伸出手 看看你的福分有多少? . 好好修…

伸出手 看看你的福分有多少?
伸出手 看看你的福分有多少?

Take a look at your palm and see how fortunate are you?

When we practice Buddhadharma well, we will realize that our complexions become more radiant and our palms become thicker. The part of our palm that joins the fingers may be fuller and bulging with more flesh than the center of our palm. These bumps of flesh on your palm resembles Mountain of Good Fortune, and the concave part at the center of the palm resembles Sea of Longevity. Therefore, we can refer them as “Mountain of Good Fortune and Sea of Longevity”

Having a pair of good hands may be preferred over good looks on the face. The elements of prosperity and good fortune are apparently embedded in the hands. Look for palms that are soft and tender, healthily colored, moisturized, nourished, sometimes even radiating a pleasant smell. When one practices Buddhadharma well, the concave at the center of the palm can become more noticeable as the palm becomes more fleshy and thicker. In palmistry, this signifies Good Fortune and Longevity, so when you see such a palm, you can easily tell that this person definitely enjoys good fortune and luck.

Another phenomenon: snowflakes-like marks on your palm. These changes in your body are results from the practice of Buddhadharma, which is believed to represent a coming change in your destiny. One may or may not be able to notice these changes. However, changes in the body can be felt more during practice, such as the hands may occasionally feel numb or warm, or the feeling of energy flow can also be quite obvious.

With diligence in practicing Buddhadharma, you will observe the changes in your palms. You will be blessed with richness in Good Fortune and Longevity that Buddha has bestowed upon you. Sincere singing of chants and praises to the Buddha, and acts of compassion will also help to bring these changes. Our improved health and increased wisdom is a direct result from our positive and right thoughts and behavior during our daily practices of Buddhism. In this manner, we will cultivate a heart of great compassion and kindness, love and generosity.

#MountainOfGoodFortuneAndSeaOfLongevity, #Palmistry, #20170414FBLiveBroadcastFromSingaporeEventrnrn伸出手 看看你的福分有多少?
伸出手 看看你的福分有多少?

Take a look at your palm and see how fortunate are you?

When we practice Buddhadharma well, we will realize that our complexions become more radiant and our palms become thicker. The part of our palm that joins the fingers may be fuller and bulging with more flesh than the center of our palm. These bumps of flesh on your palm resembles Mountain of Good Fortune, and the concave part at the center of the palm resembles Sea of Longevity. Therefore, we can refer them as “Mountain of Good Fortune and Sea of Longevity”

Having a pair of good hands may be preferred over good looks on the face. The elements of prosperity and good fortune are apparently embedded in the hands. Look for palms that are soft and tender, healthily colored, moisturized, nourished, sometimes even radiating a pleasant smell. When one practices Buddhadharma well, the concave at the center of the palm can become more noticeable as the palm becomes more fleshy and thicker. In palmistry, this signifies Good Fortune and Longevity, so when you see such a palm, you can easily tell that this person definitely enjoys good fortune and luck.

Another phenomenon: snowflakes-like marks on your palm. These changes in your body are results from the practice of Buddhadharma, which is believed to represent a coming change in your destiny. One may or may not be able to notice these changes. However, changes in the body can be felt more during practice, such as the hands may occasionally feel numb or warm, or the feeling of energy flow can also be quite obvious.

With diligence in practicing Buddhadharma, you will observe the changes in your palms. You will be blessed with richness in Good Fortune and Longevity that Buddha has bestowed upon you. Sincere singing of chants and praises to the Buddha, and acts of compassion will also help to bring these changes. Our improved health and increased wisdom is a direct result from our positive and right thoughts and behavior during our daily practices of Buddhism. In this manner, we will cultivate a heart of great compassion and kindness, love and generosity.

#MountainOfGoodFortuneAndSeaOfLongevity, #Palmistry, #20170414FBLiveBroadcastFromSingaporeEvent

伸出手 看看你的福分有多少?
伸出手 看看你的福分有多少?

Take a look at your palm and see how fortunate are you?
When we practice Buddhadharma well, we will realize that our complexions become more radiant and our palms become thicker. The part of our palm that joins the fingers may be fuller and bulging with more flesh than the center of our palm. These bumps of flesh on your palm resembles Mountain of Good Fortune, and the concave part at the center of the palm resembles Sea of Longevity. Therefore, we can refer them as “Mountain of Good Fortune and Sea of Longevity”
Having a pair of good hands may be preferred over good looks on the face. The elements of prosperity and good fortune are apparently embedded in the hands. Look for palms that are soft and tender, healthily colored, moisturized, nourished, sometimes even radiating a pleasant smell. When one practices Buddhadharma well, the concave at the center of the palm can become more noticeable as the palm becomes more fleshy and thicker. In palmistry, this signifies Good Fortune and Longevity, so when you see such a palm, you can easily tell that this person definitely enjoys good fortune and luck. 
Another phenomenon: snowflakes-like marks on your palm. These changes in your body are results from the practice of Buddhadharma, which is believed to represent a coming change in your destiny. One may or may not be able to notice these changes. However, changes in the body can be felt more during practice, such as the hands may occasionally feel numb or warm, or the feeling of energy flow can also be quite obvious.
With diligence in practicing Buddhadharma, you will observe the changes in your palms. You will be blessed with richness in Good Fortune and Longevity that Buddha has bestowed upon you. Sincere singing of chants and praises to the Buddha, and acts of compassion will also help to bring these changes. Our improved health and increased wisdom is a direct result from our positive and right thoughts and behavior during our daily practices of Buddhism. In this manner, we will cultivate a heart of great compassion and kindness, love and generosity.           

