通過走八卦,失眠和青光眼消失 . . 現…

來自馬來西亞- 陳銘康的禪修故事

2015年3月,我的眼睛一到晚上看東西就會非常模糊,而且情況越來越嚴重。同年6月份醫生確診我患有青光眼,眼壓達到28mmHg,醫生即刻幫我做了雷射治療,但也只能降到20mmHg(注:眼壓正常值是10-21 mmHg,但醫生說我這種狀況要降到15mmHg以下才算恢復正常)。醫生給我配了眼藥水,同時告訴我眼藥水不一定能控制住眼壓的上升,嚴重的話一定要動手術,但動手術有50%的風險,如果不做手術就可能瞎掉。
除了身體上的收益,我的性格也改變了。幾十年來,我一直是一個很內向的人,不喜歡跟人溝通,每天都活在自己的世界裡,「八卦」點的人都叫我Mr.酷(酷先生)。 2017年3月我走進菩提禪修健身班,我開始變得開朗,喜歡接觸人了,對他人沒有排斥感了,而且我會把好的東西分享給大家,這在之前是從來沒有過的。

#見證禪修 #青光眼 #失眠 #八卦內功rnrnThrough Energy Bagua practice, insomnia and glaucoma disappears
Modern people face stress at work and this leads to insomnia. Bad quality sleep affects our daily life and together with increased usage of handphones and computers, glaucoma has since grown to become one of modern day civilization disease.
After two months of practicing Energy Bagua, his insomnia disappeared. He persisted in practicing Energy Bagua daily and to his surprise, his eye problem also gradually improved. How did he regain good health? Let us read his story.

From Malaysia- Chen Mingkang meditation story
I suffered from insomnia since 2005. On a weekly basis, there will be at least two days where I will only fall asleep at 4-5 am. For the rest of the days, I will wake up at 2-3 am and will not be able to go back to sleep. As I was worried with the side effects of sleeping pills, I abstained from them. Insomnia greatly affected my work and lifestyle because I felt very tired during the day.
In March 2015, I started to experience blurred vision at night and as days passed, my eye condition deteriorated. In Jun 2015, I was diagnosed with glaucoma, my eye pressure was 28mmHg. Doctor immediately performed laser treatment on my eyes but my eye pressure only drop to 20mmHg (Note: Normal eye pressure ranges 10-21 mmHg. However doctor said for my condition, my eye pressure had to drop to below 15 mmHg in order to be considered normal).
Doctor prescribed eye drops for me and told me they may not be effective in controlling my eye pressure. If my eye pressure continued to go up, I may need to go for surgery. To make things worse, I was told the surgery had a risk of 50 percent. However I do not have a choice because if I choose not to go for surgery, I may become blind eventually.
On the morning of July 2016, I saw a group of people practicing Energy Bagua round a tree. Out of curiosity, I joined in and persevered to practice one hour every day. Two months later, my insomnia disappeared. The moment I lie down on bed at 10 pm, I fall asleep immediately and will only wake up the next morning at 6am. This made me very energetic and confident at work during the day. In Nov 2016, I went for medical checkup and was very surprised to find that my eye pressure had dropped to 17 mmHg.
During the beginning of 2017, my eye pressure dropped further to 16mmHg; during 29 April 2017 checkup, my eye pressure resumed to normal level! At the same time, my vision also became clearer. Even the doctor was happy for me.
Apart from physical health benefit, my character also changed for the better. Previously, I had always been an introvert. I do not like to communicate and socialize with people. I lived in my own world. At Energy Bagua point, everyone called me Mr Cool. In March 2017, I joined Bodhi’s Health and Fitness Meditation Retreat. Since then, I have grown to become more sociable and no longer harbour feelings of exclusion towards others. Now I will share good things with others. Before joining Bodhi, all these were alien to me.
From Grandmaster JinBodhi’s teachings, I gain a better understanding of compassion. Now I try to maintain a compassionate heart everyday.
I am very grateful to Bodhi Meditation!!
(Note: Meditation effects vary according to individuals.)
*Bodhi Meditation does not advocate stopping or reducing medication on your own. Please consult the doctor and follow his or her instructions.


在〈通過走八卦,失眠和青光眼消失 . . 現…〉中有 19 則留言

  1. 感恩师父慈悲分享见证菩提禅修健康快乐的奇迹,随喜赞叹师兄真棒真幸福健康快乐,愿更多有缘人都能早日受益菩提禅修健康快乐,感恩师父慈悲赐妙法,菩提八卦天天走,活到九十九,健康快乐没烦恼!

  2. 感恩师父慈悲分享!走进菩提就找到了健康和幸福。恭喜这位幸运的同修,愿他越来越健康!今年10月份我查出来轻度白内障、散光、老花和近视,最近也觉得自己的视力有所恢复,向这位同修学习,相信我只要好好禅修,我的眼睛一定会越来越好的。“慈悲对我来讲,是每天都要保持的”,感恩这位师兄的分享!“慈悲对我来讲也希望是每时每刻都要保持的”。

  3. 感恩师父慈悲分享!随喜赞叹师兄通过走八卦摆脱了失眠和青光眼的病痛的困扰,真是可喜可贺,感恩慈悲伟大的佛师传授我们离苦得乐的无上神奇妙法!愿菩提八卦早日风靡全球,愿一切有缘都能沐浴佛师的光芒,都能早日离苦得乐!

  4. 感恩师父慈悲分享见证禅修!祝福师兄随喜赞叹!感恩师父慈悲赐妙法我们获得了幸福健康快乐!愿更多有缘人都能早日受益菩提禅修健康快乐!顶礼感恩师父!!!

  5. 恭喜陈师兄身心双修,福慧双增!八卦内功,太感叹了,给到人方方面面的好,不可思议!重拾健康,重得生命的美好啊!坚持走下去,利已利人利社会,让菩提禅修、八卦内功这一美好的妙法,美好天下众生,愿师父大爱,在世间如浩浩春风,吹拂大地,又如阳光照耀,万物得温暖美好,众生得幸福快乐,健康美好!感恩师父慈悲大爱,弘法利生,播撒美好!??????

  6. 感恩师父慈悲分享!祝福这位同修有幸走进菩提禅修与我们师父结缘,最起码的好处是健康快乐!以后慢慢感受体验收获更大,好处更多!
