逛溫哥華禪堂新春廟會,開心! . 今年的…

#年貨廟會 #溫哥華 #開心
Joyous Visit to Bodhi Meditation Center, Vancouver’s Spring Festival Fair!

This year’s annual festive fair is going to be lively – there will be gourmet foodstuffs from all over the world, traditional handicrafts, as well as many games.

In this couple of days, I will be making lanterns, write spring couplets, sample gourmet snacks, chit-chat, sing along and dance together with everyone.

It will be such a pleasure to meet with our friends from all corners of the world.

#LunarNewYearFestiveFunFair, #Vancouver, #Joyous

#年貨廟會 #溫哥華 #開心
Joyous Visit to Bodhi Meditation Center, Vancouver's Spring Festival Fair!

This year's annual festive fair is going to be lively - there will be gourmet foodstuffs from all over the world, traditional handicrafts, as well as many games.

In this couple of days, I will be making lanterns, write spring couplets, sample gourmet snacks, chit-chat, sing along and dance together with everyone.

It will be such a pleasure to meet with our friends from all corners of the world.

#LunarNewYearFestiveFunFair, #Vancouver, #Joyous


菩提加油站 加拿大是一個充滿了友情與關愛…



Bodhi energy-recharge station

Canada is a society filled with love and friendship. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers organize annual Cops for Cancer fundraising event for children cancer research. Such a good cause is also warmly supported by Bodhi Meditation Center. Bodhi Meditation Center Vancouver is honored to be a “recharging station” for this cycling team on their journey!

#Vancouver, #CopsForCancer, #Fundraising, #ChildrenCharity,#BodhiMeditation


【直播預告】歡迎您一起來慈善行~ . 主…

8月3日這一天,溫哥華禪堂舉辦了一系列豐富、有趣的活動,除了琳瑯滿目的跳蚤市場,更有其他精彩內容包括:美食大排檔、街邊才藝、各類表演節目…等。同時,在溫哥華舉辦的「國際青年營」孩子們也將一同盛裝參與,共同體驗北美的特殊文化 。

1. 溫哥華/西雅圖/波特蘭/矽谷/舊金山/洛杉磯/聖地亞哥
北美太平洋時間:2018年08月03日 下午04:00開始
2. 台北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡/香港:
2018年08月04日 早上07:00開始
3. 多倫多/紐約/波士頓/華盛頓DC/邁阿密/亞特蘭大/奧蘭多:
北美東部時間:2018年08月03日 晚上07:00開始
4. 英國倫敦時間:2018年08月03日 晚上11:00開始
5. 巴黎/柏林/巴塞羅那/斯德哥爾摩時間:2018年08月04日 凌晨01:00開始
6. 羅馬尼亞時間:2018年08月04日 凌晨02:00開始
7. 緬甸仰光時間:2018年08月04日 凌晨05:30開始
8. 印尼雅加達時間:2018年08月04日 早上06:00開始
9. 韓國首爾時間:2018年08月04日 早上08:00開始
10.澳大利亞墨爾本時間:2018年08月04日 上午09:00開始
【Live Broadcast】 We welcome everyone to join us in this journey of generosity.

Theme: Flea Market Charity Event, Vancouver
Time: August 3rd, 4:00 pm.

August 3rd is special as it was on this day many years ago that I began spreading my compassionate love similar to the teachings of Guanyin Bodhisattva. This desire to help all sentient beings has connected and touched the lives of millions of people around the world.

There is a saying, “If there is desire, we will find the strength to fulfill it”.
Let us turn our love into a force that drives progress…

On this day, the Vancouver Meditation Centre is hosting a variety of fun and interesting activities. In addition to the action-packed flea market, there are many exciting activities like food stalls, street talent performances and other various performances etc. At the same time, children from the
Bodhi Meditation Youth Camp held in Vancouver will also participate in the event to experience the unique culture of North America.

All proceeds will be donated to the local meditation centre.
We sincerely invite you to participate in this fun and exciting charity event!

