愛吃甜食,當心疾病上身!! . . 色彩…

https://read01.com/5xjjyD.html#.WXGYboh95PYrnrnIf you have a sweet tooth, beware of diseases!!.

Colorful candies of all varieties, sweet and delicious exquisite-looking cakes, a satisfying can of drink in hand – some girls often cannot resist the temptation of such sweet treats and tend to over eat. Yet, the more one consumes sweet food, the greater the likelihood of being “poisoned”!
With the excessive sugar consumption comes a lot of harm to the body: obesity, premature skin aging, tooth decay, osteoporosis, diabetes, cardiovascular disease; excessive sugar intake can also alter the endocrine system, upset the balance of hormones including insulin levels, and almost every organ in the body will be affected.
As the saying goes, “illness finds its way through the mouth”. This means that many diseases are caused by the diet, and wrong food can lead to illnesses. Thus, women should learn to moderate the sweets/ dessert intake. It is suggested that one consumes less snacks, more coarse-variety grains, appropriate amounts of low sugar-containing vegetables and fruits: cucumbers, pumpkins, tomatoes, bitter-gourds, onions, long beans, bamboo shoots, cabbages, celery, bean sprouts, guavas, apples, pears, strawberries, grapefruits, and some nuts are suitable choices.
Credit –
http://www.brion.org.tw/article-2-content.php? FatherNo=4&LevelNo=&Seq=52&LevelName=%E9%A4%8A%E7%94%9F%E4%BF%9D%E5%81%A5%E5%B0%88%E5%8D%80
#SweetFood, #Disease, #Vegetable


在〈愛吃甜食,當心疾病上身!! . . 色彩…〉中有 15 則留言

  1. 感恩佛陀师父慈悲分享 和亲切的 关爱 以前吧 食糖如命 喝点饭 放糖 单位 结婚同事的喜糖 家里的糖 没命的吃 直到单位 查体 血糖高 了 没想到 吃糖多了 会有这么 大的危害 感恩大慈大悲的 佛陀师父 百忙中 时刻 关爱着我们 弟子永远爱您 记得 二零一四年在大马 您 下了 飞机 饭没顾的吃 就给我们讲法 讲完了法 饭没吃 又 匆匆的走了您 为我们 承受业力 腰都疼的直不起来了 敬爱的 佛陀师父 您太慈悲了 做弟子的太不懂事了 做错好多事 还不自知 在不好好修 真的对不起 大慈大悲的佛陀师父 弟子再次 忏悔我的 不自知 和错误 再次真诚顶礼感恩大慈大悲的 佛陀师父 祈请佛陀师父 好好 保重自己 弟子以最灵的祝福 祝愿我最爱的佛陀师父 菩萨母亲 全家 永远 幸福 安康 吉祥如意???????????

  2. 真的是「病從口入」啊,很多的疾病是吃出來的,吃錯了東西會讓我們的身體得病,所以我們面對甜食時多少要節制。。感恩师父!

  3. 感恩师父慈悲开示与教导! 爱吃甜食有这么多的害处,真是不说不知道,一说吓一跳啊,一定注意少吃甜食,多吃含糖量少的蔬菜和水果。

  4. 感恩师父慈悲再次的提醒!感恩师父对我们的呵护!愛吃甜食,當心疾病上身!一定注意少吃甜食,多吃含糖量少的蔬菜和水果。