#MountainOfGoodFortuneAndSeaOfLongevity, #Palmistry, #20170414FBLiveBroadcastFromSingaporeEventrnrn伸出手 看看你的福分有多少?
伸出手 看看你的福分有多少?

Take a look at your palm and see how fortunate are you?
When we practice Buddhadharma well, we will realize that our complexions become more radiant and our palms become thicker. The part of our palm that joins the fingers may be fuller and bulging with more flesh than the center of our palm. These bumps of flesh on your palm resembles Mountain of Good Fortune, and the concave part at the center of the palm resembles Sea of Longevity. Therefore, we can refer them as “Mountain of Good Fortune and Sea of Longevity”
Having a pair of good hands may be preferred over good looks on the face. The elements of prosperity and good fortune are apparently embedded in the hands. Look for palms that are soft and tender, healthily colored, moisturized, nourished, sometimes even radiating a pleasant smell. When one practices Buddhadharma well, the concave at the center of the palm can become more noticeable as the palm becomes more fleshy and thicker. In palmistry, this signifies Good Fortune and Longevity, so when you see such a palm, you can easily tell that this person definitely enjoys good fortune and luck. 
Another phenomenon: snowflakes-like marks on your palm. These changes in your body are results from the practice of Buddhadharma, which is believed to represent a coming change in your destiny. One may or may not be able to notice these changes. However, changes in the body can be felt more during practice, such as the hands may occasionally feel numb or warm, or the feeling of energy flow can also be quite obvious.
With diligence in practicing Buddhadharma, you will observe the changes in your palms. You will be blessed with richness in Good Fortune and Longevity that Buddha has bestowed upon you. Sincere singing of chants and praises to the Buddha, and acts of compassion will also help to bring these changes. Our improved health and increased wisdom is a direct result from our positive and right thoughts and behavior during our daily practices of Buddhism. In this manner, we will cultivate a heart of great compassion and kindness, love and generosity.           

#MountainOfGoodFortuneAndSeaOfLongevity, #Palmistry, #20170414FBLiveBroadcastFromSingaporeEvent


在〈伸出手 看看你的福分有多少? . 好好修…〉中有 30 則留言

  1. 感恩上师的慈悲加持!感恩佛的赐予!仔细看了看,手掌变厚了,肉包鼓起来了,就连每个手指间的肉皮儿都不一样了,看着自己的手都非常惊讶!不止于外在的变化,内在也在更新着,懂得了感恩、包容,学会了转念,转变思维模式,由对外的要求于人转为了为他人着想。跟随上师一路修过来,不知不觉中转变了许多不良生活习惯。真诚顶礼叩拜恩师!

  2. 师父好!刚刚仔细看看我的手,好像有师父所说的这种现象,福山寿海。感恩师父赐弟子这么殊胜的佛法,改变了我的生命!顶礼膜拜我的师父!!!???

  3. 对照师父说的,看看自己的手还真的是「福山壽海」,自己一直以为手是胖的鼓起来的O(∩_∩)O感恩师父给予那么好的禅修法宝O(∩_∩)O今天上午打坐的时候,就感觉这双手沉甸甸的,以为是两个大火球O(∩_∩)O,用心感受下,原来是有两根光柱一直照在手心里O(∩_∩)O

  4. 师父好!弟子的手掌鼓起来了,也是《福山寿海》了,手掌上也有像雪花一样的斑点,感恩佛师的赐予,顶礼叩拜佛师!?❤???

  5. 感恩上师的慈悲加持!看看自己的手还真的变化很快,以前是瘦细无力,血管以前都是微小医生给输液都找不到血管,今天仔细观看都粗大起来了,还有手心低瓦了,旁邊的肉鼓高了。感恩师父赐我们福山寿海!顶礼叩拜师父!!!

  6. 收到! 感恩师父, 弟子的这两个”福山寿海”都是师父慈悲所赐, 弟子也会继续努力去帮助其他的有緣人去建造这样的”福山寿海”…..

  7. 感恩師父分享!我也是這兩三年覺得手變厚了,心裏還有一些納悶,後來聼師父開示,原來是好事啊!「福山壽海」真好聽,感恩師父!常常走八卦、大光明,命運真的變好了!幸好遇見師父???

  8. 师父好!我的手掌的皮肤上有像雪花一样的斑点,这就是修行在改变我整個的生命,感恩师父!我一定真心去誦念、真心去歌頌、真的发慈悲心,我的手上就会有变化。我们的健康、智慧是來自於修行中的每一天、每一句咒語、每一個慈悲的正念观想,这样才能慢慢地建立起來一种慈悲的改变。感恩感谢伟大的师父!

