工作太久沒起來運動了嗎? 快點起來運動一…

Have you been working too long and have forgotten to do some stretching?
Get up and exercise, just like them… chase, catch, run and jump!


在〈工作太久沒起來運動了嗎? 快點起來運動一…〉中有 23 則留言

  1. 師父下午好,金修闊感恩師父分享,追,趕,跑,跳,蹦的短片,真係很另人在看短片時,已自然發出大笑,笑笑真是沒煩腦,健康樂 !

  2. 哈哈哈,这小鸡挺牛的,真厉害,这一番折腾,烦恼疲劳全没了,哈哈哈,孩子们别被吓着了,遇到这种情况,家长尽量给孩子叫叫魂,宝宝回来,宝宝回来,宝宝回来。

  3. You have to be there and have that actually happen to you, to know it’s scary and they can do some serious damage to your legs. We had one that did that to me when i was little, but my dad finally had it for supper.

  4. 师父,您好!運動一下冇问題。哈哈!如果要我和雞赛跑這樣的运動,我就垂头喪氣了,其實我是只纸老虎也。謝謝師父上传分享令我笑笑沒煩惱!健康快樂!感恩师父!

  5. 感恩师父分享!面对“势不可挡”的小斗鸡们,小朋友被“鸡势所迫”奔跑速度那叫一个超水平啊!回想小时候随处可见的走地鸡,现在却非常少见了!小时候不知疲倦的奔跑嬉闹,现在也太久没体会那种滋味了…畅快一笑,奔跑笑闹,带走烦恼消除疲劳!动起来吧!追、赶、跑、跳…!

  6. Don’t play,play with rooster ? they gentle,caring,helpful & loving ❤?? don’t irritate them they can be very aggressive so don’t play,play..be more gentle toward them treasure them loving them ?❤???????????

  7. I remember the the rooster my dad had, it wouldn’t let me out of the hen house, just paraded up and down in the door opening. I had to make a dash for it and it flew onto my back pecking at me. I screamed and left the door open and let all the chickens out.
