⭐獲得健康富貴的方法⭐ . 要想獲得健康…

1⃣ 佛前點燈
2⃣ 念佛
3⃣ 懺悔
4⃣ 行善

⭐️The path towards good health and prosperity⭐️

To gain good health and prosperity, we need to first dispel our negative and bad energy. Then we need to accumulate positive energy of kindness so that bright illumination and auspicious energy can bring good health and prosperity to us.

It is important for us to understand that all things have their associated effects. Some of these effects have been passed down to us from our ancestors. Some people might say that the sufferings that we go through now are part of our destinies and cannot be changed. Is that true or are there ways for us to transform the karma that we inherited from our ancestors?

These are my suggestions of how we can dispel the negative karma built up over time:

1. Make light offerings
As the saying goes “The offering of light to Buddha will bring prosperity and good fortune to the offeror.” Light symbolize illumination and wisdom. When we offer light to Buddha, we are illuminating Buddha’s face and body. In return, our mind and body get illuminated.

2. Chant
“One chant of the Buddha’s name is more precious than ten thousand tael of gold!”
Sincerity is very important as we chant and pray to the Buddha and Bodhisattvas, seeking their help to dispel the negative karma that we have accumulated in the past and asking them to bless us with illumination and good fortune.

3. Repent
Only a sincere heart of repentance can transform karma. Regardless of whether you have committed wrongs in the past, you need to understand that if you do not repent, you will not be able to break the effects of karma; without regret for the wrongs committed, you will not be able to transform your destiny.

4. Perform good deeds
The amount of karmic rewards that we get for regularly performing good deeds like making offerings, giving and rejoicing in other’s good deeds, is unimaginable. When we make offerings to Buddha and serve all sentient beings sincerely without any expectations of getting anything in return, good fortune will follow.

The compassionate energy of the great compassionate Buddha can help to dispel the hatred generated by the hurt that we have caused, dispelling our negative karma and blessing us with safety and good fortune.

Please try my suggestions if you would like to improve your lives – make light offerings to Buddha, chant, repent and perform good deeds. For the sake of your parents, ancestors, yourself, your family, your loved ones, those who have hurt you and those who you have hurt, make a light offering to Buddha today.

May all of them be blessed with help and guidance from Buddha, Bodhisattvas and the gods to achieve illumination, good fortune, health and happiness.

#LightOfferings, #Chanting, #Repentance, #BrightIllumination, #GoodFortune, #AtEasernrn⭐獲得健康富貴的方法⭐
1⃣ 佛前點燈
2⃣ 念佛
3⃣ 懺悔
4⃣ 行善

⭐️The path towards good health and prosperity⭐️

To gain good health and prosperity, we need to first dispel our negative and bad energy. Then we need to accumulate positive energy of kindness so that bright illumination and auspicious energy can bring good health and prosperity to us.

It is important for us to understand that all things have their associated effects. Some of these effects have been passed down to us from our ancestors. Some people might say that the sufferings that we go through now are part of our destinies and cannot be changed. Is that true or are there ways for us to transform the karma that we inherited from our ancestors?

These are my suggestions of how we can dispel the negative karma built up over time:

1. Make light offerings
As the saying goes “The offering of light to Buddha will bring prosperity and good fortune to the offeror.” Light symbolize illumination and wisdom. When we offer light to Buddha, we are illuminating Buddha’s face and body. In return, our mind and body get illuminated.

2. Chant
“One chant of the Buddha’s name is more precious than ten thousand tael of gold!”
Sincerity is very important as we chant and pray to the Buddha and Bodhisattvas, seeking their help to dispel the negative karma that we have accumulated in the past and asking them to bless us with illumination and good fortune.

3. Repent
Only a sincere heart of repentance can transform karma. Regardless of whether you have committed wrongs in the past, you need to understand that if you do not repent, you will not be able to break the effects of karma; without regret for the wrongs committed, you will not be able to transform your destiny.

