中秋外傳—嫦娥也來走八卦?? . ….

Mid-autumn Legend—Chang’e (the lady in the moon-Chinese mythology) came to practice Energy Bagua??
A young junior high school disciple narrated his self-composed version of a Mid-Autumn story to me— The legend of Chang’e (Goddess of the Moon) and Energy Bagua. It is hilarious. As Mid-Autumn festival is near, let me share his story with you too.

As the story goes, Chang’e left her Moon palace for a stroll outside. She sighted Wu Gang sitting under the Osmanthus tree sipping Osmanthus wine, sighing while drinking.
Chang’e asked, “Why are you drowning your sorrows here?”
Wu Gang responded bitterly, “.. (sigh).. I have been living on the moon for thousands of years. Although being an immortal allows me to live forever, it is too cold here and now my limps are not as responsive as they used to be. Hence, I am more and more worried about my health as time passes.”
After listening to Wu Gang, Chang’e shared: “Although being a lady and having to stay on the Moon palace for a time not shorter than you, I am still full of vitality and my body feels light and graceful, completely not affected by the coldness and dampness on the Moon palace living each day and happily flying around”.
Wu Gang looked confused and asked, ”Fairy sister, how did you do it? Can you share with me your secret?”
Chang’e, “Sure, as long as you persevere on like me and practice Energy Bagua round the Osmanthus tree daily, I believe you can also be as healthy as me.”
Wu Gang looked surprised, “So that is the secret. Elder sister Chang’e, are you full of energy like the Osmanthus tree then?”
Chang’e swung her long elegant sleeves, and with a voice as strong as the wind, answered, “That’s of course!” I’d lived in the Moon palace for a long time. It is damp and cold, causing rheumatism, sore and aching limbs, bodily chills and fear of the cold, especially at my hands and feet. Also, I’d left my husband for so many years. I miss Hou Yi dearly, and this made me unhappy and depressed. I had lapsed into illness, and it left me full of ailments. The Jade Rabbit was worried for my health and prepared medicine for me daily, such as rheumatism pills, vitality pills, and mood pills. I was on all these medication for many years, but with little result. Later, I learned about Bodhi Meditation Energy Bagua. Every morning, I would practice for an hour, and am now free from all the diseases. I feel most energetic and with much vigor and even my mood has improved. The Jade Rabbit need not exhaust itself to prepare all the medicine now. It can play with me all day long and I am so happy now.”
Upon hearing these remarks, Wu Gang gave his thigh a pat and exclaimed, “Energy Bagua is excellent! I want to learn too. Elder Sister Chang, please teach me quickly!”
Note: “The tree absorbs the energy from heaven and earth, the essence of the universe, so it has strong energy. As you walk around the tree daily, communicating with its energy, I believe you can also be as healthy.”
#MidAutumnFestival, #Humor, #EnergyBagua, #Health, #Happiness, #Longevity


在〈中秋外傳—嫦娥也來走八卦?? . ….〉中有 37 則留言

  1. 好美的图片和视频。天天走八卦,自己就走成神仙了,哈哈。中秋节快要到了,愿家家圆圆满满、人人无忧无虑,快乐似神仙。

  2. 师父早上好 ! 师父吉祥如意 ! 感恩师父慈悲分享 ! 我们每天都在跟随着师父一起走八卦,既健康又快乐! 顶礼叩拜师父! 祝师父幸福快乐????????

  3. 师父好!刚才我的朋友杨*来电话,她前几天参加了司法考试,求我帮她祷告司法考试能通过。她很努力,如果成绩差不多,祈请师父帮她通过吧。

  4. 师父好!我们在人间走八卦,嫦娥在天上走八卦。八卦融于天地之间。每天清晨听着师父美妙的八卦音乐的导引词,围着树一圈一圈的行走,仿佛行走在宇宙虚空之中,人间的烦恼统统丢在脑后。接受宇宙大能量的加持,身心清净自在。这种感觉真好!感恩师父传授神奇的八卦内功!!!

  5. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲分享小师兄的精美作品!太棒了!嫦娥都天天走八卦,那我们更要天天走八卦了。感恩师父传授给我们的神奇妙法!顶礼叩拜师父!???????❤???

  6. 感恩师父传授宇宙无上妙法,令一切有缘都能身心收益。八卦天天走,让我们身体这小宇宙和大宇宙相融相通,如滴水入汪洋,消除全身疲劳,清洁身心,疏通经络,轻松自在,能量满满,健康长寿,幸福快乐。

  7. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲分小师兄的精美作品!太棒了!嫦娥都天天走八卦,那我们更要天天走八卦,感恩师父传授给我们的神奇妙法!恭敬顶礼叩拜恩师!

  8. 师父好!这位小师兄好智慧!棒极了!天地人间都离不开恩师的无上妙法,八卦神功!走出智慧,健康,幸福与快乐!感恩师父!!!

  9. 感恩师父分享!走八卦多年的老病都能走出去了,走着走着不知不觉就健康了,快乐了,每天都开心的活好每一天。嫦饿和吳刚就在人间走八卦吧!感恩金菩提根本上师吧!活在人间过好每一天!叩拜恩师!

  10. 感恩师父分享,一直说“八卦内功是妙法”,就在刚刚突然明白了不一样的意思!师父把嫦娥走八卦作为故事来分享,其实这正是真相!我们八卦内功的精妙,实在超出我们的想象!这样宝贵的妙法,师父就这样毫无保留的传遍天下…愿我们都好好珍惜走八卦!感恩叩拜师父!

  11. 吃药不如八卦好


  12. 感恩师父分享!祝师父全家中秋节吉祥快乐!每天随着师父的导引字続树走一走,能量满满,身心轻松快乐自在,很舒畅!感恩佛师!

  13. 感恩师父分享。

  14. J,aurais long a dire sur le culture chinoise ,donc la maniere qui manipule les choses,et la maniere qu’ils s,habillent ect…ect..ect ..j,aime la culture chinoise .
