減少囤積 清爽過日 . 你有沒有發現,在…

減少囤積 清爽過日
其實,人生的快樂,完全不在於他擁有了多少,相反的,「少即是多–less is more–簡單就是美」。簡約主義不是甚麼高深的哲學,而是能理解人生其實是一連串減法的過程,只有讓自己越來越簡單,才會越來越快樂,東西越少越沒有負擔,才能讓心靈身體達到真正的自由,毫無牽掛!

#禪師開示 #斷捨離 #囤積是病 #物盡其用 #心靈自由 #生活智慧rnrnReduce clutter and lead a carefree life

Have you noticed that some elderly like to amass possessions? Some of them do this due to loneliness – they do not have their children at their side and frequently reminisce about the past. Some do this due to thrift.

Unlike hobbyists who have specific targets of collection – music albums, models or books – the elderly amasses random items without purpose. The psychology behind this behavior is actually a lack of security. Their sense of security increases with the amount of possessions they have.

In reality, happiness does not depend on how much a person has. In fact, as the saying goes: “Less is more; Simplicity is beautiful.” Minimalism is not a profound philosophy. It is about how to gain a better understanding of life by reducing the clutter in your life. By simplifying your life, your burdens will be reduced and you will gain true happiness and freedom!

Some people think that it is only a problem if the items are stored messily. But in reality, no matter how neatly you pack the items, or how expensive they are, if they are not used, they are still meaningless clutter.

To counteract this mentality, we need to recognize that life is just a platform for us to learn to give and to let go. Rather than hold on to things that we have no use for, we should give them away to people who need it more than we do. That is a lot more meaningful and it will give us a lot of happiness – much more than money can ever give.

Reference material: https://www.managertoday.com.tw/articles/view/53587
#MasterJinBodhiDharmaTalk, #LearnToLetGo, #MassAccumulationIsADisease, #UseWhatYouNeed, #Freedom, #LifeWisdom