4. Perform good deeds
The amount of karmic rewards that we get for regularly performing good deeds like making offerings, giving and rejoicing in other’s good deeds, is unimaginable. When we make offerings to Buddha and serve all sentient beings sincerely without any expectations of getting anything in return, good fortune will follow.

The compassionate energy of the great compassionate Buddha can help to dispel the hatred generated by the hurt that we have caused, dispelling our negative karma and blessing us with safety and good fortune.

Please try my suggestions if you would like to improve your lives – make light offerings to Buddha, chant, repent and perform good deeds. For the sake of your parents, ancestors, yourself, your family, your loved ones, those who have hurt you and those who you have hurt, make a light offering to Buddha today.

May all of them be blessed with help and guidance from Buddha, Bodhisattvas and the gods to achieve illumination, good fortune, health and happiness.

#LightOfferings, #Chanting, #Repentance, #BrightIllumination, #GoodFortune, #AtEase

1⃣ 佛前點燈
2⃣ 念佛
3⃣ 懺悔
4⃣ 行善
⭐️The path towards good health and prosperity⭐️
To gain good health and prosperity, we need to first dispel our negative and bad energy. Then we need to accumulate positive energy of kindness so that bright illumination and auspicious energy can bring good health and prosperity to us.
It is important for us to understand that all things have their associated effects. Some of these effects have been passed down to us from our ancestors. Some people might say that the sufferings that we go through now are part of our destinies and cannot be changed. Is that true or are there ways for us to transform the karma that we inherited from our ancestors? 
These are my suggestions of how we can dispel the negative karma built up over time: 
1. Make light offerings
As the saying goes “The offering of light to Buddha will bring prosperity and good fortune to the offeror.” Light symbolize illumination and wisdom. When we offer light to Buddha, we are illuminating Buddha’s face and body. In return, our mind and body get illuminated. 
2. Chant
“One chant of the Buddha’s name is more precious than ten thousand tael of gold!”
Sincerity is very important as we chant and pray to the Buddha and Bodhisattvas, seeking their help to dispel the negative karma that we have accumulated in the past and asking them to bless us with illumination and good fortune. 
3. Repent
Only a sincere heart of repentance can transform karma. Regardless of whether you have committed wrongs in the past, you need to understand that if you do not repent, you will not be able to break the effects of karma; without regret for the wrongs committed, you will not be able to transform your destiny. 
4. Perform good deeds
The amount of karmic rewards that we get for regularly performing good deeds like making offerings, giving and rejoicing in other’s good deeds, is unimaginable. When we make offerings to Buddha and serve all sentient beings sincerely without any expectations of getting anything in return, good fortune will follow. 
The compassionate energy of the great compassionate Buddha can help to dispel the hatred generated by the hurt that we have caused, dispelling our negative karma and blessing us with safety and good fortune. 
Please try my suggestions if you would like to improve your lives – make light offerings to Buddha, chant, repent and perform good deeds. For the sake of your parents, ancestors, yourself, your family, your loved ones, those who have hurt you and those who you have hurt, make a light offering to Buddha today. 
May all of them be blessed with help and guidance from Buddha, Bodhisattvas and the gods to achieve illumination, good fortune, health and happiness. 
#LightOfferings, #Chanting, #Repentance, #BrightIllumination, #GoodFortune,  #AtEasernrn⭐獲得健康富貴的方法⭐
1⃣ 佛前點燈
2⃣ 念佛
3⃣ 懺悔
4⃣ 行善
⭐️The path towards good health and prosperity⭐️
To gain good health and prosperity, we need to first dispel our negative and bad energy. Then we need to accumulate positive energy of kindness so that bright illumination and auspicious energy can bring good health and prosperity to us.
It is important for us to understand that all things have their associated effects. Some of these effects have been passed down to us from our ancestors. Some people might say that the sufferings that we go through now are part of our destinies and cannot be changed. Is that true or are there ways for us to transform the karma that we inherited from our ancestors? 
These are my suggestions of how we can dispel the negative karma built up over time: 
1. Make light offerings
As the saying goes “The offering of light to Buddha will bring prosperity and good fortune to the offeror.” Light symbolize illumination and wisdom. When we offer light to Buddha, we are illuminating Buddha’s face and body. In return, our mind and body get illuminated. 
2. Chant
“One chant of the Buddha’s name is more precious than ten thousand tael of gold!”
Sincerity is very important as we chant and pray to the Buddha and Bodhisattvas, seeking their help to dispel the negative karma that we have accumulated in the past and asking them to bless us with illumination and good fortune. 
3. Repent
Only a sincere heart of repentance can transform karma. Regardless of whether you have committed wrongs in the past, you need to understand that if you do not repent, you will not be able to break the effects of karma; without regret for the wrongs committed, you will not be able to transform your destiny. 
4. Perform good deeds
The amount of karmic rewards that we get for regularly performing good deeds like making offerings, giving and rejoicing in other’s good deeds, is unimaginable. When we make offerings to Buddha and serve all sentient beings sincerely without any expectations of getting anything in return, good fortune will follow. 
The compassionate energy of the great compassionate Buddha can help to dispel the hatred generated by the hurt that we have caused, dispelling our negative karma and blessing us with safety and good fortune. 
Please try my suggestions if you would like to improve your lives – make light offerings to Buddha, chant, repent and perform good deeds. For the sake of your parents, ancestors, yourself, your family, your loved ones, those who have hurt you and those who you have hurt, make a light offering to Buddha today. 
May all of them be blessed with help and guidance from Buddha, Bodhisattvas and the gods to achieve illumination, good fortune, health and happiness. 
#LightOfferings, #Chanting, #Repentance, #BrightIllumination, #GoodFortune,  #AtEase


