「逗」生路上那些事兒 . 人生路上會經歷…


Experiences in life

On the journey of life, we will experience all kinds of feelings and emotions, such as sourness, sweetness, bitterness, spiciness, saltiness, sadness, and happiness. It may be impossible to completely discuss about them even within three days and three nights! However, how many people can really put all the five flavors of life into a joke? Let’s take a look at how Zen Bean managed to transform the colorful “Bean” experience into humorous and funny “Bean” quotations.

#ZenBean, #Humor, #Funny, #Laugh


禪逗「扭」起來! . 一個星期的開始,繁…



Zen Bean “Twist”!

At the beginning of a new week, the hectic work and academic pressure makes one feel heavy emotionally! Thus it’s a good time to listen to Zen Bean share something light-hearted to help relief the emotions! Looking forward to the interesting jokes that Zen Bean be sharing with us this week! Wishing all of you a Happy New Year!

#ZenBean11, #Humor, #Laugh


週一來點輕鬆快樂的! . 大家的週末假期…


Lets have something fun and relaxing on Monday!

How was your weekend? It is time to bring your mind back after the holiday!
Let Zen Bean share with you some jokes so that you can have a happy Monday!

#ZenBean, #Humorous, #Laugh
