時隔4個月的喜訊! . 有網友跟我留言:…

感恩您於2018 年11月替孫女點燈和加持,孩子馬上就有了變化。最近這些天,孩子動作敏捷了,說話也清楚了。還很調皮,像個正常的孩子了!

The good news after 4 months of waiting!

Today an internet friend left me a message:
“Hello Master, finally there is hope for my granddaughter!”

I am very grateful to you for blessing my granddaughter with light offering for her on November 2018. After you blessed her through light offering, she started to undergo the transformation. These few days, she is agile in her movements and could speak clearly. She is also mischievous, behaving like a normal child!

I am very grateful to master from the bottom of my heart. Looking at her transformation, my entire family is very happy! Thank you Master!”

The secretary beside me pointed and added: “ Master, this message was left 4 months ago:” “Greetings Master, my granddaughter is 5 years old. However, she is slower in her movements as compared to other children. Often, she would sit by herself and stare blankly at the wall. When others call her, she would not respond and have difficulties talking. Doctor diagnosed her behavior to be a symptom of autism. My family and I brought her to consult different Doctors from various well known Hospitals, hoping to cure her but to no avail.

When I knew we could leave a message for Master if we face problems, I acted immediately and sought Buddha, Bodhisattvas and Master’s help in fulfilling my wishes – I hope you can bless her so that she can grow up normally and healthily. Thank you Master.”

The secretary again pointed to a photograph and said: “Master, look at the brilliance of light that is being offered before Medicine Buddha!”

When I saw the before and after messages and photographs, I felt very happy and touched by the blessing and protection bestowed by Buddha and Bodhisattvas. May the child become healthier!

To celebrate this, I decided to eat one more bowl of rice.

May all children grow up healthily!

#BodhiLightOffering, #HealthAndHappiness, #Blessings, #AuspiciousEnergyrnrn時隔4個月的喜訊!
感恩您於2018 年11月替孫女點燈和加持,孩子馬上就有了變化。最近這些天,孩子動作敏捷了,說話也清楚了。還很調皮,像個正常的孩子了!

The good news after 4 months of waiting!

Today an internet friend left me a message:
“Hello Master, finally there is hope for my granddaughter!”

I am very grateful to you for blessing my granddaughter with light offering for her on November 2018. After you blessed her through light offering, she started to undergo the transformation. These few days, she is agile in her movements and could speak clearly. She is also mischievous, behaving like a normal child!

I am very grateful to master from the bottom of my heart. Looking at her transformation, my entire family is very happy! Thank you Master!”

The secretary beside me pointed and added: “ Master, this message was left 4 months ago:” “Greetings Master, my granddaughter is 5 years old. However, she is slower in her movements as compared to other children. Often, she would sit by herself and stare blankly at the wall. When others call her, she would not respond and have difficulties talking. Doctor diagnosed her behavior to be a symptom of autism. My family and I brought her to consult different Doctors from various well known Hospitals, hoping to cure her but to no avail.

When I knew we could leave a message for Master if we face problems, I acted immediately and sought Buddha, Bodhisattvas and Master’s help in fulfilling my wishes – I hope you can bless her so that she can grow up normally and healthily. Thank you Master.”

The secretary again pointed to a photograph and said: “Master, look at the brilliance of light that is being offered before Medicine Buddha!”

When I saw the before and after messages and photographs, I felt very happy and touched by the blessing and protection bestowed by Buddha and Bodhisattvas. May the child become healthier!

To celebrate this, I decided to eat one more bowl of rice.

May all children grow up healthily!

