天理昭彰,疏而不漏。 。 。 . 今天是…

天理昭彰,疏而不漏。 。 。
#20170518、 #FB直播、 #不聽不知道rnrnThe heavenly law manifest justice; there is no way of escape.

Today is the 1st day of the lunar 7th month, an auspicious and friendly day.
Let me share with you a thought-provoking story!
It is a real life story from a Bodhi practitioner in New York.

I live in New York—my name is Xiulan (a pseudonym). My family was very poor when we were growing up. My parents made a living from rearing pigs. Once, a female black pig gave birth to a litter of piglets. One of them looked very different from its other siblings. Its hair was all white except for some curly black hair at the belly area which seemed like the piglet was wearing a black belt around it’s belly. Subsequently, all the piglets were sold except for this white piglet. Xiulan’s family tried selling it multiple times but was unsuccessful. There was a rumor going around: “Never seen such a pig before, it symbolizes inauspiciousness!” As a result, no one dared to buy this white piglet.

Xiulan had two younger brothers and she was the eldest child. Her mother was then pregnant with her third younger brother who was due for birth soon. After the birth of Xiulan’s third younger brother, the mother thought of slaughtering the white pig for consumption since they were not able to sell it off and she was in her confinement and needed nourishment.

On that particular day, Xiulan’s mother sought the help of Xiulan’s uncle to slaughter the white pig to make stewed soup. As Xiulan’s uncle was preparing to slaughter the pig in the courtyard, her mother heard the pig wailing and screaming from the room where she was resting. She handed her baby, Xiulan’s younger brother, to Xiulan and proceed to help Xiulan’s uncle with the slaughtering of the pig. While Xiulan carried her new-born brother in her arms, she heard the wailing scream of the pig as it was being slaughtered and was so afraid that she hid in the room holding her brother tightly. Subsequently, there was only silence. When Xiulan recovered from the agony, she discovered that her baby brother was no longer moving and breathing in her arms!!

When her mother returned to take the baby from Xiulan, she was distraught to discover that her new-born had stopped breathing. Apparently, her baby died in his sister’s arms when the pig was being killed. This is such a tragic outcome…

As the saying goes, misfortune does not come in singles and blessings never come in doubles; hence, this is not the end yet……

When Xiulan’s second younger brother was seventeen years old, he was an extremely intelligent, considerate, filial and good-looking son. Every night, he would prepare water for his parents to soak and wash their feet, prepare dinner and helped with house chores. He was an all rounder in all areas. Hence, though Xiulan’s family was not very well off, her parents tried to save money to send her brother for studies in Japan, hoping he could have a bright future.

Xiulan’s family finally managed to save enough money to send her brother overseas for study. All the administrative work for university enrollment had been done and the entire family was just looking forward for her brother to leave for Japan in September. As he was leaving in a month’s time, it would be his last summer holiday spent with his parents at home. Being a very sensible boy, he went to help his uncle harvests watermelons in his plantation. However, her brother never return from the plantation alive.

Do you know what happened? Xiulan’s brother was electrocuted in the watermelon plantation. When her mother heard about the dire news, she lost her mind on the spot.

From then on, Xiulan’s mother could no longer take care of herself in her daily life. She behaved like a lunatic and would run to the Guanyin temple in their village regularly to chant the mantra of Guanyin Bodhisattva to repent on her past sins.

Therefore, this is the scary truth of the law of cause and effect. I hope that as you learn and practice Buddha dharma with me, it can help accelerate and increase your energy and wisdom, so you will not be lost in the cycle of karma (cause and effect). May you grow in wisdom and health, and enjoy joy and happiness!

Share if you like this. The more you share, the more you will receive!

#20170518, #FBLiveBroadcast, #YouDontKnowWhatYouDontKnow #TeachingsOfMasterJinBodhi, #LawOfCauseAndEffect


在〈天理昭彰,疏而不漏。 。 。 . 今天是…〉中有 30 則留言

  1. 看看觉得好可怕,因果报应,真实不虚。所以,我们要存善心,不杀害动物,要爱护动物,用一颗慈悲善良的心对待万事万物,自己才能获得身心灵的清净与安详。

  2. 感恩師父慈悲分享紐約同修秀蘭師姊分享她家發生真實的因果故事【天理昭彰,疏而不漏】!

  3. 感恩上师慈悲教诲!因果业报的可怕就是如此,恳请上师慈悲加持,让弟子能够跟随上师踏踏实实一路修行,快速开启智慧与能量,不再迷昧于因果的迷圈里,真诚顶礼叩拜恩师!

  4. 师父好!感恩师父的慈悲开示!因果爆应丝毫不爽!我们要爱护众生保护生命!感恩师父顶礼叩拜师父师母!祝师父师母健康快乐!吉祥如意!

  5. 感恩师父分享?又一次聆听师父讲这个因果关系的真实故事,如果秀兰她妈妈少懂一点儿这方面的知识,就不会让家庭出现这种悲剧!

