【七分誠心,滿十分願。】 . . 今天是…

同修2._ 禪修讓我變美麗
記得我第一次的發心供養,是被一位師兄姐所感動的。記得他是國內擦皮鞋的下崗工人,當時經濟業困難。所以他發願:「我要將我每天擦第一雙皮鞋的所得,先供養我的師父! 讓我的小小供養能讓更多的人得到師父的幫助。」我被他的真誠感動,於是我也想:「我沒工作沒關係,那我就每天節約一塊錢飯錢,來加入師父的幫人計畫。」結果這麼多年下來,得到幫助最多的就是我自己!
如師父所言:「幫人就是幫自己!」後來我不僅找到工作,賺的錢更多,連女兒都覺得就媽媽這臭英語水準,還能找到美國人的工作,不可思議! 我告訴她,這全托師父的福,教誨我們如何改命造運。
70% Sincerity, 100% Return
Today is the twelfth day since we started chanting. Many fellow practitioners have shared their amazing experiences with me. The compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva has vowed to help all who call out to her. I am sure that those of you who have demonstrated your sincerity would have gotten your wishes fulfilled.
I welcome all of you to share your amazing 12-day chanting journey here. If you have questions regarding your practice, please feel free to raise them here as well. I wish all of you good fortune and happiness.
Fellow practitioner 1 – Chanting transformed my husband and mother-in-law, bringing warmth and tranquility to my home.
I started chanting on 25th February, visualizing Master seated on a golden lotus flower in front of me. As I visualized myself prostrating to Master, I imagined my husband and mother-in-law receiving my prostrations as well. I wished they would be more understanding and supportive of me practicing the Dharma. After a few days of chanting, incredible things happened. My husband helped me with the housework proactively and wears a big smile on his face all the time. Even my mother-in-law has stopped frowning at me. Master, thank you so much for your blessings!
Fellow practitioner 2 – Meditation has made me more beautiful.
While I was brushing my teeth on the second day of practice, I could not believe what I saw in the mirror. My eyes have grown bigger and my nose has become a bit sharper! I remember Master once said that offering flowers regularly to Buddha would help us become younger and more beautiful. Not only has meditation made me a kinder and more compassionate person, it has made me younger too!
Fellow practitioner 3 – Chanting has cured my headache.
I was feeling down yesterday due to a bad headache. After some deliberation, I decided to persevere with my chanting practice. Amazingly, my headache started to ease after 10 min of chanting, and it was totally gone by the end of the hour! I felt so happy. Not only did I have a great sleep that night, good mood followed me into the next day!
Fellow practitioner 4 – Change in mindset brings me good fortune.
Before I started meditating, I was a greedy and selfish individual who has never offered to help anybody. After I started mediating, I listened to Master’s teachings regularly and learned a lot from his teachings. My greedy and selfish nature slowly transformed into one that is compassionate and kind. Now, I am always willing to help other people, even if it means I have less time to rest or to spend with my child who is sick. The thought of being able to help someone truly makes me happy. As a result of my change in mindset, I am now blessed with good fortune. Troubles at home have fortuitously resolved on their own. I tell myself that I have to practice even harder, until every cell in my body is transformed into Bodhisattva’s smiling face!
Fellow practitioner 5 – Life’s miracles from meditation practice.
I still remember how a fellow practitioner inspired my first sincere offering to Master. He was laid off during a time when the economy was bad, and he made ends meet subsequently through being a shoe-shiner in China. He made a vow to offer to Master the money he received from his first customer everyday, so that more people can benefit from Master’s teachings. I was genuinely touched by his sincerity and I told myself: “It does not matter that I do not have a job. Let me join in Master’s plan to help others by saving one dollar from my lunch everyday!” It has been many years since then, and the person who benefited the most all these years is myself! As Master once said, “To help others is to help yourself!” I have since found a well-paid job, which amazed even my daughter. She could not believe that with my lousy English, I could still find such a job in America. I told her that this is all thanks to Master, who taught us how to transform our lives.
Thank you for all your sharing of your practice.
Guanyin Bodhisattva has twelve vows’ to bestow all sentient beings with wisdom, compassion, and blessings. May every one’s wishes be fulfilled.
