She opened 2windows front n back of her. After a while she fell .
During meditation, do not open the window, air conditioning, and fans. You don’t see the wind. Wind bounces around the wall. When the wind blows directly to you, you get cold. Such as stiff neck.
Even with alternative medicine, please do not use them too much. For example, goji berry is good for you, but do not eat a large amount at a time.
Watch your daily food intake. Just eat enough, don’t overly do it. Same as nutrient.
A disciple went to a Sichuan restaurant. After they had a meal with too much Sichuan pepper, the person’s lips had an reaction.
There are many common sense for meditation. Do you remember what I said about the seat cushion?
Cushion seat during mediation better slide forward, front thinner
Shifu said, I designed it, the length is just right. When you sit down, it covers your feet.
You can wear it, it looks nice, it prevents wind. and when you do meditation, it protects your body. You can’t get it from somewhere else.
Shifu said, Few years ago, I designed this blanket. It’s two sided. depends on how you want to use it. It has two strings you can tight it up and wear it on your shoulders.
Reminder during meditation ensure surrounding is safe no sharp objects laying around
Thank Master for sharing and your continuous teachings??❤??
When you are doing mediation , the light of food, the better result ; what’s more, can eat less and less till bigu in order to gain calm relax happiness .
During practice we don’t chase happiness nor sadness. Calmness peace in oneself is paradise
Vege soup will do also , 2nd day bigu break then take normal meal
Internal beauty is self confidence. Good looking people usually lack confidence . Come to Puti if u want beauty.
A lady has liver illness. 20+years old. Parents divorce . Father wish to donate his liver but his heart is weak.
Father left a letter to her before death that he loved the daughter felt n happy she is healthy
If you do not appreciate the person who raised you, you are breaking the energy of the bloodline. If you want your life to be smooth and auspicious, respect and appreciate your parents.
Let’s pay respect to our parents by chanting for them for 10 minutes.
Love to be able to see master and chant together. Thank you master for the broadcast.
Rather than gambling, Its better to use that fund to help the poor and hungry society
Master ask Your contribution to Puti end of day belongs to who . All replied to Puti center
Lies after another even though we able to tracks why ? Greed !
Shifu said that I would not tolerate any disciple who is corrupted.
I declare every quarterly Puti center need to present financial statements to members
Thank you master fr yr guidance through your teaching. I came to know many new thingsI have learned many things and still learning and there is no end. May u be blessed abundantly.
Shifu said that we will let people who are truly dedicated to managing the centers.
wow.. Gan en shifu teaching how to test the real and fake jade 🙂
hahahaha.. So Lucky all Shixiong Shijie in South Korea … Happy for you all who received the Blessed Items .. Gan en Shifu
Ganen ShiFu, highlight the differences in real & fake gems which is beneficial to our health.
This citrine is true crystal but let me explained that it was loose pure natural citrine pressed and molded into this bead.
This is amethyst. This is very pure, so it is also a pressed one. Good for relationship.
我佛慈悲观仕音大仕菩萨 大慈大悲,千手手眠,慈悲心,用杨柳和甘露,愿我家公婆,父母亲,家庭和兄弟妹,孩子,所有亲戚和左左右邻居,所有衆生,平安吉祥如意身体健康!大慈大悲观世音菩萨感化有缘人,更愿普渡衆生的一切不应该的犯罪,早日醒悟,行善积德行善,能改过心,醒悟醒悟,阿弥陀佛 阿弥陀佛 阿弥陀佛 阿弥陀佛
感恩慈悲的佛师 师父带着我们念佛真幸福 祈愿佛光普照众生 愿我的左腿股骨颈骨折线消失 身心光明 全家健康快乐幸福吉祥如意 感恩佛 菩萨 佛师的佛光普照加持 感恩师兄们真诚诵念加持 感恩 感恩 感恩
大慈大悲的佛 菩萨 佛师您好 今天是我父亲往生天堂33周年 今生我做他的女儿没做够 ……祈请大慈大悲的佛 菩萨 佛师加持我老爸王克一东方天堂永驻 感恩佛光普照 感恩叩拜
师父早安! 有了直播,以後师父就不用一直東奔西跑,得为全世界人生众生法示世界和平,师父辛苦了您,祝福你,平安顺事,吉祥如意,健康快乐,幸福美满,感恩师父
She opened 2windows front n back of her. After a while she fell .
During meditation, do not open the window, air conditioning, and fans. You don’t see the wind. Wind bounces around the wall. When the wind blows directly to you, you get cold. Such as stiff neck.
Even with alternative medicine, please do not use them too much. For example, goji berry is good for you, but do not eat a large amount at a time.
Watch your daily food intake. Just eat enough, don’t overly do it. Same as nutrient.
A disciple went to a Sichuan restaurant. After they had a meal with too much Sichuan pepper, the person’s lips had an reaction.
There are many common sense for meditation. Do you remember what I said about the seat cushion?
Cushion seat during mediation better slide forward, front thinner
Shifu said, I designed it, the length is just right. When you sit down, it covers your feet.
You can wear it, it looks nice, it prevents wind. and when you do meditation, it protects your body. You can’t get it from somewhere else.
Shifu said, Few years ago, I designed this blanket. It’s two sided. depends on how you want to use it. It has two strings you can tight it up and wear it on your shoulders.
Reminder during meditation ensure surrounding is safe no sharp objects laying around
Thank Master for sharing and your continuous teachings??❤??
When you are doing mediation , the light of food, the better result ; what’s more, can eat less and less till bigu in order to gain calm relax happiness .
During practice we don’t chase happiness nor sadness. Calmness peace in oneself is paradise
Vege soup will do also , 2nd day bigu break then take normal meal
Internal beauty is self confidence. Good looking people usually lack confidence . Come to Puti if u want beauty.
A lady has liver illness. 20+years old. Parents divorce . Father wish to donate his liver but his heart is weak.
Father left a letter to her before death that he loved the daughter felt n happy she is healthy
If you do not appreciate the person who raised you, you are breaking the energy of the bloodline. If you want your life to be smooth and auspicious, respect and appreciate your parents.
Let’s pay respect to our parents by chanting for them for 10 minutes.
Love to be able to see master and chant together. Thank you master for the broadcast.
Rather than gambling, Its better to use that fund to help the poor and hungry society
Master ask Your contribution to Puti end of day belongs to who . All replied to Puti center
哈哈,是的是的,师父,我老公说特别感恩您,没想到我这辈子还能懂道理,还能变聪明。他要给您点灯礼拜感谢您。他这么一说,我都不记得以前我多傻了 。现在他也开始慢慢走入菩提了,还让我教公婆,感恩师父!
I endure a disciple misbehavior for long. I declare fire him with pain
Lies after another even though we able to tracks why ? Greed !
Shifu said that I would not tolerate any disciple who is corrupted.
I declare every quarterly Puti center need to present financial statements to members
Thank you master fr yr guidance through your teaching. I came to know many new thingsI have learned many things and still learning and there is no end. May u be blessed abundantly.
Shifu said that we will let people who are truly dedicated to managing the centers.
wow.. Gan en shifu teaching how to test the real and fake jade 🙂
hahahaha.. So Lucky all Shixiong Shijie in South Korea … Happy for you all who received the Blessed Items .. Gan en Shifu
Ganen ShiFu, highlight the differences in real & fake gems which is beneficial to our health.
This citrine is true crystal but let me explained that it was loose pure natural citrine pressed and molded into this bead.
This is amethyst. This is very pure, so it is also a pressed one. Good for relationship.
I’m touched by a stall holder honesty to refund my balance Becos I over paid