  6. 感恩师父慈悲教化,第一收到记住了,因果不空,弟子感恩恭敬真诚,口拜恩师,师父吉祥如意,法体安康,弘法圆满,感恩师父感恩

  7. 感恩师父的分享。小时候,父母亲以养猪为生。我从小就看到家人的命运也跟大大小小的猪一样,在痛苦中被分离了。二姐在两,三岁时,掉进池被淹没了。二哥也在青年期十四,十五时从巴士摔下也离开了我们。大姐和大哥都有帮过养猪,他们也都离婚了。曾经我们把猪的家庭拆散了,现在我们也正受着同样的因果,家庭不和。父亲离开后 ,母亲也受了刺激,陷入思念的痛苦。至从遇到师父后,妈妈看到师父的法照,就自然开心。感恩师父的慈悲力量,带动了母亲的快乐,不再受着精神和病苦的折磨。我深深地明白因果道理,真心的感恩能遇到尊贵的师父,让我有机会为父母亲弥补过去,让母亲在有生之年,能够恢复家庭圆满,幸福,快乐以回报母亲的养育之恩。感恩师父让我学会了感恩与慈悲,多去帮人,带动了家人的快乐。明白了杀生带来的痛苦,两个小孩子,从出生就吃素。

  8. 感恩师父慈悲教化!看看觉得好可怕,因果报应,真实不虚。所以我要多存善心,以慈悲心为怀,不杀,不伤害任何动物,要爱护动物,用一颗慈悲善良的心对待万事万物,自己才能获得身心灵的清诤与安详自在。感恩最伟大的佛师!

  9. 感恩师父分享因果业报的真实故事。

  10. 感恩师父的慈悲分享??????我们要相信因果报应,真实不虚,不是不报,而是时间未到。所以,我们要存善心,不杀害动物,要爱护动物,用一颗慈悲及善良的心对待万事万物,自己才能获得身心灵的清净与安详。

  11. 师父,您好!在1990年時因父母和弟弟移民來到美國,我和妹妹在家時,我曾㓥过一只鸡,㓥来㓥去都不死,从此以后直到今天我從來都不敢㓥任何動物了。想起很可怕啊!謝謝師父上传分享!感恩师父!

  12. 感恩师父,我深有体会,从小我父亲捕鱼,我们剖鱼,我,姐姐,哥哥都受到剖腹的报应,家里灾难不断。小侄子生下来智障,20岁去世,现在我爰人肺癌伴骨转移卧床快一年,我深知自己前世,今生罪孽身重,所以也只有忏悔

  13. 师父师母早上好,感恩师父慈悲开示,弟子心里也为身边的亲人,为不明理的众生害怕,但自己总是无能为力,以前不敢说,从今天起弟子开始劝,让更多的人明白道理,弟子叩拜恩师。

  14. 感恩师父,感恩佛菩萨,感恩你们一直不断的点化护佑,感恩你们慈悲加持,我的丈夫因为喝酒小中风引起的口齿不清的症状基本消失,更加感谢因为这次插曲改造了丈夫,让他脱胎换骨重做人,给家庭带来了幸福。

  15. 感恩尊贵上师的分享。 小的时候,耳边常听到“善有善报恶有恶报,不是不报,时候未到” 妈妈的教化,所以就从小的时候就不敢做什么坏事,没人在的时候也不敢。因为怕是有恶报。老听到妈妈这么念叨啊。假如没管住自己,做错了什么事,就心有不安。 长大了学习了佛法,才更加深知宇宙天地间的法则,才更加明理。也更加畏惧因果。 我们常人做事只因不知因果,不名道理,而做错事,说错话,甚至生出错误的想法,这些不知因果不明道理的身语意之行所造作的结果给我们带来障碍,带来疾病,带来一切的不顺。 可是,我们常人有所不知啊。所以,这个世界是多么需要教化啊。感恩上师的慈悲的教化和引领。

  16. 感恩尊贵上师的分享。 小的时候,耳边常听到“善有善报恶有恶报,不是不报,时候未到” 妈妈的教化,所以就从小的时候就不敢做什么坏事,没人在的时候也不敢。因为怕是有恶报。老听到妈妈这么念叨啊。假如没管住自己,做错了什么事,就心有不安。 长大了学习了佛法,才更加深知宇宙天地间的法则,才更加明理。也更加畏惧因果。 我们常人做事只因不知因果,不名道理,而做错事,说错话,甚至生出错误的想法,这些不知因果不明道理的身语意之行所造作的结果给我们带来障碍,带来疾病,带来一切的不顺。 可是,我们常人有所不知啊。所以,这个世界是多么需要教化啊。感恩上师的慈悲的教化和引领。

  17. 感恩师父慈悲分享!因果报应真实不虚,不管你信与不信,它都存在,我们今生?️缘跟着师父学习佛法,所以我们要心存善心和慈悲心,不杀生,要爱护动物,用一颗慈悲善良的心对侍万事万物,自己才能获得身心灵的清净与安详!弟子顶礼叩拜!???