Live Stream Schedule
1. Vancouver/Seattle/Portland/Silicon Valley/San Francisco/Los Angeles/San Diego
North America Pacific Time:Start at 2018-08-03 16:00
2. Taipei/Beijing/Malaysia/Singapore/HongKong:
Start at 2018-08-04 07:00
3. Toronto/New York/Boston/Washington DC/Miami/Atlanta/Orlando:
North America Eastern time: Start at 2018-08-03 19:00
4. London (England) time: Start at 2018-08-03 23:00
5. Paris/Berlin/Barcelona/Stockholm Time: Start at 2018-08-04 01:00
6. Romanian time: Start at 2018-08-04 02:00
7. Myanmar Yangon Time: Start at 2018-08-04 05:30
8. Indonesia Jakarta Time: Start at 2018-08-04 06:00
9. Korea Seoul Time: Start at 2018-08-04 08:00
10.Australia Melbourne time: Start at 2018-08-04 09:00
#直播預告 #溫哥華 #慈善行 #淘寶貝
#FleaMarket #Vancouver, #CharityEvent, #WinPrizes


與大家一起誦念六字大明咒 感受到每一個人…


While chanting the Six-Character Great Bright Mantra
with everyone,
I can feel every single person’s sincere and compassionate thoughts.
May this energy, that is filled with warmth and love,
spread to every corner of the world and
May all sentient beings be joyful and happy!
#SixCharacterGreatBrightMantra, #Love, #Vancouver, #InterestingSharing


雪地走八卦 ‧ 幾位溫哥華同修 身穿我們…




Practicing Energy Bagua in the snow
Several fellow practitioners from Vancouver
Wearing our light blue Energy Bagua T-shirt
Meet to practice Energy Bagua in the snow
Walking between the blue sky and white snowy ground
Accepting nature and enjoying the world
Its simply awesome!
#Vancouver, #Snow, #EnergyBagua


慈悲護生的心 . . 問:「您說修行人不…

第一, 不主動、蓄意殺生,盡量使用驅趕的方法。
第二, 對生命要有正確的理解。
第三, 有「慈悲的心」去愛護眾生,愛這個世界。
Protect lives with Compassion
Q: “Buddhist practitioners are not supposed to kill any living things. But what do we do with pests such as insects, cockroaches and rodents?”
A: First, do not take the initiative to intentionally kill or try to drive the pests away. Second, have a correct understanding of lives. Third, have compassion and care for all sentient beings and love the world.
In ancient China, what is considered as a wealthy family? Firstly, they have a granary, secondly, they have pigs and sheep, and thirdly, they have rats. These are signs of wealth. If the family is too poor, do you think rats will be willing to go to their house?
In Tibetan Buddhism, there is a Yellow God of Fortune (Jambhala), who holds a rat in his hand.
As for the flies and mosquitoes, the more you hit them, the more they will come. The more mosquitoes you hit, the more will bite you. A more obvious example is a bee. If you kill a bee, all the other bees will come and sting you. If you do not fight back and just ignore them, the sting will be less painful. The more you hit them, the more serious is the pain. Sakyamuni Buddha said: “The human body is made up of four elements of earth, water, fire and wind, meaning that we originated from nature and this world. We should love this world and not cause intentional harm or hurt to all living beings on this world.
My advice is to avoid meat as much as possible and do not harm animals and plants. . .
#ZenMasterQnA, #FBLiveBroadcast, #Vancouver, #ProtectLives, #Compassion, #DoNotCauseHurt
#禪師妙問妙答 、#FB直播、#溫哥華、#護生、#慈悲心、#不傷害