快樂的根源是什麼? 放下不等於失去,放下…


#看破放下 #瀟灑 #拿得起放得下

What is the root of happiness?
Letting go doesn’t mean losing it. You receive more when you are willing to let go.
When you learn to let go, you will be able to receive more.

Let go of good food to acquire health;
Let go of luxury and gain wealth;
Let go of hostility and gain friendship;
Let go of deception and acquire integrity;
Let go your troubles and attain peace;
Let go of arrogance and gain wisdom;
Letting go is necessary in life.

Since we are courageous to live our life,
whatever is attained, we can let go.
Happiness will naturally follow.

#SeeingThroughAndLetGo, #AtEase, #AttainAndLetGoWithEase


放下即解脫 . . 每逢佳節倍思親,即將…

Let go and be liberated

Ching Ming (Qing Ming) Festival is just a few days away and it is at occasions like this that we miss our dear ones the most. A fellow practitioner left me a message asking for advice on how to handle the parting of loved ones. I would like discussion this here during this period when all of us are commemorating our ancestors and the sense of longing for our loved ones is at the deepest.

This is what the fellow practitioner asked:
“My grandma passed away a year ago and her passing left me deeply heartbroken. Till today, I have not been able to get over it and I can still sense her presence. I long deeply to return to the time when my grandma was still alive. I became withdrawn, frequently hiding in a corner to cry. I felt totally alone and unloved in this world.”

Yearning breaks the cycle of reincarnation…
All of us have loved and been loved in our lives. It is not easy to let go of the bonds that were formed, regardless of whether it is romantic, platonic or familial love. As difficult as it is though, we still have to let go one of these days.
Do you know the effects on your grandma when you keep thinking about and yearning for her? You will harm her! When you miss her and think about her daily, it is as if she is really right by your side. She will be disturbed and will not be able to leave to be reborn in peace.

Maybe she is supposed to be reborn into a good family, as a healthy and pretty child with good fortune. Your constant yearning for her will hold her back. She will keep procrastinating her departure, and the cycle of reincarnation will be broken. Eventually she will end up in a place that she was never supposed to be. When that happens, both you and your grandma will suffer. This is why you have to learn to let go. Instead of holding on, give her lots and lots of blessings from the bottom of your heart and let her go to where she is supposed to be.

