菩提養生素食廚房 ──拌蘿蔔乾 . 上週…

菩提養生素食廚房 ──拌蘿蔔乾

1. 將蘿蔔乾洗淨浸泡半小時後撈出。
2. 倒入大碗中,分別倒入辣椒粉、鹽、芝麻、香油、攪拌。
3. 將醬油、醋、倒入盤中,灑上青椒絲。
4. 密封放置一小時後即可食用。
Bodhi healthy vegetarian kitchen ─ ─Dried Radish Salad

After recommending dried radish as a healthy food last week, our Korean fellow practitioners sent in their recipes for Dried Radish Salad. You can try making it! Thanks to our fellow practitioners from Korea!

Dried Radish, also known as “vegetarian ginseng”, are very nutritious. They are rich in vitamin B, iron, protein, carotene, choline, diastatic enzyme and so on. Choline substances can aid slimming while the diastatic enzymes can decompose starch in food and help in digestion and absorption of nutrients, They also help to break down carcinogenic nitrite which is cancer causing. Dried radish also helps lower blood lipid and blood pressure, have anti-inflammatory properties, improve appetite, eliminate greasiness and dissolve phlegm amongst other effects,

Ingredients for Dried Radish Salad are as follows:
Dried radishes, chili powder, salt, sesame, sesame oil, soy sauce, vinegar and cut green pepper strips.
Preparation method:-
1. Wash and soak dried radish for half an hour and drained
2. Mix well with chili powder, salt, sesame seeds and sesame oil in a large bowl
3. Pour soy sauce and vinegar, into the dish and sprinkle with cut green peppers strip.
4. Seal and let it stand for an hour. And it’s ready for consumption.

Credits to Ansan Meditation Center (Korea) for the video
#Health, #DriedRadishes, #LowerBloodPressure
