讓孩子擁有大富大貴的秘法 . . 家長送…

是因為沒錢過生活? 因為想要買車、買房?因為想要娶老婆? 所以努力拼搏!而你的孩子,在你一切都幫他打點好了,他面對已經有財富的家庭時怎麼辦、他該怎麼創造更美好,更富有的未來呢?
#部分節錄_20170225fb直播開示、 #慈悲的引導、 #至高的財富、 #大富大貴、 #給兒女最好的禮物、 #秘法
The Secret to Granting your Children the Gift of Good Fortune

The most precious thing that parents can give their children is not property or money, but love, sincerity, trust, and most importantly, compassion, and guiding them towards kind behavior. Otherwise, we will find ourselves in the sad predicament summed up by the Chinese idiom “Wealth is never retained for more than three generations”. It is very difficult for good fortune to sustain in the absence of kindness.
Ask yourself: What was the primary reason that drove you to build your own wealth in the past? Was it because you were poor then? Was it because you wanted to own a car and house? Or was it because you wanted to get married? Did these motivate you to work hard? Now think about your child: Where will he find the motivation to build a better and richer future for himself when you have everything planned out for him? When he is already living in a wealthy environment?

What we should do instead is to teach our children that they should build wealth not for themselves but to benefit those who are poor. Instill in them the thinking that “Because I have money, that’s why I can use it well, to share and use what I have to help others in need!”

Parents should take the lead and give their children guidance on being “compassionate”. They should teach their children to pay close attention to the world; to develop a deeper understanding of the world around them; to see for themselves that there are many poor places where the people are starving; where many couples have to experience the pain of eternal separation because they could not afford a doctor’s fees; where many elderly are so poor that there is not enough money even for a casket or to cremate their bodies after they have passed on.

In contrast, look at the young women of today who seem to always need that additional piece of clothing or that additional pair of shoes, or the young men who, in order to look good, take loans from their parents or banks to purchase a car or a house. The amount of money spent by one such young person may be sufficient to feed an entire family in a poor country for three years.

Parents have to guide their children to be aware of these, so that they will grow up to be sensible adults who are grateful for what they have and who have learned to be prudent with money. Most importantly, they will learn how important it is to build wealth to benefit the poor.

The greatest wealth must be something that will elevate your dreams and your creations.

Recall the Medicine Buddha’s vow: “As my body radiates compassionate light, I vow to grant my compassion, wisdom and all things good to anybody who is in need, so that they can all be like me, radiating illuminating light from their hearts to light up the entire world, so that everyone can have all that I have.”

Help the children and guide them to build noble lives and character – that is the secret to eternal wealth and good fortune.

#ExcerptFromFacebookLiveBroadcast20170225, #CompassionateGuidance, #GreatestWealth, #BestGiftForTheChildren, #Secretrnrn讓孩子擁有大富大貴的秘法
是因為沒錢過生活? 因為想要買車、買房?因為想要娶老婆? 所以努力拼搏!而你的孩子,在你一切都幫他打點好了,他面對已經有財富的家庭時怎麼辦、他該怎麼創造更美好,更富有的未來呢?
#部分節錄_20170225fb直播開示、 #慈悲的引導、 #至高的財富、 #大富大貴、 #給兒女最好的禮物、 #秘法
The Secret to Granting your Children the Gift of Good Fortune

The most precious thing that parents can give their children is not property or money, but love, sincerity, trust, and most importantly, compassion, and guiding them towards kind behavior. Otherwise, we will find ourselves in the sad predicament summed up by the Chinese idiom “Wealth is never retained for more than three generations”. It is very difficult for good fortune to sustain in the absence of kindness.
Ask yourself: What was the primary reason that drove you to build your own wealth in the past? Was it because you were poor then? Was it because you wanted to own a car and house? Or was it because you wanted to get married? Did these motivate you to work hard? Now think about your child: Where will he find the motivation to build a better and richer future for himself when you have everything planned out for him? When he is already living in a wealthy environment?

