恭賀觀世音菩薩聖誕 . 觀世音菩薩就好像…


Dear GuanYin Bodhisattva, wishing you a happy birthday

The GuanYin Bodhisattva is like our mother – compassionate, warm and responsive to our needs. She always helps resolve to the varied challenges we encounter, and provides us with the relevant resources in our lives.

Today is the birthday of the GuanYin Bodhisattva. Let us sincerely chant to the GuanYin Bodhisattva. Pray and seek blessings for not only ourselves, but our loved ones, and for all sentient beings!!

May all sentient beings who are suffering be liberated and joyous,
May those who are unwell recover and be healthy,
May there be world peace, illumination and no confrontations or wars,
May sentient beings’ wishes – relationship, family, and career – all come true!

Sincere veneration allows us to be close to the Buddha.
Those who aspire to meet with the Buddha, or who have not yet been acquainted with the Buddha, can still receive the compassionate blessings of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, including health, auspiciousness, fortune and joy.

For these are the wishes of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas …

#GuanYinBodhisattvaBirthday, #Compassion, #Warmthrnrn恭賀觀世音菩薩聖誕

Dear GuanYin Bodhisattva, wishing you a happy birthday

The GuanYin Bodhisattva is like our mother – compassionate, warm and responsive to our needs. She always helps resolve to the varied challenges we encounter, and provides us with the relevant resources in our lives.

Today is the birthday of the GuanYin Bodhisattva. Let us sincerely chant to the GuanYin Bodhisattva. Pray and seek blessings for not only ourselves, but our loved ones, and for all sentient beings!!

May all sentient beings who are suffering be liberated and joyous,
May those who are unwell recover and be healthy,
May there be world peace, illumination and no confrontations or wars,
May sentient beings’ wishes – relationship, family, and career – all come true!

Sincere veneration allows us to be close to the Buddha.
Those who aspire to meet with the Buddha, or who have not yet been acquainted with the Buddha, can still receive the compassionate blessings of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, including health, auspiciousness, fortune and joy.

For these are the wishes of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas …

#GuanYinBodhisattvaBirthday, #Compassion, #Warmth

Dear GuanYin Bodhisattva, wishing you a happy birthday
The GuanYin Bodhisattva is like our mother - compassionate, warm and responsive to our needs.  She always helps resolve to the varied challenges we encounter, and provides us with the relevant resources in our lives.
Today is the birthday of the GuanYin Bodhisattva.  Let us sincerely chant to the GuanYin Bodhisattva.  Pray and seek blessings for not only ourselves, but our loved ones, and for all sentient beings!!
May all sentient beings who are suffering be liberated and joyous,
May those who are unwell recover and be healthy,
May there be world peace, illumination and no confrontations or wars,
May sentient beings' wishes - relationship, family, and career - all come true!  
Sincere veneration allows us to be close to the Buddha.
Those who aspire to meet with the Buddha, or who have not yet been acquainted with the Buddha, can still receive the compassionate blessings of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, including health, auspiciousness, fortune and joy.
For these are the wishes of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas ...
#GuanYinBodhisattvaBirthday, #Compassion, #Warmthrnrn恭賀觀世音菩薩聖誕
Dear GuanYin Bodhisattva, wishing you a happy birthday
The GuanYin Bodhisattva is like our mother - compassionate, warm and responsive to our needs.  She always helps resolve to the varied challenges we encounter, and provides us with the relevant resources in our lives.
Today is the birthday of the GuanYin Bodhisattva.  Let us sincerely chant to the GuanYin Bodhisattva.  Pray and seek blessings for not only ourselves, but our loved ones, and for all sentient beings!!
May all sentient beings who are suffering be liberated and joyous,
May those who are unwell recover and be healthy,
May there be world peace, illumination and no confrontations or wars,
May sentient beings' wishes - relationship, family, and career - all come true!  
Sincere veneration allows us to be close to the Buddha.
Those who aspire to meet with the Buddha, or who have not yet been acquainted with the Buddha, can still receive the compassionate blessings of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, including health, auspiciousness, fortune and joy.
For these are the wishes of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas ...
#GuanYinBodhisattvaBirthday, #Compassion, #Warmth


【至誠感恩觀世音菩薩】 . . 今天是一…


元魏時,有一個叫道泰的人,住在常山的衡唐精舍,曾經夢見有人告訴他說,他的壽命只有四十二歲。果然到了四十二歲的時候,他生起很重的病來,他憂慮自己必定如夢中所提示的會死,於是將他所有的衣食資產廣為佈施積福。有位朋友對他說:我聽過供養六十二億菩薩,和念一聲觀世音的人,得福報是一樣的,您何不皈依誦念觀世音菩薩?道泰猛然感悟,虔誠歸依誦念,不分日夜。精誠勤奮四天四夜後,忽然看見一道白光從戶外射進來,非常的耀眼,光芒中看見觀世音菩薩的金色雙腳,令全屋金光朗照。道泰馬上扯開帳子出來叩頭頂禮,一會兒光就消失了。他又悲又喜,周身流汗,全身輕鬆,所生的病也就一次都全好了。( 續高僧傳 第25卷)

1. 沐浴更衣,真誠誦念觀世音菩薩聖號。
2. 在家裡或是道場的觀世音菩薩像前,真誠供養、獻花、獻果、獻禮。
3. 參與共修誦念。因為共修的能量與感應是更強的。不在禪堂附近的同修可以晚上在我們約定的時間裡選一個時段一同誦念(晚上8:30-臨晨1:00)。

