【慈善路】需要你的接棒! . 一份心,是…

讓我們燃起希望的火光 , 照亮整個世界!!
#慈善 #希望 #照亮世界
#菩提禅修青年营 #BodhiMeditationYouthCamp
【Charity Path】 Needs your contribution!

Every effort is a ray of light.
Let us ignite the light of hope, and illuminate the world!!

#Charity, #Hope, #IlluminateTheWorld, #BodhiMeditationYouthCamp
菩提禪修國際青年部,聯合馬來西亞菩提禪修慈善基金,將於今年夏天在馬來西亞吉隆坡舉辦《菩提禪修慈善服務隊》。本屆慈善服務隊的主題是 【選擇行善人生】。通過社區服務、參訪貧困家庭、體驗當地生活,服務隊隊員將有機會深度了解馬來西亞的社會問題,為貧困家庭和學生提供實質性資助。希望本次活動可以喚醒隊員的社會責任感,使隊員理解慈悲行善的重要意義,也更加懂得珍惜感恩自己擁有的生活。
?Announcement【2018 Bodhi Meditation Service Trip】Application is now OPEN!! ? ?
Bodhi Meditation International Youth Department, along with Bodhi Meditation Malaysia Bhd (BMMB), will run a service trip this summer in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The theme of the trip is “Choose A Life of Kindness” (or “Choose Kind” for a more catchy slogan). Through community service, visiting underprivileged families, and experiencing different local lifestyles, participants will gain a better understanding of social issues in Malaysia and have an opportunity to help those in need. It is hoped that the trip is able to instill a sense of social responsibility in all participants, and help participants to not only grasp the importance of compassion and volunteer services, but also feel grateful towards their current living condition.
