念佛能得光明解脫… Transfer…

Transferring Merit Of Light through Mantra Chanting…
Recent natural disasters, from Typhoon Hato in Hong Kong, severe earthquakes in Mexico, hurricane destructions in Texas, Florida and other places in the United States … In the face of these continual natural disasters, I witnessed the devastating effects on many people – homelessness is mounting, countless lives still in suffering, and their unbearable cries. My heart goes out to all who are suffering, and their loved ones who are in difficulties and pain.
I hope that everyone can recite the mantra of the Earth Store Bodhisattva along with me to invoke the immeasurable Illumination; sincerely pray for the Buddha’s exceptional blessings, so that the affected victims can swiftly restore their health; the deceased be received by the Buddha and Bodhisattvas, and their relatives recover quickly from the pain of the loss.
May the world be blessed with peace and calm, and everyone is auspicious and safe. May loving-kindness, and the Buddha’s immeasurable compassionate prevail in the world, and bring Illumination and warmth to the pain and suffering of all beings…
#ReciteBuddhistMantra, #EarthStoreBodhisattva, #Repent, #EliminateNegativeKarma, #Bless, #AuspiciousAndWishFulfilling
#念佛、#地藏王菩薩、 #懺悔、 #淨除業障、 #加持、 #吉祥如意
