《七彩好運寶瓶》 . 七彩好運寶瓶,是七…


《Lucky Seven-Color Treasure Vases》

The Lucky Seven-Color Treasure Vases consist of seven differently-colored small Yuhuchun (Jade Pot Spring) vases. Each vase is handmade, has an exclusive texture, and features a distinct and elegant shape.

The seven colors symbolize perfection, which contribute to physical and mental health, and the energy of the vases balances the emotions and brings good luck.

The Lucky Seven-Color Treasure Vases can be placed on the desk, windowsill, shelf, or in the rear window of a car to help accumulate good fortune, wealth and auspicious good luck forever!

#SevenColor, #GoodLuck, #TreasureVases, #BalancesTheEmotions, #AccumulateGoodFortuneAndWealth


恭喜直播幸運得獎者 . 台北世貿三館的藥…


Congratulations to the winners of our live broadcast!

The Medicine Buddha Birthday Blessing Ceremony held in Taipei World Trade Center was auspiciously completed on October 27th, but our karmic bonds with Medicine Buddha will continue on and on!

Thank you to everyone involved in this event. Thank you to every volunteer and staff who had contributed. Without all of you, the blessing ceremony would not have been so grand and perfect!

For those lucky winners during our live broadcast, let us congratulate them and share their joy!
We do not know who will be the lucky winners in our next live broadcast, so don’t be discouraged.
As long as you go online to leave a message every time when we have a live broadcast, there is an opportunity to be lucky!

#MedicineBuddhaBirthday, #KarmicBond, #ContinueOnAndOn, #GoodLuck, #LeaveAMessage


立蛋秘笈! . 一年一度的端午節,除了划…



Tips for Egg Balancing

During Dragon Boat Festival, other than the dragon boat race, hanging of wormwood grass, eating rice dumplings and drinking realgar wine, do you know that there is also another custom known as ‘Egg balancing’? According to legend, if you can balance an egg upright at mid-day on the Dragon Boat Festival, you will enjoy good luck in the coming year.

To perfect the skill of egg balancing, a group of youngsters come up with an ‘Egg Balancing’ game. What other conditions are required besides having the skill? Let’s take a look!

Wishing everyone:
Success in egg balancing and enjoy abundance of luck after.
Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

Tips for balancing an egg…
1. The key to success when balancing an egg is patience, calm mind and a steady pair of hands. Do not tremble.

2. It is important to select the correct location to balance the egg. Do not try to balance a round and slippery egg on glass, smooth metal or plastic sheets. A “good place” will be one with more friction, for example, cement or asphalt ground.

3. Practice the skill of balancing an egg indoors . It is not easy to balance an egg outdoors as it may be windy.

** There are even more powerful tricks shown in the video, making it impossible not to balance the egg. ***

Friends, have you pick up the skills?
Wish you success on Dragon Boat Festival!

#DragonBoatFestival, #TipsForEggBalancing, #GoodLuck


【傳說中的文曲星轉世╴包公】 . . 傳…

The legendary reincarnation of the Literacy Arts Star – Lord Bao
According to legend, auspicious light appeared on the sky when Lord Bao was born?
All the visible substances in the world, such as mountains, water stone, trees and the humans emanate light. The light and aura of these objects are manifestations of energy.
Recorded in the ancient Chinese classics was a story of a famous judge in the Song Dynasty, Lord Bao. On the night he was born, a passer-by spotted raging fire engulfing Lord Bao’s house and shouted, “Fire! Put out the fire!” However, when he ran over to Lord Bao’s house with a bucket of water, there was no sign of fire at all. Instead, he saw a red glow over the roof. At this moment, everyone heard a loud cry of a baby. Apparently a baby had just been born in this household!
At that time, people who were knowledgeable about aura and fortune telling exclaimed, “Well, this is not a simple child, he will grow up to become a great person!” Later in the history of legend, Lord Bao performed many deeds in favor of his country and people. He is known in history as a famous and upright official – Lord Bao!
Generally light color that looks good tend to be auspicious; like red, yellow, green, blue, purple, white and gold. A person that radiates such light color will often get rich, or may be promoted. There are also some light colors that are not very good such as black or grayish black.
Everyone aspires to have good fortune but how do we acquire these auspicious energy field? Today, I invite my friends to listen to “Moonlight” and join in our discussion. Please feel free to share your thoughts and experiences.
May all enjoy good fortune, prosperity and auspiciousness!
#MoonLight, #LordBao, #GoodLuck, #AuspiciousColor, #AuspiciousEnergy, #EnergyField, #MasterJinBodhiTeachings


金色祝福_留住金色吉祥與富貴! . . …


Golden blessings – Retain golden auspiciousness and prosperity!

