《六字大明咒》靈感記之三 簡單易學的方法…


Inspiration from Six-Syllable Mantra (Part 3)
A simple and easy way to learn the mantra; welcome all to experience it yourself.
Let me share with you a real story for reference!

Who is not confuse during your youth?

I have learn Bodhi Meditation for about three years. During these three years, I have personally experienced various changes in my body; my health has improved greatly and my personality has changed for the better. I am more mild temper now. This is a great contrast to my past where I often find my husband an eyesore. My husband has also noticed that my personality had changed and he no longer goes out to drink everyday, but returns home for meals daily. Our relationship as husband and wife had deepened and has gradually returned to the sweetness we shared in the past.

In the past eight years, the only thing that made me very worried and distressed is my daughter who is in her adolescence. Her favorite activity is to argue with me and spot the loopholes in my speech, giving her a great sense of satisfaction. Three months ago, I started chanting the Six-Syllable Mantra at home everyday, visualizing the compassionate blessings and merits from chanting being transmitted to her.

Now, three months later, I have witnessed gradual changes in my daughter little by little. When conversing with me, her tone is no longer as sharp and she is willing to listen to me, understand and empathize with my feelings. Her mind has become calmer as well. In the past, when she comes home from school, she would confront me and complain about being dissatisfied with how I damaged her clothes when washing them, how I intruded in her private space, all because I accidentally touched her things while cleaning her room and so on….

Now, after my daughter comes home from school, she no longer flares her temper at me. Instead, stays in her room and quietly does her homework and read her books. There was once where I accidentally heard her chanting the Six-Syllable Mantra at home. Although my heart was filled with happiness, I did not make any comments and pretended that I did not notice anything. I persisted in chanting the mantra for her everyday.

At the end of her final exam, her class ranking has risen by more than 10 times since the last semester, making me really surprised and touched by her effort. While results might not be the most important thing, what’s more significant is my daughter’s physical and mental changes. She has become a lot more active, happier and sensible.

I am deeply grateful to Guanyin Bodhisattva for her great compassion, and all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas for helping me and my daughter. Through the compassionate blessing gained from chanting the Six-Syllable Mantra sincerely, my daughter’s rebelliousness had mellowed greatly and she has became more sensible and understanding.
I welcome all to try chanting the inspirational Six-Syllable Mantra!

#SixSyllableMantra, #EducatingDaughter, #Illumination, #Peaceful, #Wisdom, #Auspicious


一腳踢倒虛妄 . 曾經,有一位百丈禪師,…

One kick removes false forms
Once, there was a meditator named Baizhang. He wanted to find a peaceful place for people to meditate and self-cultivate. After much effort, he finally found MountWei. With its beautiful scenery, Mount Wei was an ideal place for self-cultivation. However, Baizhang had another problem in hand- he needed a virtuous person to be the head of the monastery.
Meditator Baizhang had two outstanding disciples 「Hualin」 and 「Lingyou」! However, he felt that people would not be fully convinced if he decided on the abbot of the monastery himself without subjecting his two disciples to a fair test. Hence he told them: “I will come up with a question. Whoever is able to provide me with a satisfactory answer shall be the abbot of the new monastery.”
Meditator Baizhang pointed at the vase in front of him and asked: “What is this?”
Hualin replied: “The vase is neither porcelain nor clay.”
Meditator Baizhang shook his head. Apparently he was not satisfied with the answer.
Without a word, Lingyou walked towards the vase and gave it a kick. The vase shattered into pieces.
Everyone was caught by surprise and gasped in shock. However, Meditator Baizhang smilingly said to Lingyou: “You are the abbot of the new monastery.”
At this point in time, I would like to pause and ask: “Why did Hualin lose to Lingyou?” This was because the reply of Hualin that “vase is neither porcelain nor clay is still restricted to words, forms and appearances while Lingyou’s bold kick showed he was not attached to anything. Only by destroying the physical form of the vase can we start to mould something new.
By chance, the 「vase」 takes on its physical form as a vase. When meditator Lingyou kicks and breaks the physical form of the vase with boldness, it marks the commencement of something new.
「Everything in existence is like a dream, an illusion, like a tiny drop of dew or a flash of lightning.
This is how we should contemplate our conditioned existence. —The Diamond Sutra」

?Like is a form of encouragement, share is the best form of support. ?
The more you share, the more blessings you receive!!
#TheDiamondSutra, #MeditatorBaizhang, #KickRemoveFalseForms, #DestructionOfFormsToRidAttachment, #Bold, #Dharma, #SpiritualGrowth, #Tranquility


《金剛經》 . 「一切有為法,如夢幻泡影…

《Diamond Sutra》

Everything in existence is
Like a dream, an illusion;
Like a tiny drop of dew,
Or a flash of lightning.
This is how we should contemplate our conditioned existence.
#DiamondSutra, #Dharma, #SpiritualGrowth, #Tranquility
《Diamond Sutra》

Everything in existence is
Like a dream, an illusion;
Like a tiny drop of dew,
Or a flash of lightning.
This is how we should contemplate our conditioned existence.
#DiamondSutra, #Dharma, #SpiritualGrowth, #Tranquility
