擁有生命的「勇氣」和「力量」。 . 生命…


Possess the ‘Courage’ and ‘Strength’ of life

The path of life is in sight. So long as you possess the courage to forge ahead, the world can be yours.

My personal experience is – we have to first ‘contemplate’. Once we have thought through the considerations, forge ahead and take action. As long as we start doing so, positive strength and momentum gathers. As long as we continue to practice, our life experiences and horizons elevate and will be different from before, and the beautiful and wondrous offerings from the universe will come to our side.
—Master Jin Bodhi—

#ConsciousnessOfSeeingTheUpsAndDownsOfLife, #LoveTheWorld, #StrengthenOurResolve, #LifeCourageAndStrength


樂高向塑膠說再見! . 真的是太棒了!現…

LEGO Bids Farewell to Plastics

It is wonderful news that even international toy maker LEGO is starting to study the use of eco-friendly materials in the manufacturing of toys!

Almost everyone has played with LEGO building blocks. These colorful building blocks help trigger unlimited imagination as to how you can play with them, something most people will recall from their childhood days. The LEGO blocks not only stimulate thinking, innovation and constructive abilities, it can also help shape one’s character.

No matter how delightful it is to play with plastic building blocks, LEGO has to face the challenge of being eco-friendly. To do this, LEGO has announced that it is setting up a US$150 million Sustainable Materials Centre by 2030 to replace all current plastics with sustainable materials.

The earliest versions of LEGO building blocks were made from wood. Today, LEGO uses more than 6,000 tonnes of plastics annually. With global warming, they chose to be pro-actively eco-friendly and plan to employ more than 100 material experts to form the center for sustainable material.

But what is sustainable material? LEGO’s standard is: Any thing that may significantly affect the environment and society such as reducing the use of petroleum-chemicals, violations of human rights and adverse impacts on global warming, and the carbon-footprints of new LEGO’s products.

Will the new products return to the use of wood? We are not sure. A Japanese company was known to have used wood to produce building blocks, whilst others use sawdust and coffee beans pulp. Although such use of materials cannot be on a massive scale, the use of alternative material to be eco-friendly is a step in the right direction. We only have one Earth and it is everyone’s responsibility to protect and save the Earth.

Thanks to netizen for providing the references:-
English reference: https://www.greenpeace.org/archive-international/en/news/Blogs/makingwaves/save-the-arctic-lego-dumps-shell/blog/50926/
Chinese Reference: http://www.greenpeace.org/…/clim…/climate/2014/lego-promise/
#NewAndCurrentAffairs, #EcoFriendly, #SustainableMaterial, #LoveTheWorld, #LoveAllBeings


如何讓心更強大 . 用心去愛、去幫助這個…


【 Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Aphorism】
Love and help this world as this will make us stronger.
If we have only selfish intention to fulfill our desires, this will easily destroy us.
#MasterJinBodhi’sAphorism, #LoveTheWorld, #TheHeartGrowsStrongerrnrn如何讓心更強大

【 Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Aphorism】
Love and help this world as this will make us stronger.
If we have only selfish intention to fulfill our desires, this will easily destroy us.
#MasterJinBodhi’sAphorism, #LoveTheWorld, #TheHeartGrowsStronger
