說個網路笑話給大家… 五十步笑百步?…

#笑一笑沒煩惱 #幽默以對 #放鬆心情 #笑口常開最健康rnrnShare a joke from the web with all of you…
The pot calling the kettle black

Two men were seated on a bench in a park. One of them was quietly reading his newspapers, while the other was fishing – making the reeling in action in the air.

People started to gather around the pair, curious about what the second man was doing. A while later, a policeman approached the bench and asked the man with the papers: “Is he your family member?”

The man with the papers said: “Yes, yes…”
The policeman replied: “If he is not in a sound mind, can you bring him home immediately?”

The man with the papers apologized profusely: “Yes I will. I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” He quickly put down his papers and started to perform the boat-rowing action…

That’s the end of the story… do you get it?
Many of us live under a lot of stress these days and are constantly in an uptight state. It is very important that we learn to relax during appropriate times. A sense of humor will serve us very well during such times. When we are able to see the humorous side of life, we will be free of worries, with very few disruptions in our lives.

We can all try to meditate for a short while every day which will help our minds to settle down. Alternatively, we can practice the Full Prostration which will help to loosen our joints and maintain our peace of mind. I believe that these methods will help all of you overcome your troubles and attain true inner peace.

#AJokeADayKeepsTheDoctorAway, #RespondingWithHumor, #RelaxingMind, #LaughYourWayToHealth

#笑一笑沒煩惱 #幽默以對 #放鬆心情 #笑口常開最健康rnrnShare a joke from the web with all of you…
The pot calling the kettle black
Two men were seated on a bench in a park. One of them was quietly reading his newspapers, while the other was fishing – making the reeling in action in the air.  
People started to gather around the pair, curious about what the second man was doing. A while later, a policeman approached the bench and asked the man with the papers: “Is he your family member?” 
The man with the papers said: “Yes, yes…”
The policeman replied: “If he is not in a sound mind, can you bring him home immediately?”
The man with the papers apologized profusely: “Yes I will. I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” He quickly put down his papers and started to perform the boat-rowing action… 
That’s the end of the story… do you get it?
Many of us live under a lot of stress these days and are constantly in an uptight state. It is very important that we learn to relax during appropriate times. A sense of humor will serve us very well during such times. When we are able to see the humorous side of life, we will be free of worries, with very few disruptions in our lives.  
We can all try to meditate for a short while every day which will help our minds to settle down. Alternatively, we can practice the Full Prostration which will help to loosen our joints and maintain our peace of mind. I believe that these methods will help all of you overcome your troubles and attain true inner peace.
#AJokeADayKeepsTheDoctorAway, #RespondingWithHumor, #RelaxingMind, #LaughYourWayToHealth
