【連載-2013浴佛大加持】之四 ───…

#瘦身 #窈窕

【2013 Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony Series】 – Episode 4
— Let us lose some inches from our waist!

I believe many of you have benefited from my unique energy blessing sessions from the past two days of chanting.

Let us try something slightly different today. Let me fulfill the wish that is on top of many people’s list… the wish to lose inches off the waist!

No matter where you are, whether you are watching this video through the computer or the cell phone, you will benefit and have your waistline reduced by a few inches! This is a special kind of energy.

I welcome all of you who are interested in losing weight and losing inches off your waist to come experience it!

#LosingWeight, #SlimDown, #BathingTheBuddhaIllumination, #2013BathingTheBuddhaBlessingCeremonyEpisode4
