【乞丐的故事】 . 我曾在網路上看過一個…

The story of a beggar

I watched an online video recently which was shared by a netizen. It is a video of a social experiment conducted on the streets. In the video, a sum of money was quietly placed next to a beggar while he was sleeping on the streets. The objective was to see what the beggar would do with the money.

When the beggar woke up, he saw the money lying next to him. Thinking that it was given by some kind-hearted passer-by, he took the money and rushed to a store and pharmacy. With the money, he bought food, medication and some daily necessities. Instead of keeping the items for himself, he carried his new purchases to another elderly beggar and gave all the stuff to him.

The folks behind this social experiment carried out some investigations and found that the two beggars did not know each other. The first beggar was penniless, yet his first thought upon finding the money was to help the elderly and sick beggar – somebody whom he deemed to be even more in need than him.

This simple act of kindness was both remarkable and real. The beggar was a true living Bodhisattva, someone who was the epitome of Buddha’s teachings.

Buddha taught us to be grateful and contented as we are blessed with the wealth, belongings, relationships and love that we need. Besides being grateful, we must also learn to give to those who are in need. Being contented is a mentality, just like giving. Who should we give to? To those who needed help most.

#MasterJinBodhiStoryTime, #20170414-FBLiveBroadcastSingapore, #Beggar, #Givernrn【乞丐的故事】
The story of a beggar

I watched an online video recently which was shared by a netizen. It is a video of a social experiment conducted on the streets. In the video, a sum of money was quietly placed next to a beggar while he was sleeping on the streets. The objective was to see what the beggar would do with the money.

When the beggar woke up, he saw the money lying next to him. Thinking that it was given by some kind-hearted passer-by, he took the money and rushed to a store and pharmacy. With the money, he bought food, medication and some daily necessities. Instead of keeping the items for himself, he carried his new purchases to another elderly beggar and gave all the stuff to him.

The folks behind this social experiment carried out some investigations and found that the two beggars did not know each other. The first beggar was penniless, yet his first thought upon finding the money was to help the elderly and sick beggar – somebody whom he deemed to be even more in need than him.

This simple act of kindness was both remarkable and real. The beggar was a true living Bodhisattva, someone who was the epitome of Buddha’s teachings.

Buddha taught us to be grateful and contented as we are blessed with the wealth, belongings, relationships and love that we need. Besides being grateful, we must also learn to give to those who are in need. Being contented is a mentality, just like giving. Who should we give to? To those who needed help most.

#MasterJinBodhiStoryTime, #20170414-FBLiveBroadcastSingapore, #Beggar, #Give


在〈【乞丐的故事】 . 我曾在網路上看過一個…〉中有 26 則留言

  1. Namo Omithofo…!!
    Di jaman sekarang sangat sulit menemui orang2 yang berhati suci & mulia, semua ada pamrih nya baru mau memberi.
    Yang lebih aneh lagi mereka ada kelompok nya orang kaya selalu berteman dengan yang kaya, yang miskin hanya sebagai bahan ceritaan mereka saja..!!
    Begitulah kehidupan manusia sekarang, sangat sulit mencari manusia membantu tanpa pamrih…!

  2. 感恩佛师慈悲的分享!这个乞丐菩萨高贵的精神值得我们去学习!在他什么都没有的时候,意外得到的钱财没有想到自己而是想到帮助老弱的乞丐,他这才是真的“舍得”的伟大行为!

  3. 「愛心不分貧富。」,我們在順利的時候,我們需要的財、物、人、愛這些事情都有了的時候,我們要感恩、要知足,還要佈施。多行布施,将来我们才能富贵!。。感恩师父!

  4. 感恩师父分享?乞丐的高尚品德,他身无分文,却能施舍给更需要的人,这就是人间菩萨,这就是人间最可亲可爱的人也是最慈悲善良的人,我们学佛就应该像这个乞丐一样能舍出自己的一份真心❤️关爱他人,才是真正的佛菩萨。感恩师父?

  5. 真正的快樂在於人心無私的分享,老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼。愛,有時出人意表。

  6. 感恩师父分享教诲!“爱心不分贫富”,感叹“这位”乞丐的爱心。其实我也自觉也是一个会施舍的人,但可能做得还是很不够。最明显和铭心刻骨的是发生在我身上一个很“神奇”的事。我爸去世前的那天晚上,我做一个梦,有两个道士来到我的办公室,画了一张“老虎”图,问我要吗?我不知要给多少钱,心想”算啦“,就说:“不要”。我身边的一位老的男员工要了。望着道士背后挂着斗笠远去的背影,我问男员工:“给了多少钱?”后就醒了,那天下午我父亲就“走”了。半年以后,一个会算命的人说,“‘老虎’,就是‘老父’,道士其实是想给你施救的,但你‘不要’,道士也就放弃了”。恨得我悔之以晚,锥心掉泪,就是因为怕“舍”。感恩师父教诲,学会做到能舍就舍吧,不要悯惜,可能真是越舍越有。顶礼叩拜师父!

  7. 从这个故事里学到了,要做一个慈悲关爱别人的人,不自私,不贪婪,有爱心,多布施,才是快乐的,无论富与贫!感恩师父时时教悔!

  8. 感恩师父慈悲分享乞丐的故事太感人了,这个乞丐太智慧了有慈悲心有爱心当别别人布施给的钱财想到去帮比他还困难的乞丐,相信因果,布施会改变命运会得富贵,感恩师父慈悲的教悔和关怀护佑,多布施供养师父佛菩萨会改变命运,会给子孙种福田储存资粮,祝愿师父师母每天开心快乐,幸福吉祥,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师。

  9. 感恩师父慈悲开示!爱心不分贫富。赞美这个乞丐慈悲关爱别人,助人为乐而基本,不贪婪、先己后人精神值得我们学习。做一个慈悲的人,上供下施。祝师父法体安康!弘法顺利!

  10. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲分享!弟子收到,爱心不分贫富,弟子会帮助身边一切需要帮助他人。顶礼叩拜师父!恭祝师父吉祥如意!法喜充满!???

  11. 舍得、舍得,“舍”字在前“得”在后!经典的故事:“”伸手要钱物是手心向上,其实是最不容易的!而付出施舍是手心向下,却是最轻松也是最伟大的!老是索取的心理会恶性循环导致更贫穷,而舍自帮人的善举一定会越来越富有的!理解了恩师引导我们“舍得”的深意之后,知足感恩我是身心灵和物质最富有的人……感恩师父???

  12. 感恩师父慈悲分享!爱心不分贫富,感恩这名善良乞丐的义挙,给我们上了-课。不以善小而不为,不以悪小而为之,用慈悲宽容爱心善心武装自己,做好自我。顶礼感恩佛师!

  13. 感恩師父慈悲分享網路【測試街頭乞丐的視頻】!
