擁有生命的「勇氣」和「力量」。 . 生命…


Possess the ‘Courage’ and ‘Strength’ of life

The path of life is in sight. So long as you possess the courage to forge ahead, the world can be yours.

My personal experience is – we have to first ‘contemplate’. Once we have thought through the considerations, forge ahead and take action. As long as we start doing so, positive strength and momentum gathers. As long as we continue to practice, our life experiences and horizons elevate and will be different from before, and the beautiful and wondrous offerings from the universe will come to our side.
—Master Jin Bodhi—

#ConsciousnessOfSeeingTheUpsAndDownsOfLife, #LoveTheWorld, #StrengthenOurResolve, #LifeCourageAndStrength
