法門寺──佛指舍利 . 法門寺位於中國陝…


Famen Temple – The Buddha’s Finger Bone Relic

The Famen Temple is located in Shaanxi Province, China. It was founded during the Eastern Han Dynasty, and was formerly known as the King Ashoka Temple. With a more than 1,700-year history, the temple is venerated with its Buddha’s Finger Bone Relic.

When Sakyamuni Buddha ascended into parinirvana, he gifted 84,000 pieces of relics. In a bid to spread Buddhist teachings globally, India’s King Ashoka distributed the Buddha’s relics to different parts of the world, amid the constructions of pagodas as means of worship. One of the Buddha’s relics – the Finger Bone Relic – was gifted to the Famen Temple.

During the Tang Dynasty, with the reverence and faith in Buddhism by the monarchy, Emperor Gaozu personally renamed the Ashoka Temple as “Famen Temple.” During that period, there would be a ceremony held in honor of the relic every 30 years. Subsequently, the pagoda where the relic was consecrated became known as the “Protector of the Country’s Relic” pagoda.

As it progressed to the Xi Zong’s era, Emperor Tang Xizong safe-kept the relic together with a collection of thousands of rare treasures under the pagoda, which were then sealed at the entrances. A massive earthquake occurred during the Ming dynasty however, and buried the temple grounds. It was not until 1987 that the temple was re-discovered, and the Buddha’s finger bone relic, amongst countless treasures saw light finally, much to the awe of the world.

The underground palace at Famen Temple is currently the oldest, largest, and most revered of Buddhist stupa palaces with innumerable treasures, and no lack of legendary tales. Yet, the miracle of Fa Men Temple’s hidden treasures lies in Sakyamuni Buddha’s Finger Bone Relic that has to date prevailed for at least 2,500 years. The fact that the Finger Bone Relic is recognized as one of few remaining authentic relics of the Sakyamuni Buddha makes it invaluable! It further affirms the faith that Sakyamuni Buddha is genuinely omnipresent, validates the eternal compassion of the Dharma, and blesses the universe with the most auspicious energy.

Source URL:http://www.famensi.com/
Illustration credits:http://www.famensi.com/fjyy_pccontent.asp?kind=57rnrn法門寺──佛指舍利

Famen Temple – The Buddha’s Finger Bone Relic

The Famen Temple is located in Shaanxi Province, China. It was founded during the Eastern Han Dynasty, and was formerly known as the King Ashoka Temple. With a more than 1,700-year history, the temple is venerated with its Buddha’s Finger Bone Relic.

When Sakyamuni Buddha ascended into parinirvana, he gifted 84,000 pieces of relics. In a bid to spread Buddhist teachings globally, India’s King Ashoka distributed the Buddha’s relics to different parts of the world, amid the constructions of pagodas as means of worship. One of the Buddha’s relics – the Finger Bone Relic – was gifted to the Famen Temple.

During the Tang Dynasty, with the reverence and faith in Buddhism by the monarchy, Emperor Gaozu personally renamed the Ashoka Temple as “Famen Temple.” During that period, there would be a ceremony held in honor of the relic every 30 years. Subsequently, the pagoda where the relic was consecrated became known as the “Protector of the Country’s Relic” pagoda.

As it progressed to the Xi Zong’s era, Emperor Tang Xizong safe-kept the relic together with a collection of thousands of rare treasures under the pagoda, which were then sealed at the entrances. A massive earthquake occurred during the Ming dynasty however, and buried the temple grounds. It was not until 1987 that the temple was re-discovered, and the Buddha’s finger bone relic, amongst countless treasures saw light finally, much to the awe of the world.

The underground palace at Famen Temple is currently the oldest, largest, and most revered of Buddhist stupa palaces with innumerable treasures, and no lack of legendary tales. Yet, the miracle of Fa Men Temple’s hidden treasures lies in Sakyamuni Buddha’s Finger Bone Relic that has to date prevailed for at least 2,500 years. The fact that the Finger Bone Relic is recognized as one of few remaining authentic relics of the Sakyamuni Buddha makes it invaluable! It further affirms the faith that Sakyamuni Buddha is genuinely omnipresent, validates the eternal compassion of the Dharma, and blesses the universe with the most auspicious energy.

