【週六網路共修】 ───滑雪的啟示! ….

1. 滑雪之旅就好比人生之旅,方向只有靠自己來掌控,沒人能代替你。
2. 旅途中的種種挫折,恐懼、失敗、痛楚,一但克服內心的障礙,就能飛越出生命的奇蹟!
3. 不斷學習,掌握技巧是唯一的路子。因為方法不對,將面對的是更多的痛苦與失敗。
4. 世上無難事,只怕有心人,只要我們下定决心,任何難题都一定會迎刃而解。
5. 想成功,切勿半途而廢,知難而退,凡事需要努力並且堅持到底。

【Saturday Online Group Practice】 – Inspirations from skiing

1. In skiing, as in life, only you can control the direction that you are going, nobody can do that on your behalf.

2. During the journey, you will experience setbacks, fear, failure and pain. Once you manage to overcome your inner obstacles, you will be able to soar and achieve miracles in life!

3. Continuous learning to improve our skills is the only way to go. Or else if we use the wrong approaches to the problems we encounter, more pain and failures will follow.

4. Nothing in this world is difficult for one who sets his mind on it. As long as we have the determination, we will be able to overcome all challenges.

5. To succeed, we must not give up halfway or concede defeat at the first obstacle we encounter. Hard work and persistence are critical to being successful in everything that we do.

I wish for all of you to be safe. May everything go well in your lives so that you can achieve your aspirations and create miracles!

