【春分】正是奠基健康好時節 . 今天,陽…


【Spring Equinox】- The Perfect Time to Lay Foundation for Health

According to the solar calendar, today, 21 March is the fourth solar term out of 24 solar terms— Spring Equinox.

On this day, the sun shines directly on the equator hence the southern and northern hemisphere of the Earth enjoy equal lengths of day and night. After this day, the weather will turn warmer. However, do not keep all your warm winter clothes yet!

During this solar term, the rural scenery is particularly beautiful. You will see green paddy fields of seedlings flanking both sides of the road. Farmers are busy weeding, watering and adding fertilizers in anticipation of a bumper harvest in fall.

Wellness during Spring Equinox:
Spring season is the perfect time to lay foundation for health!

If we can persevere and adhere to a plan of practicing Energy Bagua for 108 days, we will be rewarded with one full year of energy. Then, we will not have to worry about temperature changes that occur during Fall and Winter Seasons.

Here’s wishing all:
May you live to a ripe old age with daily Energy Bagua practice!

#SpringEquinox, #EnergyBagua, #Sowingrnrn【春分】正是奠基健康好時節

【Spring Equinox】- The Perfect Time to Lay Foundation for Health

According to the solar calendar, today, 21 March is the fourth solar term out of 24 solar terms— Spring Equinox.

On this day, the sun shines directly on the equator hence the southern and northern hemisphere of the Earth enjoy equal lengths of day and night. After this day, the weather will turn warmer. However, do not keep all your warm winter clothes yet!

During this solar term, the rural scenery is particularly beautiful. You will see green paddy fields of seedlings flanking both sides of the road. Farmers are busy weeding, watering and adding fertilizers in anticipation of a bumper harvest in fall.

Wellness during Spring Equinox:
Spring season is the perfect time to lay foundation for health!

If we can persevere and adhere to a plan of practicing Energy Bagua for 108 days, we will be rewarded with one full year of energy. Then, we will not have to worry about temperature changes that occur during Fall and Winter Seasons.

Here’s wishing all:
May you live to a ripe old age with daily Energy Bagua practice!

#SpringEquinox, #EnergyBagua, #Sowing

【Spring Equinox】- The Perfect Time to Lay Foundation for Health 
According to the solar calendar, today, 21 March is the fourth solar term out of 24 solar terms— Spring Equinox.
On this day, the sun shines directly on the equator hence the southern and northern hemisphere of the Earth enjoy equal lengths of day and night. After this day, the weather will turn warmer. However, do not keep all your warm winter clothes yet! 
During this solar term, the rural scenery is particularly beautiful. You will see green paddy fields of seedlings flanking both sides of the road. Farmers are busy weeding, watering and adding fertilizers in anticipation of a bumper harvest in fall.
Wellness during Spring Equinox:
Spring season is the perfect time to lay foundation for health!
If we can persevere and adhere to a plan of practicing Energy Bagua for 108 days, we will be rewarded with one full year of energy. Then, we will not have to worry about temperature changes that occur during Fall and Winter Seasons.
Here’s wishing all:
May you live to a ripe old age with daily Energy Bagua practice!
#SpringEquinox, #EnergyBagua, #Sowingrnrn【春分】正是奠基健康好時節
【Spring Equinox】- The Perfect Time to Lay Foundation for Health 
According to the solar calendar, today, 21 March is the fourth solar term out of 24 solar terms— Spring Equinox.
On this day, the sun shines directly on the equator hence the southern and northern hemisphere of the Earth enjoy equal lengths of day and night. After this day, the weather will turn warmer. However, do not keep all your warm winter clothes yet! 
During this solar term, the rural scenery is particularly beautiful. You will see green paddy fields of seedlings flanking both sides of the road. Farmers are busy weeding, watering and adding fertilizers in anticipation of a bumper harvest in fall.
Wellness during Spring Equinox:
Spring season is the perfect time to lay foundation for health!
If we can persevere and adhere to a plan of practicing Energy Bagua for 108 days, we will be rewarded with one full year of energy. Then, we will not have to worry about temperature changes that occur during Fall and Winter Seasons.
Here’s wishing all:
May you live to a ripe old age with daily Energy Bagua practice!
#SpringEquinox, #EnergyBagua, #Sowing