是誰,一雙魔術的手? . . 前幾天,在…

Who has a pair of magical hands?
A few days ago, I was chatting with some English-speaking fellow practitioners in Vancouver, when a tall and strong-looking Caucasian man suddenly stood in front and bowed his head to me: “Master! Please give me your blessings, and remove all my troubles and stress!”
I asked: “What happened to you? What is making you so troubled?”
He replied: “My job is making me angry and gloomy!”
I told him: “That is simple – just quit your job. Then you will never have to be troubled or angry over things that happen at work.” (I was joking with him.)
He said: “I get to help a lot of people in my job as I respond to crises – saving people’s lives and putting out fires. But the hours are long, the work is tiring, and sometimes I get misunderstood or even reprimanded by others. I cannot flare up at those people so I can only keep all the anger inside me. Over time, more and more anger and unhappiness accumulates in me. This is the reason that I come here to learn to meditate – I hope to be able to release these negative emotions and to achieve peace and tranquility.
But what I found was that I can be very peaceful and serene during meditation, but the moment I return to my workplace, the pressure at work, the reprimands of the clients and the lack of understanding from others all result in the troubles coming back with a vengeance. Master, can you give me your blessings and remove all the anger and troubles from my mind?”
He looked at me hopefully, probably hoping that I have a pair of magical hands that can help him exterminate his troubles immediately and permanently.
Seeing how unhappy he was, I told him: “Meditation can help remove our troubles and purify our mind, but you have to practice regularly. My blessing can only clear your mind and let you forget your troubles temporarily.
What is important is for us to fully understand that our work is also a form of practice. One of the biggest discussion topic in meditation practice is how do we keep a serene and compassionate heart, and remain always willing to help others, even in the face of immense pressure at work. The answer to that will also be the solution to your troubles.”
His eyes widened upon hearing that: “Work is also a form of practice?”
I nodded and continued: “Let me share an interesting story that I read on the internet. Perhaps that can help you understand! Emergency services 911 once received a call from an 8-year-old little girl. In the call, she said that she did not like going to school, and she hoped that they would help her tear down the school. She wanted them to remove her teachers at the same time. The person who answered the call did not know whether to laugh or to cry, but he did not get angry over the little girl’s unreasonable request. Instead, he consoled the little girl and explained patiently to her that the teachers have her best intentions at heart, and she should work hard in school.
The nature of his work is very similar to yours. Both of you are trying to help others to solve their problems. This is a job that you should be happy and proud of! But if you are always brooding over the unhappiness that crops up at work or the things that did not go well, and come to regard helping others as a burden and source of pressure, you will lose the sense of happiness that can be gained from helping others.
As your work requires you to save people and to respond to crises, it is very important for you to learn to manage your emotions well. For instance, if you find your own child playing with fire, you need to stop that immediately as it is very dangerous. Hence, you should react with urgency when the situation warrants it, but never let that sense of urgency give rise to stress and irritation in your heart. The analogy to that is the ocean – on the surface, the water is rough and the waves are strong, but in the depths of the ocean (like your mind), the water is calm, such that the fishes that reside in the deep ocean are not affected by the waves at the surface at all.”
After hearing what I said, he let out a loud exclamation: “Oh! I understand now!”
I hope that all of you can face your job with unlimited love and compassion. Only then can you truly experience the joy of helping others.
#MagicianHands, #WorkIsAlsoAFormOfPractice, #Vancouver, #CompassionateHeart, #Love, #CrisisResponse, #EmotionManagement


