【金菩提宗師美食系列】 秋冬也超適合吃的…

1. 乾辣椒切小段,炸成辣椒油備用。
2. 小茴香放入鍋中乾炒至金黃,搗碎備用。
3. 將草果浸泡溫水後,泡入醬油、醋、辣椒油中備用。
4. 小蔥、香菜、青辣椒切細,並將切細的小蔥炸成蔥油。
5. 花椒、白芝麻分別炒香。
6. 用刀面將黃瓜拍扁,然後切成小丁,馬鈴薯、茄子、番茄豆腐、洗淨切丁。
7. 將紅洋蔥、香菜切成細碎狀。
8. 用刀面拍打青辣椒,並切成辣椒丁。
1. 先熱鍋,並加入紅洋蔥及青辣椒入鍋拌炒,並添加適量鹽調味。
2. 依序加入乾豆腐、花椒、茄子、馬鈴薯、番茄、黃瓜拌炒。
3. 在鍋中倒入適量醬油,之後添加小茴香及適量鹽拌炒。
4. 依個人喜好倒入辣油、番茄醬,再翻炒一下。
5. 麵條煮熟,放入涼水快速冷卻,撈起備用。
6. 麵條拌入蔥油、白芝麻、花椒、腰果仁、香菜、蔥花、醬油、草果醬油
7. 最後添入煮好的拌菜,就大功告成了。

【Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Gourmet Series】
Let me present to you the “Himalayan Cold Noodles” which is especially suitable for consumption in the cold seasons of autumn and winter!

As we enter the season of winter, the temperature begins to drop and the air turns colder. Today, I would like to introduce a dish of my creation which I feel is especially suitable for consumption in this weather – the “Himalayan Cold Noodles”!

Though it is called “cold noodles”, the ingredients used are heaty in nature, such as chill, onion, Szechuan peppercorn and cardamom. These ingredients serve to get rid of excess moisture from the body and help to keep our bodies warm. This is why this dish is especially suitable for consumption in the autumn and winter seasons. In fact most of you will experience warmth in your bodies after eating this dish!

I have listed the ingredients used and the instructions for preparation below. Friends who are interested can try to prepare this dish at home.

Ingredients: spring onion, cucumber, eggplant, tomatoes, onion, dried tofu, potatoes, noodles and cashew nuts.

Seasoning: cardamom, cilantro, cumin, Szechuan peppercorn, dried chili, green chili, chili oil, white sesame, diced spring onion, soya sauce, vinegar, salt and tomato sauce.

Pre-prepation work:
1. Chop the dried chili into small pieces and fry to make chili oil. Set it aside.
2. Stir-fry the cumin until it turns golden brown, ground it using a food processor and set it aside.
3. Soak the cardamom in warm water first and soak it in soya sauce, vinegar and chilli oil. Set it aside.
4. Slice the spring onion, cilantro and green chili thinly. Fry the sliced onion until it becomes scallion oil.
5. Stir fry the white sesame and Szechuan peppercorn separately until fragrant.
6. Flatten the cucumber using the blade of the knife before cutting them into cubes. Also cut the potatoes, eggplant, tomatoes and dried tofu into cubes after washing.
7. Dice the onion and parsley.
8. Use the blade of the knife to flatten the green chili and cut them into cubes.

Method of preparation:
1. Heat the pan. Add the onion and green chili into the pan and stir fry. Add salt to taste.
2. Add the following into the pan in this order, as you continue to stir fry the content: dried tofu, Szechuan peppercorn, eggplant, potatoes, tomatoes and cucumber.
3. Pour adequate amount of soya sauce into the pan, add in cumin and stir fry. Add salt to taste.
4. Continue to stir fry the content while adding in chili oil and tomato sauce. The quantity added depends on personal preferences.
5. Cook the noodles in boiling water, taking them out once they are cooked and putting them immediately into a container of cold water. Once they are cooled in this way, take them out of the water and set them aside.
6. Mix the shallot oil, white sesame, Szechuan peppercorn, cashew nuts, cilantro, onion, cardamom-infused soya sauce and cumin sauce with the noodles.
7. Lastly, add the other ingredients that you have stir fried previously into the noodles and the dish is now good to serve.

#HimalayanColdNoodles, #Cuisine, #DIY, #MasterJinBodiGourmetSeries


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