失業不代表失業?? . 還記得我曾經跟大…











Losing a job doesn’t necessarily mean so

In ancient China, when Yanzi, the Prime Minister of Qi dynasty was still a student, one day he lamented to his teacher and said, “Oh, I am so upset!”

After he stopped crying, his teacher asked, “Why are you upset?”

Yanzi said, “It took me much effort to find an admin job in the County Government Office. However, the County Magistrate got his relative, who is neither literate nor smart, into the office and slashed my salary by half. Just because they are related, my job was compromised. Don’t you think I am very pathetic?”

In his attempt to get his teacher to speak up for him, Yanzi added, “It doesn’t matter if I am insulted, but you are currently the most renowned teacher in Confucius and a great educator. By insulting me, doesn’t that mean you are being insulted too?”

His teacher suddenly banged the table and exclaimed, “This is awesome!”

“What do you mean, Teacher? I am already in such a pathetic state and you are actually adding to the insult? No teacher will make fun of his student.” Yanzi remarked with anger.

His teacher said, “I am congratulating you.”

Yanzi was baffled and asked, “Congratulating me for?”

In reply, his teacher said, “I can’t reveal to you now.”

Three months later, Yanzi’s talent was spotted by the Governor and he was transferred to the Provincial Government Office. The new position was equivalent to that of the Governor’s Secretary and so it became a promotion for him.

Yanzi went running happily to his teacher and said, “I am grateful for your wise guidance, Teacher. You taught me not to be too impatient. When one is well prepared, there is no need to be worried about new opportunities not coming by.”

To be successful in life, one should stay grounded and focus on preparing oneself to take on challenges and seize opportunities.

#YanziPrimeMinsterOfQi, #ImproveOneself, #Success, #LosAngeles2010NewYearBlessingSeminarrnrn失業不代表失業??










Losing a job doesn’t necessarily mean so

In ancient China, when Yanzi, the Prime Minister of Qi dynasty was still a student, one day he lamented to his teacher and said, “Oh, I am so upset!”

After he stopped crying, his teacher asked, “Why are you upset?”

Yanzi said, “It took me much effort to find an admin job in the County Government Office. However, the County Magistrate got his relative, who is neither literate nor smart, into the office and slashed my salary by half. Just because they are related, my job was compromised. Don’t you think I am very pathetic?”

In his attempt to get his teacher to speak up for him, Yanzi added, “It doesn’t matter if I am insulted, but you are currently the most renowned teacher in Confucius and a great educator. By insulting me, doesn’t that mean you are being insulted too?”

His teacher suddenly banged the table and exclaimed, “This is awesome!”

“What do you mean, Teacher? I am already in such a pathetic state and you are actually adding to the insult? No teacher will make fun of his student.” Yanzi remarked with anger.

His teacher said, “I am congratulating you.”

Yanzi was baffled and asked, “Congratulating me for?”

In reply, his teacher said, “I can’t reveal to you now.”

Three months later, Yanzi’s talent was spotted by the Governor and he was transferred to the Provincial Government Office. The new position was equivalent to that of the Governor’s Secretary and so it became a promotion for him.

Yanzi went running happily to his teacher and said, “I am grateful for your wise guidance, Teacher. You taught me not to be too impatient. When one is well prepared, there is no need to be worried about new opportunities not coming by.”

To be successful in life, one should stay grounded and focus on preparing oneself to take on challenges and seize opportunities.

#YanziPrimeMinsterOfQi, #ImproveOneself, #Success, #LosAngeles2010NewYearBlessingSeminar


在〈失業不代表失業?? . 還記得我曾經跟大…〉中有 32 則留言

  1. 师父好!师父吉祥如意!感恩师父!我们遇到困难的时候,不要急于求成,要有耐心等待。按师父说得做,绝对没有错。准备好自己,蓄积能量,勇于承担,把握机会,就会成功!礼敬叩拜师父!!!

  2. 感恩师父慈悲开示和呵护!相信自己做慈悲人,努力學習蓄积能量,凡事沉住氣,握住機會,人生就會是成功的!顶礼叩拜师父!!!