Source URL:http://www.famensi.com/
Illustration credits:http://www.famensi.com/fjyy_pccontent.asp?kind=57


在〈法門寺──佛指舍利 . 法門寺位於中國陝…〉中有 27 則留言

  1. 师父上午好!感恩师父慈悲分享!让弟子们有福气瞻仰到佛陀的真身舍利!得到吉祥能量的加持!顶礼叩拜大慈大悲的师父!!!

  2. 佛指骨舍利也是目前僅存的釋迦牟尼佛真身舍利,尤顯珍貴!代表著釋迦牟尼佛是真實不虛的存在,也印證了佛法的慈悲,為世間帶來吉祥的能量。。。感恩师父!.

  3. 感恩师父慈悲分享!感恩师父分享让我们看到佛陀的法門寺──佛指舍利!得到吉祥能量的加持!顶礼叩拜南无夲师释迦牟尼佛!顶礼叩拜大慈大悲的师父!!!

  4. 感恩师父分享!释迦摩尼佛佛指骨舍利至今存世两千五百年之久!明代一场大地震将法门寺掩於黄土之下。直到1987年,法门寺地宫才又被世人发现,佛骨舍利则在无数珍宝的簇拥下再次横空出世,震惊世人。验证佛法真实不虚!即使历经沧桑也依旧光彩夺目!佛法因慈悲而生,无时无刻不教化终生!顶礼师父!

  5. 师父上午好!感恩师父慈悲分享!佛指骨舍利也是目前仅存的释迦牟尼佛真身舍利,尤显珍贵,代表者释迦牟尼佛是真实不虚的存在,也印证了佛法的慈悲,为世间带来吉祥幸福的能量。感恩敬爱的恩师!

  6. 師父早上好,弟子,金修阔感恩師父今早的分享,能有缘看到存世 2500 年的佛祖指骨舍利,佛法慈悲,為卋間带來幸福吉祥的正能量,感恩 !

  7. 感恩师父慈悲解释!太珍贵了!释迦牟尼佛的真身手指舍利!千年至今传奇般的在法门寺地宫重新发现!佛陀的慈悲为天下苍生带来希望和吉祥能量!!我们禅堂也供养佛舍利!祈愿人人都能瞻礼供养得吉祥能量大加持!佛光普照!?叩拜

  8. 师父师母早上好,吉祥幸福,健康快乐,感恩师父慈悲分享佛指舍利太珍贵了给我们众生带来吉祥能量,感恩师父佛菩萨每时每刻慈悲加持和护佑我们健康成长,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师。

  9. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲分享!释迦牟尼佛真身舍利尤显珍贵,代表着释伽牟尼佛是真实不虚的存在也印证了佛法的慈悲为世间帶来吉祥能量!感恩师父慈悲加持护佑!恭敬顶礼叩拜恩师!!!

  10. 师父好!感恩师父的慈悲分享!佛指舍利子是希有珍贵!弟子家里供奉一粒舍利子!是一位大德修练者的!是别人送我家先生的!感恩师父的加持护佑!顶礼叩拜师父师母!祝师父师母健康快乐!吉祥如意!

  11. 师父好!师父吉祥午安!虽未亲临法门寺朝拜佛真骨舍利,但弟子心中已在顶礼!当看到佛指舍利的照片时,弟子心里马上不假思索地说,师父的佛骨舍利!哈哈?是弟子时时刻刻在想师父!佛父安好吉祥???

  12. 感恩師父慈悲分享【法門寺—佛指舍利】的典故,拉近了時空……見證釋迦牟尼佛是真實不虛的存在,也印證了佛法的慈悲及為世間帶來吉祥的能量!
