【週六網路共修】 ───神奇的養生與康復…


【Saturday Online Group Practice】
─── The Miraculous Natural Therapy

‘Energy Bagua’ is a natural and effective way to wellness, and my master told me that it was beneficial for both wisdom and energy enhancement.

What can ‘energy’ do for our human body? When we are unwell or feel tired, it is because we lack energy; when a person has sufficient energy, it is not easy to fall sick or feel tired.
And ‘Energy Bagua’ can quickly help us to replenish our energy.

In ‘Energy Bagua Gathering’, you would be introduced to the story about the first apprentice whom I had imparted Energy Bagua, the close relationship between Energy Bagua and the universe, as well as the sharing of many beneficial changes experienced by practitioners after practicing it, etc.

May everyone be healthy, slender and even attain enlightenment, so that you may embrace life with excitement, and become a joyous and wise person.

