秋冬怎麼吃出好體質? . . 立冬過後,…

一、 泉水蘿蔔:白蘿蔔去皮切厚片,用礦泉水(可用純淨水代替)煮軟煮透,瀝乾水份,在醬油中蘸一遍,在平底鍋中用油雙面香煎,清口又軟爛。

二、 拌蘿蔔皮:把蘿蔔洗淨後,皮削成約3至4毫米厚的小片,放入醬油、醋、鹽、辣椒油、香菜末,拌勻就行了。

三、 炸丸子:紅皮白心的大紅蘿蔔,含水量較少,適合用來做餡,也可以與麵和在一起,添加五香粉等調味料,炸成蘿蔔丸子。

四、 青蘿蔔粉絲湯:青蘿蔔切絲,粉絲泡發,油鍋放入蔥、薑爆香,倒入熱水(注意水是熱的),水開後,放入蘿蔔絲、粉絲,煮熟後加鹽、胡椒粉,大冷天的喝上一碗,渾身熱乎乎的,好舒服。


泉水蘿蔔的製作參考網址:http://www.douguo.com/cookbook/1053901.htmlrnrnHow to eat well to prepare for Autumn and Winter?

At the start of winter (Lidong solar term), the weather turns cold and many of us have difficulties getting out of bed. This is unfavorable for maintaining good health in winter. The body needs some appropriate exercise to enhance its immunity system and resistance to coldness. It is a common saying among folks, ” when radish soup is served at the start of winter, doctors do not need to prescribe medicine”. Today, I present a table of radish banquet for everyone.

1) Spring water radish: peel the white radish and cut into thick slices. Use mineral water (or pure water) to boil till soft. Drain the water, dip in soy sauce and pan -fry both sides of the radish, giving a refreshing and soft taste.
2) Mixing of radish skin: Wash the radish, peel the radish skin into small pieces of 3 to 4 mm thick each. Add soy sauce, vinegar, salt, chili oil, parsley and mix well.
3) Fried radish ball: The red radish which contains less water , are suitable to make fillings. It can be mixed with flour, spice powder and other seasonings to make fried radish balls.
4) Green radish soup with vermicelli: shred the green radish, soak the vermicelli ( the transparent noodle). Heat the oil and stir fry the onion, ginger to bring out the fragrance. Then pour in hot water. When the water is boiling hot, add radish, vermicelli. When cooked, add salt and pepper. Having a bowl of boiling hot soup during cold weather helps to keep the body warm and comfortable.

This year, Lidong falls on November 7 of the Gregorian calendar and it indicates the beginning of winter. If you are thinking of strengthening your body before winter, have some radish dishes. If you have other recipes of radish cuisine, please share it!

#Radish, #Winter
Source of Spring water radish recipe (website): http://www.douguo.com/cookbook/1053901.html
