參月 . 「天天大禮拜,智慧身端莊。」 …





這孩子好多天沒睜眼,也沒聲音了,現在竟能哭出聲音來,媽媽高興得不會笑只會哭了。 這事兒一傳開,喇嘛再也不能磕頭禮拜了,因為只要他一露面,整村的人就「呼」地撲上去找他治病。
【Practice Prostration daily for wisdom and a dignified appearance】
To buddhists and dharma practitioners, prostration is the most respectable ritual to the Buddha. Besides being a religious rite, what benefits does prostration bring to ordinary people? Based on my own experience in meditation, prostration brings many benefits including improvement in physical, mental and emotional health. The more advanced practitioners can even access the compassionate energy of the Buddha and Heavenly beings, receive their blessings and protection, and may even develop special Dharma power.
“The story of healing by a lama”
Enclosing the Jokhang Temple in Lhasa, Tibet, is a street named Bakuo Street. In Tibetan Buddhism, prostrating in circumambulation of a temple is a form of meditation practice. Along this street of prostration, there was a lama who prostrated daily. His forehead had a bump, the size of half an egg- probably due to prolonged period of prostration and kowtows (knocking the forehead on the ground).
One day, a woman carrying a child who was unconscious came to seek assistance. She stopped a lama who passed by and pleaded, “Teacher, please help him. ” The lama shook his head, “I am unable to help.” He stroked the child’s head and said, “I have blessed and wished him well.” However, the child remained unconscious.
I pointed to the lama who was prostrating and told the woman, “Seek his help”. She stopped the lama who was prostrating and said, “I plead to you, teacher! My child had been unconscious for several days and doctors could not cure nor find the cause, please help to heal him.”
The lama replied, “I don’t know healing, why do you come to me?” I said, “I saw Buddha and Buddha said you are able to heal. Place your hands on the child’s head and try.” So the lama did as told. “What do I do next? ” he asked. “Have you seen the Buddha’s light during prostration?” I asked and he replied yes. I told him, “Send the Buddha’s light to the child.”
The lama placed his hand on the child, and after a while, the child miraculously opened his eyes and started crying. The child had been unconscious and silent for several days, but now he was able to open his eyes and cry. The mother was overjoyed with tears. Ever since this incident, the lama could no longer prostrate at the same place. Whenever he appears, he would attract a huge crowd asking for healing.
Actually, this lama was a diligent meditation practitioner. Though he had acquired strong energy, he did not know how to make use of it. He was actually not an intelligent person, and also did not do well in his academic and Buddhism studies. Nor was he competent in the Buddhism rituals except prostration. His master had told him, “prostration helps to develop your wisdom, and you would be wiser in the next life. ” In order to be a more intelligent person in his next life, the lama prostrated every day and kow-towed repeatedly. He lost count of the number of times he had prostrated and kow-towed. He would prostrate with every step, rise and continue with the next step of prostration. He would not skip any step, nor take a break till he completed the round. Over a long period of continued practice, he accumulated very strong energy.
So even for an ordinary person who is not intelligent at all, as long as he practices prostration diligently and sincerely, he will attain excellent results. We should refrain from high expectations initially, but instead begin with the objective of improving mental and physical health. Meditating in purity and calmness, our body will emanate auspicious energy and our mind will be clear and not confused. We will be able to view problems with broader perspective. With a broader mind, we will attain a clear purpose in life and direction. This will help us overcome ignorance and reduce mistakes in life.
#March, #table calendar, #Prostrate to a beautiful life, #Full prostration, #Story of healing by a Lama


【禪境相約,百日修行。】 (2017年2…

20:30–23:00 走八卦 、大禮拜、 念佛。
23:00–01:00 修練《大光明修持法》/《藥師大光明》。

【Let us meet in the realm of Zen as we practice together in the next hundred days】
(Feburary 25th, 2017 to June 4th, 2017)
To understand the Truth, we must make our practice a part of our daily lives. As such, I sincerely invite you to join me in my meditation practice for the next hundred days.
We shall start our practice at your local time 8:30 pm, and continue till 1 am. If time allows, please join me and follow through the whole practice. Otherwise, even a half hour practice will be helpful.
After a month of practice, on the day of March 25th, 2017, I welcome you to post your comments on my Facebook page. Share with us your personal experience along this wondrous journey. I will guide you along your practice and if you practice well, I will reward you!
I wish all of you the best of blessings, health, joy and happiness.
The scheduled time for the Hundred Days of Meditation:
Every night from 8:30 pm till 1 am.
8:30 pm till 11 pm : Bagua practice, prostration, chanting.
11 pm till 1 am : The Meditation of Greater Illumination / The Medicine Buddha’s Meditation of Greater Illumination
Remarks : The above timings refer to your local regional time
#Hundred days practice, #realm of Zen, #The Meditation of Greater Illumination, #Energy Bagua, #Chant, #Full Prostrationrnrn【禪境相約,百日修行。】
20:30–23:00 走八卦 、大禮拜、 念佛。
23:00–01:00 修練《大光明修持法》/《藥師大光明》。

【Let us meet in the realm of Zen as we practice together in the next hundred days】
(Feburary 25th, 2017 to June 4th, 2017)
To understand the Truth, we must make our practice a part of our daily lives. As such, I sincerely invite you to join me in my meditation practice for the next hundred days.
We shall start our practice at your local time 8:30 pm, and continue till 1 am. If time allows, please join me and follow through the whole practice. Otherwise, even a half hour practice will be helpful.
After a month of practice, on the day of March 25th, 2017, I welcome you to post your comments on my Facebook page. Share with us your personal experience along this wondrous journey. I will guide you along your practice and if you practice well, I will reward you!
I wish all of you the best of blessings, health, joy and happiness.
The scheduled time for the Hundred Days of Meditation:
Every night from 8:30 pm till 1 am.
8:30 pm till 11 pm : Bagua practice, prostration, chanting.
11 pm till 1 am : The Meditation of Greater Illumination / The Medicine Buddha’s Meditation of Greater Illumination
Remarks : The above timings refer to your local regional time
#Hundred days practice, #realm of Zen, #The Meditation of Greater Illumination, #Energy Bagua, #Chant, #Full Prostration
