遠梨壞情緒 . 有個人買了一箱梨,因為天…

人的「情緒」就像這箱梨,當你太著眼負面的結果,結局就是整箱爛梨的人生!如果每天將注意力放在不開心的事情上,不但品嘗不到生活中的甘甜美味,還會不斷地錯過美好的風景,最後一輩子都得糟下去;把糟心的事放下扔掉吧,每天陽光一點,你就能看見燦爛的陽光! 珍惜當下,積極快樂!
Stay Away From Bad Mood

There was a man who bought a crate of pear. As the weather was hot, he was afraid that the pears could become spoiled and wasted. In order to save the unspoiled pears, he decided to pick the worst of the lot to eat every day while keeping the good ones. After he ate the spoiled pears, he realized that when he wanted to eat the better ones, they had all been spoiled by the weather. Unintentionally, he ate a whole crate of spoiled pears!

Our mood is like the crate of pears. When you focus too much on the negative aspects of things, the outcome is often like the crate of spoiled pears. If we put our attention on unhappy matters, we will most likely not taste the best things that life brings and also miss all the good moments of life, eventually wasting our entire life. Let go of all the worries today and stay cheerful. Cherish the present and be happy.

Perhaps, we are not endowed with a natural instinct to be able to manage our mood. The wise ones are always aware that they should not stay in a bad mood but always be alert to switch to positive moods. Never for a moment will they allow bad moods to taint a beautiful life.

Learn how to manage and switch our moods. Discard the spoiled pears! You will begin to experience that life is like a crate of nice and sweet pears waiting for you to take a bite.

#MeditationMasterTeaching, #ManageYourEmotions, #ChangeYourMindset, #StayAwayFromBadEmotionrnrn遠梨壞情緒
人的「情緒」就像這箱梨,當你太著眼負面的結果,結局就是整箱爛梨的人生!如果每天將注意力放在不開心的事情上,不但品嘗不到生活中的甘甜美味,還會不斷地錯過美好的風景,最後一輩子都得糟下去;把糟心的事放下扔掉吧,每天陽光一點,你就能看見燦爛的陽光! 珍惜當下,積極快樂!


好命的女人!! . . 很多人時常會羨慕…

Fortunate Women
Many people are envious of others’ fortune and carefree lifestyles. Is there is a secret to it?
In fact, being fortunate is not dependable on others, it is about changing your own mindset.
Some months ago, one of our fellow female practitioners came to me and complained about how life has been mistreating her. She told me that her mother passed away when she was very young and her father had to raise all four children single handedly. As her family was poor, she did not have the chance to receive a good education and had to start work at a young age of ten. She thought that she would grow up and marry someone and start a better life. Instead, the man she married to cared less for the family, and her son was not performing well at school. She was very troubled and approached me for advice.
I asked her: “ How well did your father treat you and your siblings? Did you suffer from hunger? Were you sent to an orphanage?”
She thought for a moment and replied: “ Although life was tough, my father still tried his best to provide food and shelter, and kept us all by his side all the time. I know he did his best!”
I replied: “ Isn’t that good? While some parents might have left their children, your father stayed by your side, fed you and your siblings. Even though the days had been rough, you grew up rather peacefully. Aren’t you fortunate to have such a caring father?”
She added: ”However, I married a man who does not care for the family at all, and is always busy and rarely at home!”
I continued to ask: “ Does your husband bring home his earnings? Does he drink, womanize, and gamble? Does he ill-treat or hurt you physically? Does he have a mistress?”
She answered: “ My husband brings home almost all his wages. He does not drink, womanize or gamble, and definitely does not ill-treat or hurt me. As he is quite busy, I don’t think he has the time to keep a mistress. He is just not present at home and doesn’t help raise and teach my son or help with the housework.”
So I asked, again:” Are you currently working?” She shook her head.
I said: “ Your husband is busy working outside. He does not drink, womanize and gamble, have no mistress, and does not hurt you. Whilst he is seldom at home, he must have the confidence in you to let you handle all matters at home. With such a responsible and thoughtful husband, you must be so fortunate!”
She continued with much worries:” My son is hopeless in his studies and I worry for him. Although he is not much of a trouble-maker, he tends to be lady-like and likes to stay in the kitchen to make snacks.”
I responded: “ Your son may possess the potential of a chef! As long as he has no flaws in his character, he is a good child. This is envied by most mothers.” I added: “Actually, I think you have a very good life! You have a responsible father, a good husband and a well-behaved son; an envy for most people. So, there is nothing you should complain about. You can try to see things from a positive aspect, be grateful, and you will soon feel different and lucky.”
I met her again last month and asked her:” How’s life treating you?”
She smiled and thanked me, saying: “ After your advice, I changed the way I see and think, and realized that I’m blessed with a wonderful family. Only with a change in mindset, I begin to feel that I am so lucky and fortunate!”
Such is life. When circumstances are beyond our control, we can always change and adapt our way of seeing things with a positive and grateful attitude. In this way, life is always good.
#Fortunate, #ChangeYourMindset,#ChangeTheWorld, #Cherish, #AFortunateLady