直播預告:2018新年祈福 . 北美時間…

1. 溫哥華/西雅圖/波特蘭/矽谷/舊金山/洛杉磯/聖地亞哥 北美太平洋時間:2018年1月1日,上午10:00開始
2. 台北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡/香港 亞洲時間: 2018年1月2日,凌晨2:00開始
3. 多倫多/紐約/波士頓/華盛頓DC/邁阿密/亞特蘭大/奧蘭多 北美東部時間: 2018年1月1日,下午1:00開始
4. 英國倫敦時間: 2018年1月1日,晚上6:00開始.
5. 巴黎/柏林/巴塞羅那/斯德哥爾摩時間: 2018年1月1日,晚上7:00開始.
6. 羅馬尼亞時間: 2018年1月1日,晚上8:00開始.
7. 緬甸仰光時間: 2018年1月2日,凌晨12:30開始 .
8. 印尼雅加達時間: 2018年1月2日,凌晨1:00開始 ..
9. 韓國首爾時間: 2018年1月2日,凌晨3:00開始 .
10.澳大利亞墨爾本/悉尼時間: 2018年1月2 日,早上5:00開始
【Facebook Live Broadcast Notice】
2018 New Year’s Chanting & Blessing Event
On January 1, 2018, at 10:00 am, I will be here at the Vancouver Bodhi Meditation Center celebrating the New Year with everyone. We will make light-offering, chant and pray for blessings. It will be broadcasting live on my Facebook page. I welcome you all to join this special event! Let us pray for the auspicious blessings from all buddhas and bodhisattavas to the whole world with good fortune and prosperity.
【 Global Live Broadcast Schedules】
1. Vancouver/ Seattle/ Portland/ Silicon Valley/ San Francisco/ Los Angeles/ San Diego
North America (Pacific Zone): January 1st, 2018, at 10:00am
2. Taipei/ Beijing/ Malaysia/ Singapore/Hong Kong: January 2nd, 2018, at 2:00am
3. Toronto/ New York/ Boston/ Washington D.C./ Miami/ Atlanta/ Orlando
North America (Eastern Zone): January 1st, 2018, at 1:00pm
4. London (England): January 1st, 2018, at 6:00pm
5. Paris (France)/ Berlin (Germany)/ Barcelona/ Stockholm (Sweden): January 1st, 2018, at 7:00pm
6. Romania: January 1st, 2018, at 8:00pm
7. Yangon (Myanmar): January 2nd, 2018, at 12:30am
8. Jakarta (Indonesia): January 2nd, 2018, at 1:00am
9. Seoul (Korea): January 2nd, 2018, at 3:00am
10. Melbourne/Sydney (Australia): January 2nd, 2018, at 5:00am
#MasterJinBodhiLiveBroadcast, #Vancouver, #LiveBroadcastOnlineNotice,
1. 溫哥華/西雅圖/波特蘭/矽谷/舊金山/洛杉磯/聖地亞哥 北美太平洋時間:2018年1月1日,上午10:00開始
2. 台北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡/香港 亞洲時間: 2018年1月2日,凌晨2:00開始
3. 多倫多/紐約/波士頓/華盛頓DC/邁阿密/亞特蘭大/奧蘭多 北美東部時間: 2018年1月1日,下午1:00開始
4. 英國倫敦時間: 2018年1月1日,晚上6:00開始.
5. 巴黎/柏林/巴塞羅那/斯德哥爾摩時間: 2018年1月1日,晚上7:00開始.
6. 羅馬尼亞時間: 2018年1月1日,晚上8:00開始.
7. 緬甸仰光時間: 2018年1月2日,凌晨12:30開始 .
8. 印尼雅加達時間: 2018年1月2日,凌晨1:00開始 ..
9. 韓國首爾時間: 2018年1月2日,凌晨3:00開始 .
10.澳大利亞墨爾本/悉尼時間: 2018年1月2 日,早上5:00開始
【Facebook Live Broadcast Notice】
2018 New Year’s Chanting & Blessing Event
On January 1, 2018, at 10:00 am, I will be here at the Vancouver Bodhi Meditation Center celebrating the New Year with everyone. We will make light-offering, chant and pray for blessings. It will be broadcasting live on my Facebook page. I welcome you all to join this special event! Let us pray for the auspicious blessings from all buddhas and bodhisattavas to the whole world with good fortune and prosperity.
【 Global Live Broadcast Schedules】
1. Vancouver/ Seattle/ Portland/ Silicon Valley/ San Francisco/ Los Angeles/ San Diego
North America (Pacific Zone): January 1st, 2018, at 10:00am
2. Taipei/ Beijing/ Malaysia/ Singapore/Hong Kong: January 2nd, 2018, at 2:00am
3. Toronto/ New York/ Boston/ Washington D.C./ Miami/ Atlanta/ Orlando
North America (Eastern Zone): January 1st, 2018, at 1:00pm
4. London (England): January 1st, 2018, at 6:00pm
5. Paris (France)/ Berlin (Germany)/ Barcelona/ Stockholm (Sweden): January 1st, 2018, at 7:00pm
6. Romania: January 1st, 2018, at 8:00pm
7. Yangon (Myanmar): January 2nd, 2018, at 12:30am
8. Jakarta (Indonesia): January 2nd, 2018, at 1:00am
9. Seoul (Korea): January 2nd, 2018, at 3:00am
10. Melbourne/Sydney (Australia): January 2nd, 2018, at 5:00am
#MasterJinBodhiLiveBroadcast, #Vancouver, #LiveBroadcastOnlineNotice,


温哥华11月_楓紅了大地 . 生命稍縱即…

Vancouver in November – With a Carpet of Red Maple Leaves
Life passes in the blink of an eye; we can choose to lower our heads and focus on our struggle with every breath, or we can choose to hold our heads high and behold the beautiful scenery in the distance. How far we look affects our destiny.
Feel the ground at your feet, smell the sweet air that you breathe; you will realize that you are far richer than you think…
Come join us – practicing meditation will give you a new sense of life!
#Vancouver, #Uplifting, #Abundance, #BeautifulScenery
#溫哥華 #提升 #富足 #美景