Love is about letting go ~
Therefore, regardless of how close you are to that person, or how much you love her, you have to let go once she is gone. Not only do you have to let go, you have to live your life well. When you yearn constantly for her, you are disturbing her. Let her leave without any attachments, give your blessings to her and pray that she gets reborn into a good family. Pray that she will have a good life, with no sufferings. After that, do not think about her any more.

All of us know that we have to be respectful towards our parents and our ancestors, but not everyone knows the true meaning of the word “respect”. Crying and yearning for a loved one for ten years after she has passed on will prevent her from moving on. Your mental state breaks down, and your loved one is not able to get reborn in peace. So the best thing to do is to forget and let it all go! Offer lights to Buddha for your loved one and pray for Buddha to light up her path. Pray that she gets reborn into a family of good fortune.

If you would like your ancestors and loved ones to be at ease, you have to do what you need to do and learn what you need to learn. That is the only way for them to be happy.
#QingMingPayingRespectsToAncestors, #Gratitude, #Blessing, #LampOfferingsAndPrayers, #GoodFortuneAndHappiness, #HealthAndLongevity, #AphorismOfMasterJinBodhi, #LetGoToAttainLiberation, #AtEase
Let go and be liberated

Ching Ming (Qing Ming) Festival is just a few days away and it is at occasions like this that we miss our dear ones the most. A fellow practitioner left me a message asking for advice on how to handle the parting of loved ones. I would like discussion this here during this period when all of us are commemorating our ancestors and the sense of longing for our loved ones is at the deepest.

This is what the fellow practitioner asked:
“My grandma passed away a year ago and her passing left me deeply heartbroken. Till today, I have not been able to get over it and I can still sense her presence. I long deeply to return to the time when my grandma was still alive. I became withdrawn, frequently hiding in a corner to cry. I felt totally alone and unloved in this world.”

Yearning breaks the cycle of reincarnation…
All of us have loved and been loved in our lives. It is not easy to let go of the bonds that were formed, regardless of whether it is romantic, platonic or familial love. As difficult as it is though, we still have to let go one of these days.
Do you know the effects on your grandma when you keep thinking about and yearning for her? You will harm her! When you miss her and think about her daily, it is as if she is really right by your side. She will be disturbed and will not be able to leave to be reborn in peace.

Maybe she is supposed to be reborn into a good family, as a healthy and pretty child with good fortune. Your constant yearning for her will hold her back. She will keep procrastinating her departure, and the cycle of reincarnation will be broken. Eventually she will end up in a place that she was never supposed to be. When that happens, both you and your grandma will suffer. This is why you have to learn to let go. Instead of holding on, give her lots and lots of blessings from the bottom of your heart and let her go to where she is supposed to be.

Love is about letting go ~
Therefore, regardless of how close you are to that person, or how much you love her, you have to let go once she is gone. Not only do you have to let go, you have to live your life well. When you yearn constantly for her, you are disturbing her. Let her leave without any attachments, give your blessings to her and pray that she gets reborn into a good family. Pray that she will have a good life, with no sufferings. After that, do not think about her any more.

All of us know that we have to be respectful towards our parents and our ancestors, but not everyone knows the true meaning of the word “respect”. Crying and yearning for a loved one for ten years after she has passed on will prevent her from moving on. Your mental state breaks down, and your loved one is not able to get reborn in peace. So the best thing to do is to forget and let it all go! Offer lights to Buddha for your loved one and pray for Buddha to light up her path. Pray that she gets reborn into a family of good fortune.

If you would like your ancestors and loved ones to be at ease, you have to do what you need to do and learn what you need to learn. That is the only way for them to be happy.
#QingMingPayingRespectsToAncestors, #Gratitude, #Blessing, #LampOfferingsAndPrayers, #GoodFortuneAndHappiness, #HealthAndLongevity, #AphorismOfMasterJinBodhi, #LetGoToAttainLiberation, #AtEase
