羅馬尼亞「FB 新粉絲專頁」已經開張啦 …

羅馬尼亞「FB 新粉絲專頁」已經開張啦 ? ?
在這一次溫哥華課程中,有好些位羅馬尼亞同修也來了,在聊天中他們希望能有更多羅馬尼亞的有缘人,也能够常常和我在網络上聊天,因為這漾的緣起,「金菩提宗師 Grandmaster JinBodhi in Romania 」FB 粉絲專頁,於羅馬尼亞(Romania)開張啦.. ?
? ? ?FB前進東歐_羅馬尼亞!
有著「 ?東方巴黎 ?」美譽的—羅馬尼亞。
A “New Facebook” page in Romanian launches today! ? ?
A number of participants who attended the recent Vancouver class were from Romania. They shared with me their wish to have a Facebook page in their local language so that more from Romania will have the opportunity to engage with me via the Internet. As such, I am happy to announce the launch of a Grandmaster JinBodhi – Romania Facebook page today. ?
?? ?? ??My FB is making its way into Eastern Europe- Romania!
With this, let’s help to spread the word and welcome our Romanian friends. Together, we shall receive blessings of auspiciousness, health and happiness!

Bucharest, the capital of Romania, also known as ?“Paris of the East” ?. Romania has many beautiful castles and churches.
Below is a photo of Peles Castle.
Located at Sinaia, Peles Castle was built between 1873 and 1914. It is renowned for its majestic architecture. Today, Peles castle still preserves the rich traditional cultures of ancient Romanians.
Are you keen to learn more about this beautiful country and its culture?
Feel free to share your thoughts and let us treasure this rare opportunity to engage with our Romanian friends!

#MasterJinBodhiFansPage, # Romania, #Dawn, #Auspicious, #Healthy, #Happiness
