【金色的吉祥光芒】與藥師佛有約~ . ….

歡迎連繫全球菩提禪堂 (法物部)
【Auspicious golden illumination】 An encounter with Medicine Buddha
Medicine Buddha, also known as the Medicine Buddha Lapis Lazuli Radiance Tathagata, The Master of Healing. According to the Buddhist scriptures, when the Medicine Buddha was treading his Bodhisattva journey, he made twelve great vows. Every vow is about fulfilling sentient beings’ wishes, eradicating their suffering and heals all their illnesses. He is not only a great healer who can eliminate all greed, hatred and ignorance of the sentient beings, he can also eradicate all types of illnesses of the body and mind. Here is a story to share with you about an encounter with the Medicine Buddha.
I had a naturally poor foundation of health with a weak immune system. Many of my illnesses were accumulated from an early age. The most troubling illness was my long standing migraine problem. I would get migraine whenever the weather changes and as I grew older, my migraine got more and more serious. Both western and chinese medicine could not cure my illness. By chance, I came to know about Bodhi Meditation –Dharma of the Medicine Buddha. I followed the Meditation practice of the Dharma of the Medicine Buddha. After about one month, all aspects of my body condition began to improve gradually. This gave me the confidence to continue with the meditation practice.
One morning, I had a dream. I dreamt that I was looking out of the balcony of my apartment where I lived and saw an extraordinary red sun. I was very curious and wanted to see more. I stared at the red sun for a long time but I did not see anything. Later, I had this revelation that I should look behind me. Then I ran to the balcony on the other side of the apartment and saw a solemn Medicine Buddha image appeared in mid-air. The Medicine Buddha has an incomparable tranquility and looked solemn. I quickly knelt down and kept kowtowing and worshipping the Buddha. I begged the Buddha to help relieve my physical pain. Not long later, I looked up again. The Medicine Buddha disappeared and I woke up from my dream.
Since then, my migraine has been cured without medication. I can also feel that my vision is clearer now. This is the first miracle story I have after I practiced the Dharma of the Medicine Buddha. I hope that my true story will make everyone happier to honor the Medicine Buddha !
‘‘The Medicine Buddha Sutra’’ documented that one can protected from evil by honoring and worshipping the Medicine Buddha. For those who are have the affinity to practice the ‘‘Dharma of the Medicine Buddha’’, they can be protected from all evils, be away from calamities and have an upright and solemn image !
Finally, my wish for all of you is:
May you be blessed by the Golden Medicine Buddha eternally!

Note: The “Golden Medicine Buddha” seen here can be received from the various Bodhi Medicine Center worldwide.
Please contact the various Meditation Center worldwide.
Website: https://www.puti.org/en/worldwide-centers/


在〈【金色的吉祥光芒】與藥師佛有約~ . ….〉中有 32 則留言

  1. 师父师母早上好,吉祥幸福,健康快乐!感恩师父慈悲开示,感恩师父佛菩萨每时每刻慈悲加持和护佑我们健康成长,我们永远爱您师父,因为有您我们真幸福健康快乐,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  2. 感恩师父分享!好一尊清静祥和大自在的药师佛!刚才又恰好见到师兄分享的一件法物,想到师父想尽办法,用上心思加持各种美观实用法物,佛像等供有缘人迎请、供奉,种种的善巧方便无不在帮我们破除障碍,让我们积累功德,得到光明吉祥…!感恩药师佛给予我们恒时的护佑,但是哪怕是一件小小的加持法物都也是师父最温馨的守护和加持!顶礼药师佛!顶礼我的上师南无金菩提上师!

  3. 师父师母过年好!吉祥如意!感恩佛师时时加持与护佑!让我们每时每刻都沐浴在金色的吉祥佛光里!我们健康了,幸福了,快乐了,智慧了!感恩最尊贵的恩师!真诚顶礼大慈大悲的金菩提上师!!!

  4. 感恩師父,這尊金色的藥師佛,前天便在禪堂可供欣賞,非常清淨莊嚴,弟子將準備迎請藥師佛,感恩藥師佛和師父的加持護佑,祈願眾生平安吉祥,合十感恩。

  5. 感恩师父的分享,愿药师佛护佑我们大家身体健康,吉祥如意,感恩师父,时时护佑着我们,祝师父新年快乐,顶礼叩拜师父。???

  6. 感恩师父慈悲分享!我们时时刻刻得到药师佛与师父的加持护佑。使我们能够疾病消失,烦恼消失,遇难呈祥。收获健康快乐!吉祥如意!今生能成为师父的弟子,是一生中最幸福的事情!感恩叩拜金菩提上师!!!

  7. 感恩师父慈悲的分享!我上个星期患了感冒,来到禅堂叩拜药师佛、金菩提上师,祈请佛菩萨、师父加持护佑让我感冒消失,回家之后疾病消除,不药而愈,再次感恩药师佛、感恩师父!顶礼叩拜师父!

  8. 顶礼跪拜感恩尊贵的师父慈悲开示与赐福!顶礼跪拜感恩尊贵的师父加持与护佑!看到药师佛相,心中充满欢喜,收到师父的祝福,心中幸福满满。感恩慈爱的师父!祝福一切有缘!今晚吃完饭时,听到孩子手机里播放的佛歌,十分好听,走过去一看是《我的上师》,心想我也有我的上师,心里想着,眼睛望着师父的法相,不由地泪流满面,心中十分想念师父,师父啊师父,您现在在哪里啊,弟子十分十分十分想念师父,祝愿思念的师父新年快乐!吉祥如意!

  9. 感恩大慈大悲的药师佛!感恩大慈大悲师父赐福!收到;感恩师父让我们时时刻刻得到师父您的加持护佑!我们真幸福无比健康快乐!恭祝师父师母新年快乐!

  10. ???,感恩、忏悔,自己很愚昧无知,药师佛诸佛菩萨时时刻刻在呵护着自己,自己却不够虔诚礼拜,总是找理由拖延。师父教诲如闷头一棍,修行路上,认真即真情,感恩即得福。感恩惜福如实修行。大礼拜要每天做,精进修行,缺一不可。感恩师父谆谆善教,弟子当刻苦吃苦耐心。??????

  11. 师父新年快乐 ,吉祥如意 ,吉祥富贵 ,法体安康 。
    师父我们今天年初一到宝灵禅堂请购金色琉璃药师佛 。
    师父的大慈大悲我们收到了 。

  12. 感恩師父慈悲分享???恭敬頂禮跪拜感恩尊貴南無大慈大悲藥師佛加持吉祥!祈愿藥師恒持护佑我家人平安吉祥!及天下眾生,吉祥如意!祈愿佛光普照,世界和平,風調雨順,国泰民安,人人安康,感恩大慈大悲的藥師佛!感恩大慈大悲的師父!頂禮叩拜感恩合十阿彌陀佛???

  13. We are struggling for Buddhism in India.Buddhism is rise from here but now days in India we buddhist are in very minority.Almost of buddhist monastry,stupa,vihar are destroyed by antibuddhist elements.So we want to establish new monastery and reinnervation of destroyed monastery.
    Sadhu sadhu sadhu