#BodhiLightOffering, #HealthAndHappiness, #Blessings, #AuspiciousEnergy

感恩您於2018 年11月替孫女點燈和加持,孩子馬上就有了變化。最近這些天,孩子動作敏捷了,說話也清楚了。還很調皮,像個正常的孩子了!
The good news after 4 months of waiting!
Today an internet friend left me a message:
“Hello Master, finally there is hope for my granddaughter!”
I am very grateful to you for blessing my granddaughter with light offering for her on November 2018. After you blessed her through light offering, she started to undergo the transformation. These few days, she is agile in her movements and could speak clearly. She is also mischievous, behaving like a normal child!
I am very grateful to master from the bottom of my heart. Looking at her transformation, my entire family is very happy! Thank you Master!”
The secretary beside me pointed and added: “ Master, this message was left 4 months ago:” “Greetings Master, my granddaughter is 5 years old. However, she is slower in her movements as compared to other children. Often, she would sit by herself and stare blankly at the wall. When others call her, she would not respond and have difficulties talking. Doctor diagnosed her behavior to be a symptom of autism. My family and I brought her to consult different Doctors from various well known Hospitals, hoping to cure her but to no avail.
When I knew we could leave a message for Master if we face problems, I acted immediately and sought Buddha, Bodhisattvas and Master’s help in fulfilling my wishes - I hope you can bless her so that she can grow up normally and healthily. Thank you Master.”
The secretary again pointed to a photograph and said: “Master, look at the brilliance of light that is being offered before Medicine Buddha!”
When I saw the before and after messages and photographs, I felt very happy and touched by the blessing and protection bestowed by Buddha and Bodhisattvas. May the child become healthier! 
To celebrate this, I decided to eat one more bowl of rice.
May all children grow up healthily!
#BodhiLightOffering, #HealthAndHappiness, #Blessings, #AuspiciousEnergyrnrn時隔4個月的喜訊!
感恩您於2018 年11月替孫女點燈和加持,孩子馬上就有了變化。最近這些天,孩子動作敏捷了,說話也清楚了。還很調皮,像個正常的孩子了!
The good news after 4 months of waiting!
Today an internet friend left me a message:
“Hello Master, finally there is hope for my granddaughter!”
I am very grateful to you for blessing my granddaughter with light offering for her on November 2018. After you blessed her through light offering, she started to undergo the transformation. These few days, she is agile in her movements and could speak clearly. She is also mischievous, behaving like a normal child!
I am very grateful to master from the bottom of my heart. Looking at her transformation, my entire family is very happy! Thank you Master!”
The secretary beside me pointed and added: “ Master, this message was left 4 months ago:” “Greetings Master, my granddaughter is 5 years old. However, she is slower in her movements as compared to other children. Often, she would sit by herself and stare blankly at the wall. When others call her, she would not respond and have difficulties talking. Doctor diagnosed her behavior to be a symptom of autism. My family and I brought her to consult different Doctors from various well known Hospitals, hoping to cure her but to no avail.
When I knew we could leave a message for Master if we face problems, I acted immediately and sought Buddha, Bodhisattvas and Master’s help in fulfilling my wishes - I hope you can bless her so that she can grow up normally and healthily. Thank you Master.”
The secretary again pointed to a photograph and said: “Master, look at the brilliance of light that is being offered before Medicine Buddha!”
When I saw the before and after messages and photographs, I felt very happy and touched by the blessing and protection bestowed by Buddha and Bodhisattvas. May the child become healthier! 
To celebrate this, I decided to eat one more bowl of rice.
May all children grow up healthily!
#BodhiLightOffering, #HealthAndHappiness, #Blessings, #AuspiciousEnergy


⭐ 2019年 一順百順的秘訣!⭐ . …

⭐ 2019年 一順百順的秘訣!⭐
(一) 佛前供燈:
(二) 多做功德:善念善行、天必佑之。
(三) 配戴大修行者加持的寶物:

⭐The secret to a super smooth 2019!⭐

It’s the start of a vivacious new year once again!

How do we lay a good foundation at the beginning of this new year, so that it is as smooth as can be, and as fulfilling as we aspire?
There are a few good approaches to share with everyone!!