What we should do instead is to teach our children that they should build wealth not for themselves but to benefit those who are poor. Instill in them the thinking that “Because I have money, that’s why I can use it well, to share and use what I have to help others in need!”

Parents should take the lead and give their children guidance on being “compassionate”. They should teach their children to pay close attention to the world; to develop a deeper understanding of the world around them; to see for themselves that there are many poor places where the people are starving; where many couples have to experience the pain of eternal separation because they could not afford a doctor’s fees; where many elderly are so poor that there is not enough money even for a casket or to cremate their bodies after they have passed on.

In contrast, look at the young women of today who seem to always need that additional piece of clothing or that additional pair of shoes, or the young men who, in order to look good, take loans from their parents or banks to purchase a car or a house. The amount of money spent by one such young person may be sufficient to feed an entire family in a poor country for three years.

Parents have to guide their children to be aware of these, so that they will grow up to be sensible adults who are grateful for what they have and who have learned to be prudent with money. Most importantly, they will learn how important it is to build wealth to benefit the poor.

The greatest wealth must be something that will elevate your dreams and your creations.

Recall the Medicine Buddha’s vow: “As my body radiates compassionate light, I vow to grant my compassion, wisdom and all things good to anybody who is in need, so that they can all be like me, radiating illuminating light from their hearts to light up the entire world, so that everyone can have all that I have.”

Help the children and guide them to build noble lives and character – that is the secret to eternal wealth and good fortune.

#ExcerptFromFacebookLiveBroadcast20170225, #CompassionateGuidance, #GreatestWealth, #BestGiftForTheChildren, #Secret


在〈讓孩子擁有大富大貴的秘法 . . 家長送…〉中有 27 則留言

  1. 感恩師父!謝謝師父傳遞讓孩子變成富貴的祕法,我常常把師父所講的一些故事,有意無意的告訴孩子,使她一點點的潛移默化,了解佛法,她也比較聽得進去,感恩師父???

  2. 感恩上师慈悲赐法!弟子谨记:“家長送給子女最寶貴的財富,是一份關愛、真誠、信用,慈悲、以及善良的「行為引導」。引領兒女,認真地去看這個世界、瞭解這個世界;讓他學會去為窮人創造財富,幫助孩子,昇華他的願望、去創造一個偉大的人生和品格!”真诚顶礼叩拜恩师!

  3. 感恩师父的开示!敬爱的师父,我从上周一开始辟谷,周一至周五白天我上班,我晚上回到家就告诉家里人我每天晚上不吃饭,这样的事以前有过,所以家里人还能接受。但今天是周六,在家休息,家人不能理解我辟谷的这样的事,上周一周晚上都没有吃饭,家里人怀疑我是不是一天都不吃饭,中午吃饭时家里人就盯着我看,其实我根本不饿,体力也很好,可是中午不吃饭又没有理由,我本想给自己煮一点点白水饭敷衍一下,可却被家人盯着我的碗看,我就只好吃饭了。我觉得我今天是可以继续辟谷的,心里有点小烦。

  4. 每次儿子班里有集体劳动,不管是几个人干,他总是干活最多的一个,而且班主任总是叫我儿子去干活。我担心他会不开心,他却反过来安慰我说“事情总要有人做,谁做都一样。”这周末单位要求我义务加班,我很不开心,问儿子“你遇到烦心事怎么办?”他说“我都不记得了”。——好像比我境界还高似的,呵呵。

  5. 感恩师父慈悲教化?人本善良,后天教育方法不得当,孩子就容易走上邪路,父母是孩子的第一任老师,但是大多数家长掌握不好怎样教育好孩子的尺度,听师父的话,教育孩子学慈悲善良、喜舍,从小教他有吃的东西分给小伙伴儿们吃,消除自私、贪心,不浪费任何东西,养成习惯,我女儿这些方面做得挺好。改变命运确实很难!

