金菩提禪語 所謂「斬斷情絲」,是斬斷私欲…



#金菩提禪語 #大情大愛 #貪愛
【 Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Aphorism】
“To cut off the thread of love” is to clear the feeling of lust and greed.
Recognize the nature of selfish affection and expand the portion of true love to universal love.
#MasterJinBodhi’sAphorism, #UniversalLove, #GreedAndDesirernrn【 Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Aphorism】
“To cut off the thread of love” is to clear the feeling of lust and greed.
Recognize the nature of selfish affection and expand the portion of true love to universal love.
#MasterJinBodhi’sAphorism, #UniversalLove, #GreedAndDesire
