
傳說,聖誕老人的雪橇車馴鹿_魯道夫,有著一只美麗,發著光芒的紅色鼻子,牠誕生於 1939 年羅伯特.梅(Robert L. May)的童話故事裡。

The Christmas Reindeer Rudolf – Why does he have a red nose?
Legend has it that Santa Claus’ sleigh-pulling reindeer Rudolf has a beautiful and shiny red nose. He was born in 1939, in the pages of the fairy tale penned by Robert L. May.
On the eve of Christmas one particular year, the weather turned so foggy that one could hardly see one’s hand stretched out in front of him. Santa sat on his sleigh, worrying about the poor visibility. He thought: “What should I do? The children are still waiting for me and my presents. They will be terribly heartbroken and disappointed if the Christmas presents are not waiting for them when morning arrives.”
Just when Santa was getting distressed, he saw a bright red glow moving towards him. It turned out that this beautiful red glow was coming from the nose of Rudolf the reindeer. Red-colored light penetrates fog better than lights of other colors, which is one of the important reasons why our traffic light uses red for Stop.
Santa Claus caressed Rudolf’s nose and remarked: “Tonight is a beautiful night, with the children sleeping very soundly. It is really unfortunate that the weather turned foggy out of the blue. Thank goodness for this glowing red nose of yours.”
Hence, Santa assigned Rudolf to be the leader of the pack of 12 reindeers, being responsible for illuminating the way ahead. Ever since then, the pack has never lost its way and can always complete their important task on December 25th year after year.
This beautiful silvery season in December is a season of love; a time when children are most obediently making their wishes to Santa, hoping their wishes would come true!
Today is 「Winter Solstice」of the 24 solar terms which is also the shortest day of the year. The weather is even colder. We must be mindful to keep warm. May the 「Winter Solstice」 brings good luck and good healthy throughout your life.
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#Christmas, #ChristmasEve, #Presents, #GiftOfBlessings, #Reindeer, #Rudolf


?雪白季節裡的溫暖__大耳婆婆? . ….

因此,每年的12月,聖誕老人都會灑下漫天的雪花與祝福 ,並且送出禮物 ?給孩子們,從此許多孩子們再也不受飢凍所苦了。
「 ❄ ❄ ❄聖 誕 節 快 樂 ❄ ❄ ❄」
Warmth in snowy white season- Big ear granny
According to legend, there was a granny with beautiful golden hair. She had a pair of attractive big ears to listen to the wishes of children from all over the world.
Her job was to fulfil the dreams and wishes of children by sending them presents. Her wish: (to see radiant and happy smiles on the innocent faces of all children and ensure they go to bed with pleasant dreams.)
How does the wish of Santa Claus (children’s all-time favourite character) come about?
Few thousand years ago at an island of Scandinavia, on a snowy and windy Christmas night , there was a little boy who was feeling very hungry and cold. Due to a few months of heavy snow, every household locked their houses and windows tightly to keep out the cold and food was precious and rare. As the boy walked on the street, he knocked on each door, hoping that some kind soul would offer him warm food. However, no one offered him and he continued to remain hungry. Just when he was about to freeze to death, a granny with big ears appeared in front of him. The granny offered him a sumptuous Christmas dinner and thoughtfully prepared a warm mattress and blanket for the night. On the very next day, the snow miraculously stopped.
Before the boy left, big ear granny gave him a redwood branch and instructed him: “Find a fertile land to grow this redwood branch. Look after it well and it will grow into a beautiful tree. On this day of every year, the tree will be filled with presents. However, I have one condition: you must help to fulfil my dream by giving out warmth and hope to children like yourself and others who needed help, make their wishes come true.”
Apparently the big ear granny was the incarnation of Thousand Hands Thousand Eyes Guanyin Bodhisattva and the little boy was Santa Claus.
Subsequently, children who received help from big ear granny grew up and aspired to be incarnation of Santa Claus. From then on, this heart-warming tradition of Christmas passed down over generations and manifest in the form of thousands and millions of Santa Claus!
Since then, on the December of every year, Santa Claus would sprinkle glittering brilliance and wishes to fill the entire sky and send out presents to children. Thanks to Santa Claus, children no longer suffer from hunger and bitter cold. All this is possible because it is the wish of Buddha….
Lastly, may all receive bountiful returns on Christmas and lead a happy and fulfilling life!
Merry Christmas !!
#Christmas, #WhiteBeardedOldMan, #IncarnationOfBuddha, #Presents, #Warmth, #Wish