  6. 感恩師父慈悲分享:讓孩子擁有大富大貴的密法!幫助孩子昇華他們的願望,去創造一個偉大的人生和品格,這才是財富永恆、大富大貴的密法!

  7. 感恩师父慈悲开示与加持!我们真的好幸福,结缘佛师!让我们明白了怎样去引导孩子永远拥有大富大贵的秘法,用慈悲善良的行为引导孩子,多发慈悲心,多做善事多帮人,佛前供灯,永远沐浴在佛光里,成为拣梁之才,多创造财富,而且善用懂得分享。让孩子们都来走菩提之路吧!永远富贵吉祥!感恩佛师!!!

  8. 感恩师父开示!让我们明白怎样教育孩子。留给孩子不是钱财,而是慈悲善良的行为。不要追求物质上的享受,而要懂得帮人助人。养成好的思想品德。引导孩子和我们一起走菩提之路,前途无限光明。感恩师父!!!

  9. 感恩师父慈悲开示与加持!一份關愛、真誠、信用,還有最重要的是慈悲、以及善良的「行為引導」。怎样去引导孩子永远拥有大富大贵的秘法,用慈悲善良的行为引导孩子,多发慈悲心,多做善事多帮人,佛前供灯,永远沐浴在佛光里,成为拣梁之才,多为众生创造财富!感谢顶礼叩拜师父!!!

  10. 感恩师父慈悲开示。让孩子拥有大富大贵的秘法就是:「慈悲的引导」。家长要培养孩子有爱心、真诚、善良、讲信用,不虚荣,帮助他们升华愿望,去创造一个伟大的人生和品格,教会孩子懂道理并学会感恩,才能成为对社会有用的人,造福于人类,为社会创造财富。

  11. 师父,您好!谢谢师父的开示!培养孩子懂事最重要,如果家族做善事多,儿孙自有儿孙福。感恩师父常常教导我们多做善事,造福人间和后代!

  12. 感恩师父慈悲教导!佛光普照!祝福天下所有的父母!愿天下所有的孩子都能拥有財富永恆、大富大贵的秘法!願望都能昇華、都能創造一個偉大的人生和品格!

  13. 感恩师父总在我们困惑,不知所措时送来慈悲法雨,要想帮助子女富贵吉祥,送给她们最好的礼物是慈悲,勤俭节约,多去帮助比自己穷的人,我女儿也是个很善良有爱心的人,就是爱大手大脚,乱买东西,和我简单满足的价值观不同,师父的开示教导我要多去引导而不是总埋怨,感恩师父!天下的子女都富贵吉祥!

  14. 我们这里的同事,大部分都是为子女买好住房、买好车,然后生了孩子还要父母付费,所以这一代 真是吃不得苦、大手大脚,大部分都不知节约。也不会去想着给穷人救济点。。。真的是,我们作父母的,必須引導兒女,當家裡有錢了,我要為更多的窮人創造財富。學會:因為「我擁有」,所以要「善用」並且分享,幫助也同樣需要的人!父母給子女的,應該多点「慈悲的引導」,这样才能富贵长久。.。感恩师父的教诲!???

  15. 感恩师父慈悲开示!良好的品德要从小培养,好的习惯会造就富贵吉祥的幸福人生,人累的素质提高和升华要从小时候抓起,这是非常重要的和必须要重视的问题,感恩师父慈悲教化。祝师父师母开心快乐!吉祥如意!

  16. 感恩师父慈悲开示!从小给孩子善良的引导,让他们看到认识人世间的各方位的不同,懂得做善良正直的人,更要有同情心感恩心和乐于帮助的人!愿天下的孩子都善良慈悲!?叩拜

  17. 感恩师父开示!

  18. 师父好,感恩师父慈悲开示,感恩师父慈悲的教悔和关怀护佑,我们永远爱您师父,感恩师父让我们教育孩子有慈悲心,孩子命运会更好,多做善事多帮人,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师。