In the past, I have often seen a small golden child hopping out from one house to the neighboring house. When the child left the house of the Zhang family, it made several turns and hopped into a neighboring house. Three years later, the neighboring family prospered while the family from which the golden child left started to experience deteriorating luck and even went into financial difficulty. All these happened because the golden child left?

We generally believe in the God of Wealth but if you want your family to prosper, you need to possess good fortune! The source of wealth cannot be seen with the naked eye. Perhaps at this moment, your family is not doing well financially, however with a compassionate heart and broad mind and state, you will attract auspicious golden child (God of Wealth) to your house. So, how do we attract auspicious golden child to our house? Let me share with you 2 simple methods….

First, 「Self-cultivate」, the good news is auspicious energy can be cultivated! In reality, meditation generates auspicious energy. Majority of conflicts and gossips arise because of the way we think, it all starts with an initial thought. Our thoughts determine our behavior and end result. When we constantly think of auspicious energy, we will gain auspiciousness and prosperity because of the positive energy being generated.

Secondly, 「perform more charitable acts」, when we possess a kind heart and do more good deeds, we will attract auspicious energy. The source of auspicious energy comes from the people whom we have helped. For instance, if we have helped A, when A feels grateful towards us and think: “You are so kind, I am very grateful to you. May you be blessed with auspiciousness and happiness.” This auspicious energy will manifest in the form of golden illumination and enter our lives. From that moment onwards, we start to become auspicious.

Hence, to conclude…
When we are compassionate, golden child, golden rat, God of Wealth will visit our house. I encourage all to perform more charitable, auspicious and compassionate acts. Only then will we become prosperous and be blessed with a smooth and happy life.

As you are listening to me, think silently in your heart: “I am most compassionate, I am most auspicious, I will not perform malicious acts.”

Lastly, may the golden auspicious illumination
bless you with good fortune, health, prosperity, auspiciousness and happiness!

#GoldenIllumination, #AuspiciousEnergyFromCultivation, #PerformMoreKindActs, GoldenChild, #GodOfWealth, #Prosperity, #GoodLuck


灶神賜「福」賜「吉祥」 . . 民以食為…

民以食為天「灶神」是家家戶戶的守護神 。


菩提效果: https://www.putixiaoguo.com/.
Kitchen God sends Fortune and Good Luck

Just as food is the primary need of the common people, Kitchen God is the resident Deity of every household.
Legend has it that during the Spring Festival, Kitchen God will return to the Heavens to report on the merits and misdeeds of the household under his charge. With the turn of the New Year, he will return to Earth and shower upon that household the blessings bestowed by the Heavens.

Some amongst us may not fully comprehend why our reverence to Kitchen God will bring us good fortune and wealth.

This is because Kitchen God is one of many house Deities. He goes by many titles, reflecting his many roles in our household. He holds the key to your family’s well-being, ranging from your basic needs of food to your trouble-free daily existence. With his request to the Heavens, your household can be bestowed with a multitude of good luck and fortune.

That is why when you chant sincerely to Buddha during the Spring Festival, you will be bless with good fortune. Likewise, the Deities shall reward your acts of kindness with blessings.

Today is the auspicious Spring Festival and I shall carry forth blessings for all of you. May Kitchen God bestow upon you overflowing good luck and fortune.

Wishing all good health, good wealth, great prosperity, a blessed marriage, a blissful family, with endless luck and happiness.

? ? For more tips on how to enjoy better luck and fortune during Spring Festival, click on the below links ?
Bodhi’s way to good fortune

Tips for the 5 horoscopes that conflict with Taishui this year

Results of Bodhi Meditation: https://www.putixiaoguo.com/.

#BessingsFromKitchenGod, #Auspicious, #GoodLuck,


讓好運陪你過元旦 . 元旦倒數計時了,狗…

May good luck be with you as you cross over the New Year
As New Year approaches, doggy braced himself and proposed to lady bear:
[Will you marry me? I will make you happy.] Lady bear replied: [ No. I will not marry you. If I marry you, I will give birth to a bear (combination of Chinese character Dog and bear). I want to marry a cat. Then I will give birth to a panda (combination of Chinese character bear and cat) which is more prestigious. ]May all enjoy a good laugh and forget all your troubles.
May all become a better person than you were before.
May lotus flower bloom, luck and auspiciousness be with you as you cross into the New Year.
May Buddha and Bodhisattvas bestow you with auspicious brilliance, may you receive a golden egg and become more prosperous, may all brighten up physically and mentally, enjoy a smooth life in the New Year, be accompanied by auspiciousness and good health . Happy New Year!
#HappyNewYear, #Auspicious, #Healthy, #Happy, #GoodLuck
