?菩提禪修,健康快樂?? . 健康的身體…


Bodhi Meditation – For Health For Life

A healthy body stems from a light heart. Many people’s troubles are caused by the wrong mindset, which results in obstacles in their careers and relationships. These obstacles in turn cause mental distress and hurt, which will ultimately lead to the development of physical illnesses.

Through meditation, our wisdom gets unlocked, our perspectives widen and we become more tolerant of all things around us. We will also grow universal compassion. Issues which used to seem so negative and troubling to us will now seem trivial and manageable. We will no longer get hurt as a result of gains and losses, honor and disgrace, love and hate. At that point, our sufferings will naturally be alleviated and our illnesses will disappear.

I encourage all of you to come here to meditate often. As you absorb more sunlight and interact with happy people, you will gain a sense of joy, which you can in turn spread to others around you. I hope that all of you will have the ability to create a joyful, happy and healthy life for yourself.

YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/oYXbLeOVwqE
#BodhiMeditation, #ForHealthForLife
Source of video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYXbLeOVwqE&feature=youtu.be
