【選對鍋具,為家人健康把關。】 . . …

「下得了廚房、入得了廳堂」, 我曾經提醒我們有緣的同修們,回家去給你所愛的家人做做飯,把愛用行動表達出去。「鍋碗瓢盆」交響曲中要想幸福,好的鍋具是第一,好的鍋具能給最愛的家人帶來健康和美味。
但是市售的鍋具種類琳瑯目,它們各有其優缺點、到底哪一種鍋具最安全,才能讓家人每天吃出健康和幸福?下面我給大家幾點建議,和參考連結。 。 。
3. 「認準國際健康認證徽章」_
例如:歐盟高規DNV安全認證、SGS 瑞士國際商品認證..等。
1) 三立調查報告 炒鍋之毒揭秘

2) 不鏽鋼鍋真的好用嗎

3) 如何選用健康的鍋具

4) 每日健康

5) 如何選用耐高溫玻璃
【Choose the right kitchenware for the health of your loved ones】
There is a Chinese saying to describe a wife: 「Elegant enough to meet guests, and possesses great culinary skills to cook tasty dishes」
Previously, I had reminded our fellow female practitioners to cook delicious meals for their loved ones to express their love for their family through cooking.
If you hope to be happy amid (the musical sounds of pots and pans), the foremost requirement is a good set of kitchenware. An excellent set of culinary utensils can bring good health and tasty dishes to your loved ones.
However there are many different types of kitchenware available in the market with different pros and cons. How do we determine which type of pots and pans is safe for daily cooking and brings our loved ones good health and happiness when they eat our home-cooked food?
The following are some of my suggestions which you may like to use as reference guide….
Kitchenware’s new formula:
1. Avoid using a single pot for all your cooking. Get more information about the properties of each type of pots and pans so as to select the most appropriate pot or pan for cooking.
2. Do not be afraid of the troubles that come from choosing appropriate kitchenware. Health of your loved ones comes first, take care of the health of your loved ones.
3. Recognize international certification logo
For instance: EU High regulation DNV safety certification, Swiss SGS International certification
The above are a few of my suggestions. Regardless of which type of pot and pan you are using, an important point to note is your cooking temperature and whether the ingredients used are suitable. In addition, your cooking shovel cannot be too sharp as that may scratch and damage the coating of your wok which may affect the health of your loved ones unknowingly.
May you gain a deeper understanding on the essence of kitchenware selection—Eat for good health and family happiness!!
1) San Li research report—Unveil the poison of cooking pots
https://youtu.be/_VAhqK_fj_A https://youtu.be/9L243cjFvm8
2) Are stainless pots really good?

3) How to select healthy kitchenware
http://mochivinvic.pixnet.net/blog/post/5148939 – Selection of cooking pots and wmf Pot
4) Daily good health
5) How to select glass that can withstand high temperature
Reference Material…
#HealthKitcheware. #EatForGoodHealth, #NonStickyPot, #CeramicPot
「下得了廚房、入得了廳堂」, 我曾經提醒我們有緣的同修們,回家去給你所愛的家人做做飯,把愛用行動表達出去。「鍋碗瓢盆」交響曲中要想幸福,好的鍋具是第一,好的鍋具能給最愛的家人帶來健康和美味。
但是市售的鍋具種類琳瑯目,它們各有其優缺點、到底哪一種鍋具最安全,才能讓家人每天吃出健康和幸福?下面我給大家幾點建議,和參考連結。 。 。
3. 「認準國際健康認證徽章」_
例如:歐盟高規DNV安全認證、SGS 瑞士國際商品認證..等。
1) 三立調查報告 炒鍋之毒揭秘

2) 不鏽鋼鍋真的好用嗎

3) 如何選用健康的鍋具

4) 每日健康

5) 如何選用耐高溫玻璃
【Choose the right kitchenware for the health of your loved ones】
There is a Chinese saying to describe a wife: 「Elegant enough to meet guests, and possesses great culinary skills to cook tasty dishes」
Previously, I had reminded our fellow female practitioners to cook delicious meals for their loved ones to express their love for their family through cooking.
If you hope to be happy amid (the musical sounds of pots and pans), the foremost requirement is a good set of kitchenware. An excellent set of culinary utensils can bring good health and tasty dishes to your loved ones.
However there are many different types of kitchenware available in the market with different pros and cons. How do we determine which type of pots and pans is safe for daily cooking and brings our loved ones good health and happiness when they eat our home-cooked food?
The following are some of my suggestions which you may like to use as reference guide….
Kitchenware’s new formula:
1. Avoid using a single pot for all your cooking. Get more information about the properties of each type of pots and pans so as to select the most appropriate pot or pan for cooking.
2. Do not be afraid of the troubles that come from choosing appropriate kitchenware. Health of your loved ones comes first, take care of the health of your loved ones.
3. Recognize international certification logo
For instance: EU High regulation DNV safety certification, Swiss SGS International certification
The above are a few of my suggestions. Regardless of which type of pot and pan you are using, an important point to note is your cooking temperature and whether the ingredients used are suitable. In addition, your cooking shovel cannot be too sharp as that may scratch and damage the coating of your wok which may affect the health of your loved ones unknowingly.
May you gain a deeper understanding on the essence of kitchenware selection—Eat for good health and family happiness!!
1) San Li research report—Unveil the poison of cooking pots
https://youtu.be/_VAhqK_fj_A https://youtu.be/9L243cjFvm8
2) Are stainless pots really good?

3) How to select healthy kitchenware
http://mochivinvic.pixnet.net/blog/post/5148939 – Selection of cooking pots and wmf Pot
4) Daily good health
5) How to select glass that can withstand high temperature
Reference Material…
#HealthKitcheware. #EatForGoodHealth, #NonStickyPot, #CeramicPot
