弟子深信因果!伤害众生就是伤害自己!众生平等!众生和我们是一体。顶礼叩拜师父!

  9. 感恩师父慈悲分享与教导!因果报应真实不虚,天网恢恢疏而不漏。为了我们自己和我们的亲人远离灾难和痛苦,我们一定要听师父的话,不杀生而护生,不该吃的尽量不吃,广结善缘,广种福田,积累善因。我们一定要听师父的话,好好修持师父传授我们的利于今生、利于来世、更利于子孙后代的无上妙法。感恩慈悲伟大的师父!祝福一切有缘!

  10. 所以,千萬不要隨意用”報應”兩字批判他人。


  11. 感恩师父分享教化!含泪看完,说到杀母牛的环节,一度要中断,听不下去,心里难受,承受不了。因果报应,丝毫不爽,鲜活例子的法布施!学佛才知道这一切,才找到生命的出路。小姑娘一家的经历太叫人唏嘘感叹,因果报应也来得太快太现了。其实,每一个学佛的人,都可以从自身的经历,家族里面找到自身的因果报应,特别是参加念佛班,很多一幕幕都会呈现,都会叫人明了。电影《与神同行》也会得到很深刻的教育。感恩师父慈悲传法,教化世人!??????

  12. 祈愿生生世世无量劫以来曾经有意无意杀害伤害过的所有有情有缘众生都能在佛光的加持下值遇善法,得大光明大自在,得生净土,永脱轮回痛苦,永远幸福快乐!忏悔自己所造做的一切有意无意罪过!南无药师琉璃光如来!南无观世音菩萨!南无金菩提上师!

  13. 感恩师父分享这段感人至深的视频,听的是毛骨悚然,杀动物还杀人,太凶残了,做恶得报应,因果报应不得不畏啊,可幸这位女孩有缘遇见佛法,明晓了家族不幸和败落的根源,用生动的故事告戒我们不能杀生,不要贪嘴造业,感恩她的分享,祝她远离恶源,广结善缘,一心向善,改变命运!

  14. 师父,您好!這個视頻我看到完哭到完,真是很难过,这样的结局真是很惨啊。希望大家尽量减少杀生吧。谢谢师父上传分享提醒我们!感恩师父!

  15. 感恩师父慈悲分享!太感动了!太震撼了!人啊!要善待一切生灵!不能为了利益去伤害,付出的伤害,你得到的也是伤害!顶礼师父!

  16. 感恩师父运用真实的因果实例教化我们众弟子深信因果。只有深信因果的真实不虚,才能很好的把握自己的行为,不去再造新的业。

  17. 感恩师父分享。活生生的因果案例,导致家破人亡,太有说服力了。事实证明只有
