是什麼方法,讓健康變簡單了? . 問:「…



「精誠所至,金石為開。」她磕了半年,風濕性關節炎竟然真的好了。原來已經變形,不能抓東西的手,現在竟能幹活了,縫衣服都可以了。我去韓國時,還給我做韓國飯。 她告訴我:「我現在有了健康,快樂也更多了。」
How can we attain good health easily?
Question: [In life’s formulas, is there any effective method to alleviate our illnesses, pain and sufferings while increasing our energy for good health and happiness?] .
Answer: [Yes] .
There was a female disciple from Korea Bodhi Meditation Center who suffered from severe rheumatoid arthritis. The pain was so bad that she would lose control and teared whenever the pain acted up. She tried all means to cure her illness but to no avail. On one rare occasion, she came to know about Bodhi Meditation. During her first visit to Bodhi, she met a teacher in Korea Bodhi Meditation Center who had a reputation of being strict. The female disciple asked: [What can I do to alleviate my body discomfort and pain?] .
Teacher: [Kow-tow, practice prostration eight hours each day.] This was not an easy task. However she abided by the teacher’s instruction and did as she was told.
As the Chinese saying goes: [Absolute sincerity can move even metals.] After half a year of prostration practice, she recovered completely. Previously she had problems holding things with her hands, now she can perform a lot of tasks, including sewing. When I was at Korea, she even prepared a Korean meal for me. She told me:[ I am very healthy and happy now.] .
At times, it is very hard to predict the benefits of meditation. However, generally one’s health will improve after meditation.
How does meditation help to improve our health and make us happier? I welcome all to join me in our discussion [The Beginning of Health and Happiness.] Please feel free to leave behind your comments for further discussion. May all feel more relaxed and gain happiness through meditation.
#SaturdayOnlineGroupGlobalPractice, #TheBeginningOfHealthAndHappiness, #Prostration, #RheumatoidArthritis, #Korea, #MasterJinBodhiTeachings, #Meditation, #HealthyAndHappy