  9. 感恩师父,跟师父修行很快3年了,深有感触自己应是有福之人,不光身、心明显变化,手上也能看出福山寿海,心中充满无限感恩,爱我慈父师父!

  10. 感恩师父赐我们妙法,赐予我们“福山寿海”!以前都没有好好关注过自己的手,现经师父提醒,看看自己的手,手掌的肉是厚厚的,手掌皮肤有雪花样斑点!哈哈,原来这就是修行带来的改变!弟子得收拾好心情发真心修,从现在做起,不断加强建立起来的“慈悲的改变”!感恩师父慈悲的加持赐予!

  11. 阿弥陀佛!阿弥陀佛。阿弥陀佛!感恩。真是太開心了!我几年前发觉我的手心皮膚确实有很多白色斑點。我以为我白血多过红血!今日看到上师I的慈悲加持。感恩!其实我有很多是不知道的。不明白的!心中十分感恩。我的手确实肥了很多!手掌也深了很多。近来我的左手也真的会发麻!感恩。阿弥陀佛!真是太開心了。我每天只是用心念阿弥陀佛!确实令我有喜悦心和感恩心。有怜惜别人的心!这些从小都有的慈悲心。感恩阿弥陀佛的慈悲!真是法喜充满。吉祥如意!幸福平安。

  12. 感恩师父!仔细观察好像有点,但是不太明显还要更加精进才可以。不过脾气心情已经判若两人,感恩师父的妙法,还要继续精进!顶礼师父!

  13. 感恩师父!我的面相、手相比修行前改变了很多,但手相还没达到师父所讲的那样,几个“包”还不是很丰满呢,看来我还要多多努力修行才好!我为自己加油!

  14. 感恩师父!我的手掌比较厚实,手指下头鼓起几个包,以前我不懂这是“福山”,还有点烦。手掌的皮肤下面,布满红白相间的“雪花”,刚洗手后晶莹剔透,雪花特别明显,好似“五花肉”。走了三年八卦,手心好热,有次单位开会,与几位年龄相仿的女同事坐在一起,她们都说手冷,我伸手握住她们的手,她们非常惊讶地说:“天呐!你的手怎么这么热?怪不得有福呢!”。

  15. 师父早上好!慈悲的师父!您说的我手上都有,我还要加大力度修行,多做善事多帮人,恭敬佛菩萨,恭敬师父,感恩褚佛菩萨,感恩伟大的佛师赐于我的福报我要全部的供养给我的师父!这就是我最幸福!最快乐最开心的人生。我爱我的恩师!吏爱我的金刚师兄们!愿所有的同修们吉祥幸福开心快乐!祝师父师母法体安康!及全家幸福快乐!顶礼叩拜师父!

  16. 师父好!感恩师父的开示!我的手比较符合师父说的,我要努力修练自己!争取做人间的菩萨!顶礼师父师母!叩拜师父师母!祝师父师母吉祥如意!

  17. 感恩上师的慈悲加持!感恩佛的赐予!仔细看了看,手掌变厚了,肉包鼓起来了,就连每个手指间的肉皮儿都不一样了,看着自己的手都非常惊讶!不止于外在的变化,内在也在更新着,懂得了感恩、包容,学会了转念,转变思维模式,由对外的要求于人转为了为他人着想。跟随上师一路修过来,不知不觉中转变了许多不良生活习惯。弟子真诚顶礼叩拜恩师!???

  18. 师父好!俺的手心修出了明显的凹槽,手指根部修出了肉包,尤其是小手指和无名指之间根部的肉包很鼓,这么说俺也是大富大贵的人啦!

  19. 感恩师父赐给我们妙法,我也跟着师父好好修行,用慈悲、感恩的心与佛相印,真心去诵念、真心歌颂、真的发慈悲心、接受佛菩萨、金菩提佛师赐我"福山寿海"我的手掌真的比以前丰厚了很多,感恩!叩拜佛师!

  20. 感恩师父!”長一張好臉不如有雙好手,手上有福氣才是真的“!脸可能会”欺“人,手不会啊。手显露的福分才是真的。感恩师父,“「福山壽海」,這是佛賜予你的。佛的賜予與你的付出有關係,你真心去誦念、真心去歌頌、真的發慈悲心,我們的手上就會有變化。所以我們的健康、我們的智慧是來自於修行中的每一天、每一句咒語、每一個慈悲的正念觀想,這樣才能慢慢地建立起來一種慈悲的改變。”师父,知道怎么样依法修行了!感恩师父慈悲带领,教诲!感恩师父让弟子有这福报跟随!感恩顶礼师父!

  21. 感恩师父传授我们修行妙法,让我们看到了修行后,福分的多少由「福山寿海」决定,看一下自己的手的确有变化,雪花点光泽鼓起的肉包,都有出现,这是佛赐予我们的,这一切都是修行改变了我们的身心灵和命运,只有每一天正心正念的修行做人做事,才能让我们开悟得智慧,才能让慈悲充满我们身体的每一个细胞。