  3. 师父好,感恩师父慈悲智慧人生成功开示,感恩师父慈悲的教悔和关怀护佑,感恩师父让我们多学知识技术本领储存资粮,永敢承担,把握住机会,人生就会成功的是为人生有准备的人创造奇迹发生,祝愿师父师母每天开心快乐,幸福吉祥,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师。

  4. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲教诲!成功只会给有准备的人,一个勤奋,努力,精进,慈悲,忍让,承担,恭敬,感恩的人一定会心想事成,如果还不成功,那就是做的不圆满。为自己加油!

  5. 有些事等待真的很好,我要慢慢学会等待,不能急!时时告诫自己要慢下来,不急,一步一个脚印去完成就好了!感恩师父!感恩!顶礼叩拜恩师!

  6. 感恩師父慈悲教化分享,失業不是真的失業,取決我們如何看待。有句話說:所有的發生都是最好的發生,只要你明白,一切為自己成長。所以危機就是轉機,師父教化:心存正念,善念,廣結善缘,光明呈現!謝謝師父,吉祥如意!?

  7. 師父師母早上好!吉祥如意!感恩師父慈悲分亨与教悔。弟子性格有些急性子,一定要好好磨练磨练才得。紧记師父教诲.顶礼叩拜上師!

  8. 师父说过,地狱常常装扮成天堂,天堂也时时装扮成地狱,恶魔时常装扮吃天使,天使也时常扮演成恶魔。所以做人要有定力,世间一切在变,只要慈悲心不变,就一定能如意吉祥!感恩师父!叩拜师父!

  9. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示!暂时的不完美,并不代表以后的无成就。人生三起三落,有低谷必定会有高潮!沉住气,先武装好自己等待机会来临时,抓住机会,定能干出一番事业。

  10. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示!凡事沉住氣,只管準備好自己,勇敢承担、並把握住机会,感恩师父!祝师父法体安康!恆久驻世!法輪常轉!弟子顶礼叩拜师父!!!

  11. 感恩师父慈悲开示!是啊每个人心中都有抱负理想,有时有点怀才不遇,但却不知只要准备好只要机会抓住,那明天的成功就属于自己,机会等的是一切掌握成熟稳重大气的人。祝一切有理想的人都能成功!?叩拜

  12. 回顾孩子的工作历程, 失业了还有一份好的工作在等着 ,这期间要做的就是不断提升自己的技能和安心禅修o(∩_∩)o 感恩师父!!!

  13. 感恩师父慈悲教诲!弟子一定铭记师父教化,准备好自己,蓄积能量勇于承坦,把握住机会,就会成功。感恩最最尊贵的上师!叩拜恩师!

  14. 师父,您好!哈哈!忍气生财也。我的弟弟是刚好没有超龄来到美国,听人说做镶钻石这行能揾钱多,所以我弟弟选择去学镶钻石,临近毕业时,老师按排全班同学去见工,唯有我弟弟冇资格,我弟弟很失望回家向我们倾诉:“我和这个老师之间沟通也不错,我的成绩也超越他人甚至还比这个老师的技术高,为什么他按排全班同学去见工,唯独我冇份?”在他不知其解时忍住气上学,原来这个老师按排他见的那份工是技术最高的并且是正正当当镶钻石。哈哈!现在我弟弟在这行做得很出色了。正如师父说,凡事沉住气,努力做好自己,人生就会成功了。

  15. 不想付出,只想得到,再加懒惰,不求上进的人最容易失业,换位思考一下,谁当领导、老板愿意要这种员工?行行出状元,不管在哪个行业,不管你的能力大小,只要勤奋好学努力工作,能吃苦耐劳就永远不会失业。感恩师父慈悲教化?

  16. 感恩师父慈悲点化,玛柔一定努力准备好自己。祈请师父加持我勤奋努力,只问耕耘,不问收获,坚持完成每天的修行功课,不要贪快。感恩师父!???

  17. 感恩师父教诲。看事物不要只看眼前,要心胸开阔,格局视野要大,要跨时空的去看。凡事沉住气,只管住准备好自己,勇敢承担,并把握住机会,人生就会是成功的。