【Facebook網路直播預告】 中秋茶…


1. 溫哥華/西雅圖/波特蘭/矽谷/舊金山/洛杉磯/聖地亞哥 北美太平洋時間:2017年10月3日,晚上20:00開始
2. 台北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡/香港 上午時間: 2017年10月4日,早上11:00開始
3. 多倫多/紐約/波士頓/華盛頓DC/邁阿密/亞特蘭大/奧蘭多 北美東部時間:2017年10月3日,晚上23:00開始
4. 英國倫敦時間:2017年10月4日,凌晨4:00開始.
5. 巴黎/柏林/巴塞羅那/斯德哥爾摩時間:2017年10月4日,凌晨5:00開始.
6. 羅馬尼亞時間:2017年10月4日,早上6:00開始.
7. 緬甸仰光時間: 上午時間: 2017年10月4日,早上9:30開始 .
8. 印尼雅加達時間:上午時間: 2017年10月4日,早上10:00開始 ..
9. 韓國首爾時間: 2017年10月4日,中午12:00開始 .
【Facebook Live Broadcast Notice】
We will be having a Live broadcast session here on Facebook and welcome all to join us.
【 Global Live Broadcast Schedules】
1. Vancouver/ Seattle/ Portland/ Silicon Valley/ San Francisco/ Los Angeles/ San Diego
North America (Pacific Zone): October 3rd, 2017, at 20:00hrs
2. Taipei/ Beijing/ Malaysia/ Singapore/Hong Kong: October 4th, 2017, at 11:00hrs
3. Toronto/ New York/ Boston/ Washington D.C./ Miami/ Atlanta/ Orlando
North America (Eastern Zone): October 3rd, 2017, at 23:00hrs
4. London (England): October 4th, 2017, at 04:00hrs
5. Paris (France)/ Berlin (Germany)/ Barcelona/ Stockholm (Sweden): October 4th, 2017, at 05:00hrs
6. Romania:October 4th, 2017, at 06:00hrs
7. Yangon (Myanmar): October 4th, 2017, at 9:30hrs
8. Jakarta (Indonesia): October 4th, 2017, at 10:00hrs
9. Seoul (Korea): October 4th, 2017, at 12:00hrs
10. Melbourne/Sydney (Australia):October 4th, 2017, at 14:00hrs

#MasterJinBodhiLiveBroadcast, #Vancouver, #LiveBroadcastOnlineNotice,

1. 溫哥華/西雅圖/波特蘭/矽谷/舊金山/洛杉磯/聖地亞哥 北美太平洋時間:2017年10月3日,晚上20:00開始
2. 台北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡/香港 上午時間: 2017年10月4日,早上11:00開始
3. 多倫多/紐約/波士頓/華盛頓DC/邁阿密/亞特蘭大/奧蘭多 北美東部時間:2017年10月3日,晚上23:00開始
4. 英國倫敦時間:2017年10月4日,凌晨4:00開始.
5. 巴黎/柏林/巴塞羅那/斯德哥爾摩時間:2017年10月4日,凌晨5:00開始.
6. 羅馬尼亞時間:2017年10月4日,早上6:00開始.
7. 緬甸仰光時間: 上午時間: 2017年10月4日,早上9:30開始 .
8. 印尼雅加達時間:上午時間: 2017年10月4日,早上10:00開始 ..
9. 韓國首爾時間: 2017年10月4日,中午12:00開始 .
【Facebook Live Broadcast Notice】
We will be having a Live broadcast session here on Facebook and welcome all to join us.
【 Global Live Broadcast Schedules】
1. Vancouver/ Seattle/ Portland/ Silicon Valley/ San Francisco/ Los Angeles/ San Diego
North America (Pacific Zone): October 3rd, 2017, at 20:00hrs
2. Taipei/ Beijing/ Malaysia/ Singapore/Hong Kong: October 4th, 2017, at 11:00hrs
3. Toronto/ New York/ Boston/ Washington D.C./ Miami/ Atlanta/ Orlando
North America (Eastern Zone): October 3rd, 2017, at 23:00hrs
4. London (England): October 4th, 2017, at 04:00hrs
5. Paris (France)/ Berlin (Germany)/ Barcelona/ Stockholm (Sweden): October 4th, 2017, at 05:00hrs
6. Romania:October 4th, 2017, at 06:00hrs
7. Yangon (Myanmar): October 4th, 2017, at 9:30hrs
8. Jakarta (Indonesia): October 4th, 2017, at 10:00hrs
9. Seoul (Korea): October 4th, 2017, at 12:00hrs
10. Melbourne/Sydney (Australia):October 4th, 2017, at 14:00hrs

#MasterJinBodhiLiveBroadcast, #Vancouver, #LiveBroadcastOnlineNotice,