(1) Offering light before the Buddha:
In the Buddhist sutras, it is recorded that offering light before the Buddha may help fulfill your aspirations, and avert crises and calamities. Especially during the Spring festivities with the arrival of the deities, if one sincerely offers lights before the Buddha and prays for blessings, it is especially effective in connecting with the Buddha and deities, conferring exceptional blessings. Correspondingly, life issues can be smoothly resolved, and the offerers are blessed with peace and auspicious energy.

(2) Accumulate more merit: kind intentions and deeds beget blessings from the Heavens. A person with kind intentions and often carries out good deeds enjoys body and mind that are filled with positive radiant energy. He also accumulates merits in the process that can eliminate ignorance and past negative deeds, and usher in auspiciousness and illumination in life.

(3) Wearing items that are blessed by an accomplished cultivator:
During the new year festivity, there would be auspicious blessed treasures at Bodhi Meditation Centers that help usher in good luck and auspiciousness. When we wear these blessed treasures, it can help avert negativity through the auspicious and compassionate energy of the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas as well as that of the Eastern Lupis Lazuli Pure Land.

In 2019 Year of the Boar, I hope that everyone can try the approaches above to help usher in the Buddhas’ and Bodhisattvas’ blessings, enjoy an exceptionally smooth year, and avert all negativity.

Last but not the least, I bless that everyone enjoys an auspicious and peaceful 2019 filled with bountiful prosperity, longevity and may all your wishes be realized!!

#ExceptionallySmoothJourney, #PointsToLookOutFor, #BodhiLightOffering, #AuspiciousnessAndPeace, #BlessedTreasures


菩提之子 . 辛苦的求子之路,只有經歷過…

故事從2009年6月說起,我和丈夫結婚半年多,就發現自己懷孕了,但是在懷孕三個半月的時候,醫生檢查出我懷的是雙胞胎男孩,很不幸的是,有一個胎兒因為營養不良,脊椎骨和胸部發育不良,如果決定繼續妊娠,很有可能在懷孕後期流產,不僅兩個孩子保不住,大人的生命也可能受到威脅。在無可選擇的無奈下,妊娠第四個月,醫生對我實施了引產手術。當時,我的身心都沉浸在巨大的悲痛之中。但是我和丈夫還都抱著能夠再次懷孕的希望 。

之後,我馬上又參加了3月26日健身班。在課程結束沒多久,我發現自己竟然懷孕了。我非常驚喜!在2011年4月11日,我到醫院進行檢查,醫生確切地告訴我,我已經懷孕5周了。這真是天大的喜訊。而且,這次懷孕的反應和上次完全不同,這一次沒有嘔吐、頭暈的症狀 。
妊娠到了9月中,我到醫院作例行產檢,醫生說胎兒27週了,卻只有 1 Lb 14oz,98%的胎兒都比我的大。如果胎兒繼續生長緩慢,有可能會早產或者停止生長。如果嬰兒停止發育,就要催生出來,在保溫箱裏人工餵養生長。醫生告訴我必須儘快打生長激素,但我不想打。於是我特別請了一疊「加持紙」回家使用。
當天晚上,我將加持過的紙貼在腰、腹,半夜突然覺得飢餓,開始不停地吃東西,這種飢餓感一直持續著,只要感覺餓,我就馬上進食。直到9月20日,又回到醫院複診,醫生檢查之後,驚喜地告訴我,胎兒在4天裏長到了 2 Lb 2oz,孩子大小基本正常了。
經過幾次的神奇感應,讓我感覺到佛陀無邊無量的法力, 還有菩提的加持調理,真是不可思議。
Bodhi Child

The difficult and heart-wrenching journey trying to have a child can only be understood by those who have experienced it. Some people are able to conceive naturally. Others tried all means and eventually failed!
It is actually not difficult to have children, but what is the most effective method?
The following is a real story for your reference ….. .

Today is the auspicious Guanyin Bodhisattva’s birthday, joyous Children’s day and Qingming festival when we show gratitude and remembrance.
A good day for you to pray and venerate Buddha and Bodhisattva.
May the Bodhisattva bless you with great auspiciousness, great affinity and may your wishes be answered.
My name is Zhan-yang. I am 30 years old this year and I am happily pregnant now. A few months ago, I was still upset on how to go about conceiving a child.

