祝福大家,西洋情人節快樂! . 2月14…


Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you!
February 14 is the day of romance in the Gregorian calendar – Valentine’s Day. It is also a day to be treasured.
Treasure the one who has remained at your side through it all…
Treasure the one who loves to wrangle and quibble with you so that you would never feel alone.
Think about the time when you first started dating – you were so touched when your partner brought you supper or breakfast that you took a picture and uploaded it to social media immediately. But somewhere along the way, you take for granted the care and concern that your partner shower on you every day.
Every single thing that your partner does for you has become something that you expect. You have forgotten to treasure the person that is closest to you. Please remember that it is really not easy to meet someone who is willing to be give selflessly to you. Treasure it.
Learn to treasure what you have, and you will enjoy the simplest and purest joy!!

To learn more about the ways to attain happiness, click here ? “Q&A Series of Love” – The Golden Key to Happiness ?

#Valentine’sDay, #Warmth, #Happiness, #Treasure, #GoldenKeyToHappiness
#西洋情人節、 #溫暖、 #幸福、 #珍惜 、#幸福的金鑰匙
