腦內開發,你沒聽說過的秘法? . . 科…

2006年7月,美國科學家Dr. Richard Davidson、Dr. Antoine Lutz與Dr. Al Shapere作了一個試驗。由兩組試驗組進行實驗,一組由8位具有15到40年「禪修」經驗的喇嘛進行試驗;另一組人員是由10位「學生」所組成,此學生們之前沒有任何禪修的經驗,只有在試驗前一週接受短暫的冥想訓練。


The Secret Methodology of Brain Development
Scientific research has shown that the human brain possesses extremely high intelligence, of which most people only utilize 10%. The remaining 90% has been left undeveloped. In other words, every one of us is a genius with unique talents and possesses the ability to unleash greater energy.
In July 2006, American scientists Dr. Richard Davidson, Dr. Antoine Lutz and Dr. Al Shapere conducted an experiment with two groups of people. One group comprised of 8 Tibetan high priests (known as Lamas) with 15 to 40 years of meditation experience. The second group comprised of 10 students who have not had any experience with meditation, but who had been trained on the basics of contemplation one week before the experiment.
Results of the experiment:
The experiment’s objective was to find out the difference in the strength of the brain gamma waves between the “lama group” and the control “student group”. Results showed that the lama group, on average, had gamma waves frequencies that were 8 times stronger than that of the control student group! The lama who had meditated for the longest period of time had the best performance – his gamma waves frequency were 13 times stronger than that of the control student group!
The results affirmed that the effects of meditation extend beyond the relaxation of the mind. In fact, meditation is known to have direct impact on the activity of our neural brain waves. Continuous meditation helps in the integration of the mind and body, and helps to accumulate positive energy. When the body is free of blockages, the mind and the brain are unblocked as well. This will naturally give rise to a more comprehensive faculty of understanding, and a more complete wisdom.
#WisdomGainThroughMeditation, #DevelopmentOfTheBrain, #Meditation, #CompleteWisdom, #PositiveEnergy #修出來的智慧、#腦內開發、#禪修、#宏觀的智慧、#正能量