It all began in June 2009. Six months into my marriage, I discovered that I was pregnant. After three and a half months, the doctor confirmed that I was having twin boys. Unfortunately, the spine and chest of one of the babies did not develop well due to malnutrition and my doctor advised me to terminate my pregnancy. If I insisted on continuing with my pregnancy, there was high chance that I would experience miscarriage during the second trimester of pregnancy, lose both babies and even lose my own life. As I was left with no choice, I agreed for the doctor to perform an abortion procedure during the 4th month of pregnancy. I was deeply grieved. However, my husband and I still held on to the hope that I would be able to conceive in the future.

Subsequently, however, not only did I not conceive, my body became very weak due to the abortion. As I felt too lethargic to exercise, my weight increased by leaps and bounds to 180 pounds. I was often flustered, felt tightness in my chest and was easily breathless. As I was under tremendous stress, my menstruation cycle went haywire. I became very hot-tempered and start to lose hair. I was also unable to concentrate on my work due to my physical and mental state of mind. The doctors could not detect any specific cause. At this point, my health became my biggest problem and pregnancy to me became a luxury.

Just when I was in despair, I came across Bodhi Meditation. The Dharma sister told me: Bodhi meditation can help me to remove physical and mental conditions and is free of charge. Hoping for the best, I joined the 13 February 2011 Medicine Buddha Blessing Ceremony. At the ceremony, I was fortunate to be helped by teacher Guanhai. Subsequently, I enrolled for the Bodhi 8.5 days Bodhi Meditation Health & Happiness Retreat commencing 19 February 2011.

During the eight and a half days retreat, I felt like I was being purified and cleansed physically and spiritually every day. I felt happier and more relaxed. There was no more tightness of the chest and my breathing became smooth. There seemed to be a steady flow of energy and I felt recharged. My biggest take-away was that, without dieting, I lost ten pounds. I also stopped losing so much hair. My husband also felt the change in me. I had become more cheerful, hardly lost my temper, and the whole house was filled with laughter.

Soon after, I attended the 8.5 day health and happiness retreat on 26 March 2011. Not long after the course, I was very surprised to discover that I was pregnant. On 11 April 2011, I went to the hospital for an examination. The doctor told me I was already five weeks pregnant. It was really great news. Moreover, the symptoms of the pregnancy were completely different from the last time as there was no vomiting or dizziness.

During the 3rd trimester In mid-September, I went to the hospital for a routine check-up. The doctor told me that the fetus at 27 weeks old, weighed only 1lb 14oz. 98% of the fetuses at 27 weeks were larger than mine. If the fetus continues to grow so slowly, it may stop growing or ended up in premature birth. Should the organs of the baby be not fully developed , it will end up in induced birth and the baby would have to be fed artificially in an incubator. The doctor told me that I needed to inject growth hormone as soon as possible, but I didn’t agree to it. I went to Bodhi Meditation Center to ask for “blessed papers” and use it at home.

That evening, I place the “blessed papers’ on my waist and abdomen. In the middle of the night, I suddenly felt hungry and began to eat. Whenever I felt hungry I would eat immediately. This feeling of hunger persisted till 20 September. When I went back to the hospital for a return visit, the doctor was pleasantly surprised that the fetus had grown to 2 lb 2oz in four days and the child was almost normal in size.

After several miraculous encounters, I feel that Buddha’s boundless and immeasurable power and Bodhi’s energy blessings are unfathomable.

Finally, I am grateful to Buddha! Grateful to Master Jin Bodhi!
Grateful to teacher Guanhai, and all the teachers and volunteers in Los Angeles Bodhi Meditation Centre !

Tathagatha forum: Bodhi Meditation is Guanyin Bodhisattva sending me a child

#SeekEasyPregnancy, #PrayForAChild, #BodhiLightOffering, #EnergyBlessing, #LosAngelesBodhiMeditationCenter