#TwelveDaysOfChanting #GuanyinBodhisattva’sBirthday #GroupPractice #WishFulfillmentDay
同修2._ 禪修讓我變美麗
記得我第一次的發心供養,是被一位師兄姐所感動的。記得他是國內擦皮鞋的下崗工人,當時經濟業困難。所以他發願:「我要將我每天擦第一雙皮鞋的所得,先供養我的師父! 讓我的小小供養能讓更多的人得到師父的幫助。」我被他的真誠感動,於是我也想:「我沒工作沒關係,那我就每天節約一塊錢飯錢,來加入師父的幫人計畫。」結果這麼多年下來,得到幫助最多的就是我自己!
如師父所言:「幫人就是幫自己!」後來我不僅找到工作,賺的錢更多,連女兒都覺得就媽媽這臭英語水準,還能找到美國人的工作,不可思議! 我告訴她,這全托師父的福,教誨我們如何改命造運。
70% Sincerity, 100% Return
Today is the twelfth day since we started chanting. Many fellow practitioners have shared their amazing experiences with me. The compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva has vowed to help all who call out to her. I am sure that those of you who have demonstrated your sincerity would have gotten your wishes fulfilled.
I welcome all of you to share your amazing 12-day chanting journey here. If you have questions regarding your practice, please feel free to raise them here as well. I wish all of you good fortune and happiness.
Fellow practitioner 1 – Chanting transformed my husband and mother-in-law, bringing warmth and tranquility to my home.
I started chanting on 25th February, visualizing Master seated on a golden lotus flower in front of me. As I visualized myself prostrating to Master, I imagined my husband and mother-in-law receiving my prostrations as well. I wished they would be more understanding and supportive of me practicing the Dharma. After a few days of chanting, incredible things happened. My husband helped me with the housework proactively and wears a big smile on his face all the time. Even my mother-in-law has stopped frowning at me. Master, thank you so much for your blessings!
Fellow practitioner 2 – Meditation has made me more beautiful.
While I was brushing my teeth on the second day of practice, I could not believe what I saw in the mirror. My eyes have grown bigger and my nose has become a bit sharper! I remember Master once said that offering flowers regularly to Buddha would help us become younger and more beautiful. Not only has meditation made me a kinder and more compassionate person, it has made me younger too!
Fellow practitioner 3 – Chanting has cured my headache.
I was feeling down yesterday due to a bad headache. After some deliberation, I decided to persevere with my chanting practice. Amazingly, my headache started to ease after 10 min of chanting, and it was totally gone by the end of the hour! I felt so happy. Not only did I have a great sleep that night, good mood followed me into the next day!
Fellow practitioner 4 – Change in mindset brings me good fortune.
Before I started meditating, I was a greedy and selfish individual who has never offered to help anybody. After I started mediating, I listened to Master’s teachings regularly and learned a lot from his teachings. My greedy and selfish nature slowly transformed into one that is compassionate and kind. Now, I am always willing to help other people, even if it means I have less time to rest or to spend with my child who is sick. The thought of being able to help someone truly makes me happy. As a result of my change in mindset, I am now blessed with good fortune. Troubles at home have fortuitously resolved on their own. I tell myself that I have to practice even harder, until every cell in my body is transformed into Bodhisattva’s smiling face!
Fellow practitioner 5 – Life’s miracles from meditation practice.
I still remember how a fellow practitioner inspired my first sincere offering to Master. He was laid off during a time when the economy was bad, and he made ends meet subsequently through being a shoe-shiner in China. He made a vow to offer to Master the money he received from his first customer everyday, so that more people can benefit from Master’s teachings. I was genuinely touched by his sincerity and I told myself: “It does not matter that I do not have a job. Let me join in Master’s plan to help others by saving one dollar from my lunch everyday!” It has been many years since then, and the person who benefited the most all these years is myself! As Master once said, “To help others is to help yourself!” I have since found a well-paid job, which amazed even my daughter. She could not believe that with my lousy English, I could still find such a job in America. I told her that this is all thanks to Master, who taught us how to transform our lives.
Thank you for all your sharing of your practice.
Guanyin Bodhisattva has twelve vows’ to bestow all sentient beings with wisdom, compassion, and blessings. May every one’s wishes be fulfilled.
#TwelveDaysOfChanting #GuanyinBodhisattva’sBirthday #GroupPractice #WishFulfillmentDay
