[健康飲食] 水要這樣喝才正確 . . …

[健康飲食] 水要這樣喝才正確
水是人們的生命之源,每天晨起的第一杯水對維護人體的健康作用尤為顯著。德國一篇研究文章《Water-induced thermogenesis》指出人們於早上空腹喝水,可將我們的代謝率提高至少24%。而且早上喝水可增加飽肚感,減少進食,有助女性的減肥大計。
http://health.hsw.cn/system/2017/0508/49745.shtmlrnrn[Healthy Diet] The Right Way of Drinking Water
Water is the source of life. Drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning has many benefits to our health. A German research paper <> found that drinking water on an empty stomach early in the morning could increase our metabolism by more than 24%. The water consumed also fills our stomach and reduces our feelings of hunger, thereby reducing our food intake, which helps ladies to achieve their dream of losing weight.
In the 2017 World Health Organization report, Japan came up top as the country with the longest-living citizens. They have been at the top of this longevity report for the past 30 years. The Japanese have always been particular about healthy living. Other than eating and drinking healthily, most Japanese have also formed the habit of drinking water on an empty stomach from young.
This point matches exactly what I have been advocating in classes – that the first thing to do in the morning is not to visit the toilet but to drink a large glass of room-temperature water. It is not advisable to drink ice-cold water as that may irritate the intestines and stomach, which can lead to sensitivity. The Chinese, in general, likes to drink hot water, but that is also not advisable as water that is too hot is also bad for the body, especially the stomach. In addition, very hot water can result in bad breath.

For people suffering from constipation, it is advisable for them to drink a big glass of water approximately 10 to 20 minutes before meals. Constipation is the cause of obesity for many people; some toxins that are bad for human health – which should never have been absorbed – end up getting absorbed in the intestines as they are not passed out fast enough. This may eventually lead to intestinal cancer, and even other forms of cancers.

Almost every diet pill comes with side effects. Drinking water, on the other hand, is good for the body and it also helps people to lose weight and reduces constipation.
I hope this habit of drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach first thing in the morning will bring you good health and happiness!
#FirstThingInTheMorning #DrinkWaterOnAnEmptyStomach #Constipation #Obesity

Reference materials:


在〈[健康飲食] 水要這樣喝才正確 . . …〉中有 21 則留言

  1. 师父下午好!感恩师父的呵护和提醒!弟子自从听过师父开示之后,每天早起先喝一杯室内温度的水,饭前10-20分钟也喝一些水再吃饭,这样对排泄真的特别好,感谢师父对弟子们的关心!☕❤???

  2. 师父好!感恩师父赐的能量水。晨起和饭前10一20分钟各一杯室内温度的水,对新陈代谢,减肥,排毒养颜效果显著,无副作用,健康又快乐!还等什么快快分享吧!感恩师父!!!

  3. 有师父的弟子像块宝!做师父的弟子真好!师父不仅点亮我们内心的光明而且指引我们奔向解脱成就的光明大道上。

  4. 师父好,感恩师父慈悲分享健康饮食—水要这样喝才正确,感恩师父慈悲的教悔和关怀护佑,我们永远爱您师父,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师。

  5. 早起空腹一杯室内额度的水,既清理肠道多余的东西、提高肠道的新陈代谢,又益于减肥和健康,太好了,感恩师父,祝福一切有缘!

  6. 感恩师父,弟子错了,以后不再怨天尤人。以前认为都是丈夫的错,现在却发现,自己错了。我同时感恩我的丈夫对我的包容和照顾,感恩孩子们对我这个不够坚强的妈妈的爱,感恩身边的老同修的一路陪伴,更加感恩师父和诸佛菩萨对我这个糊涂弟子的不懈的救度,弟子一定精进修行,不负佛恩,不枉此生。

  7. Thank you so much! I will drink my water. Starting right now! The only place iam fat is my stomach! I used to be so slim.when I used to dance my stomach was flat! When my daughter was missing for 3years .I gained so much weight! Iate for stress! Now that u have found her and she call me! I feel like a 40 years of stress is off if my life! U forgive her boyfriend for what he put me through! His name is jarell Owens! She is Tamara Smith and has had a baby girl that I will get to see next Friday I pray! I tell people all the time! Be careful with WHO your kids talk to on Facebook! She was 16years old and turned 17the same year! When they turn 17years old in the USA they are grown! I thank he got with her because my son stephon Lee plays football and he is very popular he got a scholarship for football, track and as a certificate for nursing! My son has also been stress out about what happened to is sister and doesn’t want to attend college anymore! I pray that my son goes back to college in North Carolina at Methodist university! He was going to be a football doctor! Life is to short I pray that my family gets back in track with our life! I am only 46 year’s old and my dream is to do hair and sale hair weave! Do you know a good company we’re you live that I can buy bundles of hair weave from for a good price? This is my dream! Have a bless day!

  8. 感恩师父的呵护和提醒!听师父开示后每天早起先喝一杯室内温度的水,弟子我是不容易长肉特殊人,喝了一段时间现在是早上起來第一件事是去衛生間,弟2是喝一大杯室內溫度的水。这样是否对身体不好,一后在改正过来。顶礼感恩师父对我们无微不至的关爱和呵护!!!

  9. 感恩师父慈爱和呵护!早晚一杯水,感觉真的很好。这个习惯好像从读书时就开始了,也一直保持到现在。睡前一杯水,感觉那水特别清甜,早晨一杯水也是这样的感觉。以前别人说自己皮肤好,心想是否这早晚的一杯水。感恩师父介绍生活的美好!?????

  10. 感恩师父慈母般温馨提示!让自己和家人们逐步養成晨起「空腹喝水」的習慣,喝一大杯室內溫度的水,幫助排泄,維護健康!叩拜恩师!

  11. 感恩师父的谆谆教导!感恩师父的无私奉献!您还要忍受着辱骂和毁谤,您的大爱和慈悲一定能降服这些遇昩之人,他们一定会回头是岸的!

  12. 感恩师父慈悲开示!饮水的正确方法和好处,对我们身体的重要性,现在懂得了!师父的慈爱呵护!太幸福了!感恩师父!❤️您!?叩拜

  13. 师父一个同修通过禅修减肥瘦了大概八十多斤!比我一个人的体重还多,师父我什么时候能长点肉就好了?最近量体重八十斤都没有了!也是被折腾的!毛病总是出来!而且昨天出去走八卦回来就又不得劲了?又问同修了!不知道为什么去八卦点回来就要这样!但我还是坚持了两个小时走完!感恩师父!???
