珍貴佛寶——明代禦制四臂觀音金唐卡 . …

Precious Buddhist Treasure – Ming Dynasty Four-Armed Guanyin Golden Thangka

In conjunction with the celebration of Guanyin Bodhisattva’s Enlightenment, I would like to introduce a rare treasure, “Ming Dynasty Four-Armed Guanyin Golden Thangka”. This thangka has a very powerful auspicious and compassionate energy. Let’s feel it!
This Golden Thangka has a long history dated back to the 15th century. The Emperor of the Ming Dynasty invited the best painters at that time to come together and draw this exquisite Four-Armed Guanyin Golden Thangka and bestowed to a Tibetan dharma king. Subsequently, many Tibetan tantric practitioners practiced tantric visualizations with this thangka. This Four-Armed Guanyin Golden Thangka has been passed down for close to 500 years.

A few decades ago, this precious thangka was relocated overseas. When I first saw this thangka, I could deeply sense the power of compassion. My heart was filled with happiness. I wanted to worship it instantly. The Four-Armed Guanyin is the ultimate representation of bodhicitta of all bodhisattvas. The thangka emanates auspicious energy of kindness and compassion. Through centuries of spiritual worshipping by great spiritual meditators, this thangka carries tremendous blessing power.

For every re-print copy of this thangka, I had personally added my seal of blessings and consecrated it to the Buddha Halls of our centers for sincere chanting. I hope that more people will have the opportunity to invite this thangka. Sincerely wishing those who invite and worship this thangka will receive rapid response. Every chant and prostration will bring forth incredible blessings from Guanyin and bodhisattvas which would help to improve health, family, career and spirituality.

Hence, regardless of which point of view to evaluate this thangka, it certainly is a rare treasure in the world.