.# 觀世音菩薩聖誕、#念佛、#供養
Deepest gratitude to Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Today is a very auspicious day, the birthday of the most compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva. Let me share with you a story from Chinese history in relation to Guanyin Bodhisattva:

During the Northern Wei dynasty there was a man named Dao-tai(道泰) who lived in the Changshan county. He had a dream in which he was told he had a lifespan of only forty-two years. True enough, he fell very sick on his forty-second birthday. Thinking that he was going to die, he donated all his wealth to the poor to gain karmic merits. One day, he heard from his friend that the karmic reward of calling out the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva with great sincerity is equivalent to making offerings to 6.2 billion Bodhisattvas. This inspired Dao-tai to chant reverently day and night. Suddenly, on the fourth night, he was enveloped by bright light shining in from the outside. In the blinding light, he could see the legs of Guanyin boddhisattva and immediately prostrated at the bodhisattva’s gold-sheathed feet. The light disappeared as fast as it came and Dao-tai found himself covered in perspiration. Amazingly, he was cured of all illnesses after that. (Continued in the 25th chapter of the Biographies of Eminent Monks).

Such miraculous blessings from Guanyin Bodhisattva are not uncommon. While I was growing up, Guanyin Bodhisattva was always by my side; holding my hand as I walked the path, giving me guidance on my practice. She taught me all about the Buddha dharma and the natural way of things. Till today, she is there at all the key events of my life, watching over me, bestowing blessings to all as I spread the Dharma.

The Bodhisattva’s compassion is like that of a loving mother who gives unconditionally: She will go through all means to ensure that we are safe and healthy, even at the expense of herself. Such deep love is what a mother will bear towards her own child. To the benevolent Guanyin Bodhisattva, all of us, all sentient beings are like her children. Such compassion and love are truly admirable!

The great compassion that the Bodhisattva bears for us can only be repaid with the deepest respect and sincerity. How do we express that on this sacred day?
1. Freshen ourselves and sincerely chant the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva.
2. Make sincere offerings of flowers, fruits and gifts to the benevolent Guanyin Bodhisattva.
3. Join the group chanting practice at the Bodhi Meditation Center. If you stay far away from the center, you can chant together with us in your home, anytime between 8.30 in the evening to 1 in the morning. Group practice is beneficial as it yields much stronger energy and builds a stronger connection with the merciful Bodhisattva.

Guanyin Bodhisattva has vowed to help all sentient beings who call out to her, freeing them from suffering, pain, poverty and sickness. On this auspicious day, let us offer our sincerest gratitude and receive the blessings from the most compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva!

#GuanyinBodhisattvaBirthday #chanting #sincereOfferingsrnrnDeepest gratitude to Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Today is a very auspicious day, the birthday of the most compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva. Let me share with you a story from Chinese history in relation to Guanyin Bodhisattva:

During the Northern Wei dynasty there was a man named Dao-tai(道泰) who lived in the Changshan county. He had a dream in which he was told he had a lifespan of only forty-two years. True enough, he fell very sick on his forty-second birthday. Thinking that he was going to die, he donated all his wealth to the poor to gain karmic merits. One day, he heard from his friend that the karmic reward of calling out the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva with great sincerity is equivalent to making offerings to 6.2 billion Bodhisattvas. This inspired Dao-tai to chant reverently day and night. Suddenly, on the fourth night, he was enveloped by bright light shining in from the outside. In the blinding light, he could see the legs of Guanyin boddhisattva and immediately prostrated at the bodhisattva’s gold-sheathed feet. The light disappeared as fast as it came and Dao-tai found himself covered in perspiration. Amazingly, he was cured of all illnesses after that. (Continued in the 25th chapter of the Biographies of Eminent Monks).

Such miraculous blessings from Guanyin Bodhisattva are not uncommon. While I was growing up, Guanyin Bodhisattva was always by my side; holding my hand as I walked the path, giving me guidance on my practice. She taught me all about the Buddha dharma and the natural way of things. Till today, she is there at all the key events of my life, watching over me, bestowing blessings to all as I spread the Dharma.

The Bodhisattva’s compassion is like that of a loving mother who gives unconditionally: She will go through all means to ensure that we are safe and healthy, even at the expense of herself. Such deep love is what a mother will bear towards her own child. To the benevolent Guanyin Bodhisattva, all of us, all sentient beings are like her children. Such compassion and love are truly admirable!

The great compassion that the Bodhisattva bears for us can only be repaid with the deepest respect and sincerity. How do we express that on this sacred day?
1. Freshen ourselves and sincerely chant the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva.
2. Make sincere offerings of flowers, fruits and gifts to the benevolent Guanyin Bodhisattva.
3. Join the group chanting practice at the Bodhi Meditation Center. If you stay far away from the center, you can chant together with us in your home, anytime between 8.30 in the evening to 1 in the morning. Group practice is beneficial as it yields much stronger energy and builds a stronger connection with the merciful Bodhisattva.

Guanyin Bodhisattva has vowed to help all sentient beings who call out to her, freeing them from suffering, pain, poverty and sickness. On this auspicious day, let us offer our sincerest gratitude and receive the blessings from the most compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva!

#GuanyinBodhisattvaBirthday #chanting #sincereOfferings
